Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1520: Leave

Surrounded by the constant enthusiasm, Yi Tianyun killed one by one. However, he did not fight alone. There were a lot of strong people beside him, and they came to support.

Although it is an illusion, everything is so real. Some gave him the drug, or asked him if he was injured. If you already know that it is an illusion, you really think of it as a real world, and you are substituting yourself into a resistance.

He is playing one of them now.

He did not know how long it took to kill, and began to know a lot of Tianzun, but also gathered together to discuss how to resist the plan. They don't have any plans to fight back, they are all defended from where they are, and where they are filled.

Everyone is a look of death, they are here, ready to die.

The difference between the two is a nightmare, a crushed battle. But they can only die, can choose to die with the same, they choose to die with the same, can cut two knives, will definitely not only cut a knife.

They are now fighting in this mood. If they do not resist, their final outcome is to let the slaughter, and more importantly, the family behind them, will be destroyed by these forces.

They have no choice but to take up arms and resist. As long as you have a little bit of strength, you will be involved in the battle.

In the meantime, Yi Tianyun felt that he had been waiting for a long time. They also fought for many years, and there were countless deaths and injuries. He also does not know how many Tianzun and the gods are killed. Among them, many people are saved, as if they are really integrated into them, regardless of whether they are true or false.

"It’s really a terrible death and injury..."

Yi Tianyun shook his head. He witnessed the destruction of many forces. They retired and continued to be compressed by the other side. He feels that after this battle, many of the forces in the Divine Realm will basically fall back to the level of the Divine Divine, which is really miserable.

The other party's power is too strong, powerful to metamorphosis to describe. The most obvious thing is that when the enemy is hosted, there are too many strong people on the other side. If there are ten Tianzuns on their side, there are about thirty or forty on their side, which is simply crushing!

Both the gods and the gods are stronger than this. Even if it is a god, it can crush a lot of this. Under the pressure here, they can only retreat, and the death and injury are heavy.

But they can only resist, and they still fight, never stop! This spirit has made Yi Tianyun completely infected.

Perhaps they are not for the so-called justice, but to protect their homes, or relatives, they will choose to do so.

But this is the point that makes Yi Tianyun very moved, perhaps he himself will be so frustrated to resist.

"It's not good, it's not good! A large number of strong enemies have come over. It seems that this time it is a general attack. They sent a lot of gods and strong people over there, and Tianzun is even more! They even used a large number of behemoths... ”

A Tianzun rushed in from the outside, the voice did not fall, and a burst of energy came from outside, and a group of people changed their faces.

When they rushed out quickly, they found that there were a number of batches of star-studded beasts outside, and they did not know how to tear the space and attacked here. A big mouth, a lot of strong people to squirt out, like a heavenly soldier, through a layer of eyeliner, there is a large array, just to kill it!

At the same time, the Stars and Beasts also sucked in some of the strong, and immediately let their base camp fall into a melee.

Yi Tianyun followed them out and saw that the gods were coming down from the sky. This time it was really a general attack.

"This time they are really being rushed and want to kill us in one breath!"

"Tianyun Tianzun, this time is dead, or do we slip into the outer domain? When we flee into the domain, they must not find us."

"Yeah, are we still escaping? This time I am afraid that I am really lost. There are too many strong people, and I can’t fight at all!"

"Escape to the domain, they must not bother to invade the domain. Wherever there is nothing in the domain, they will certainly not attack."

One by one, Tian Zun, who has a good relationship with Yi Tianyun, has the meaning of running away from the heart. Some don’t need to say more, and they turn away and escape. In the end, they still have a lot of choices to escape, not death.

Some people choose to escape, and some people choose to resist. Will stay here, still belongs to the majority. They are not afraid of death, but many things are left here, only to choose a battle.

"Run away?"

Yi Tianyun knows that it is finally time to go. Is it necessary to choose to escape? Still staying for a fight?

If you choose to escape, you will survive. He is a state of the soul. If he is killed, he may become an idiot, but he will be hit hard.

He can feel it during this time. When the soul is attacked, the pain of tearing is really uncomfortable. Fortunately, I have been honing my soul for a long time.

Nowadays, his soul state, under this tempering, has broken through to the previous level of the upper heaven, which is an unexpected event.

When I first came in, I saw so little experience and I didn’t have any interest. Who knows that it is possible to temper the soul, but there is an unexpected improvement.

It can be seen from here that the soul is attacked, that is, it will become an idiot, and light is a heavy blow. Yi Tianyun is sure that he will not become an idiot, but if he is hit hard, it will be quite troublesome to recover.

If you run away, see so many days of death and resistance, but he chooses to escape? Although it is an illusion, it has actually happened, but he can't bear it!

"Tianyun Tianzun, what are you waiting for, hurry to escape!" Tian Zun next to him urged Yi Tianyun, indicating that he had to escape quickly.

Before Yi Tianyun saved them, he would naturally pull him to escape.

"No, I don't run away, I will continue to stay." Yi Tianyun looked at the front with a burning gaze, Shen Sheng said: "I am not a coward, but for my own home! If it is back, then Really no way out!"

Even if it is an illusion, he still chooses a battle! Run away, his soul is fine, but you will be unwilling.

After staying here for so long, he has been completely replaced and become a resistance. I have not chosen to escape before. Why do you choose to escape at a critical moment?

"On that day, Yun Tianzun, let's go first, you can do it yourself..."

A famous Tianzun chose to escape, and there was no madness with Yi Tianyun. Yi Tianyun clasped the five dragons and guns. Facing the previous batch of strong men, his eyes were full of war: "Do you want to be self-sufficient... Then let me enjoy this moment and enjoy the shocking world!"

Immediately, Yi Tianyun stepped on the ground and went to the front to meet the strong people.

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