Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1521: Desperate

Yi Tianyun quickly joined the team to kill, a crazy fight, instead of stopping. In the face of the rushing Tianzun, he did not hesitate to kill and make a mammoth.

As for the level of the gods, he does not need him for the time being. Even so, a lot of Tianzun, so that he pressure doubled. However, with his crazy injury mode, he is still fully crushed!

Sweeping all the way, almost like the same god. The four gods around him were scared to be murdered. They have never seen such a ferocious Tianzun, killing Tianzun into a dog.

"How much do you have in this group of garbage, how much will I kill!"

Yi Tianyun held the five dragon guns and swept them all the way, killing them all. After seeing Tian Zun on the side, they were all inspired by the spirit of Yi Tianyun.

They also followed the battle with a high level of war. The opponent is scared and stupid. It is also Tianzun. How is the gap so big?

"Bold mad, restless!"

A lower god, roared down to the side with a roar, holding the upper heavenly spirit treasure in his hand, slashing down to Yi Tianyun, the power of the gods sprang out.

The power of the vast **** is like the coming of the true God. In particular, the power of this ancient **** is far stronger than the power of Yi Tianyun in the world, which makes people feel guilty and desperate.

Yi Tianyun felt pressure. He clearly felt through the eyes of the investigation, and he was better than a vast god. The level of the vast gods is really not bad, it is considered to be among the many lower gods.

You can crush a vast **** by simply picking up a lower **** here! Whether it is the concentration of blood, or resources, it must be far beyond the era in which Yi Tianyun is located.

Therefore, even if Yi Tianyun has a crazy injury mode, it is far from the strength of the other side.

"Five dragons scream!"

Yi Tianyun roared, not afraid of the gods rushing over, there is no **** around, only a group of Tianzun. Nowadays, he can only force hard to fight, waiting for support, basically impossible.

The death of the war is already an inevitable outcome. Because everything is too sudden, there are still a lot of gods here, just when they sent out, they were sneaked in.

There are many big battles here, so they all believe that there will be no big problems. The result is obvious, the problem is very big, and it is still ruined.

Yi Tianyun believes that there is only one possibility, that is, traitors! It must be a traitor, which will lead to this situation.

No matter what era, there will be traitors, and there will be greedy and fearful people. To succumb to hostile forces, not only want to live, but also take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune and want to seek personal gain for themselves.

"With this strength, I dare to show off in front of me!"

The **** of the gods was so sharp that eight giant arms emerged behind him, like a glaring Donkey. Grasping a dragon in one hand, and pinching it, it will be pinched and turned into a pile of energy spots.

Such a hegemonic trick is not useful, and it is easily broken by the other party.

Yi Tianyun's face was heavy, and sure enough, he couldn't handle it. The strength was still too far apart. It is impossible for him to be a lower-level predecessor and deal with a god.

There are too many levels to cross, especially the ancient gods level, which is completely abused!

"Tianyun Tianzun, hurry to escape, here we are here to support!"

"Yes, hurry! You are the strongest, and you are not afraid of burning firewood!"

"Let's help you!!"

A group of Tianzun killed from the side, helping Yi Tianyun block this god. Can even Yi Tianyun can't deal with it, can they still deal with it?

They naturally know that they can't deal with it, but they think that if Yi Tianyun is alive, then there is greater hope!

"Want to go, do you think you can go?" The gods laughed, and the power of the gods turned into a emptiness, waved a slap, and they all flew, and together with Yi Tianyun, they were shot. .

A group of people vomited blood, and Yi Tianyun was shocked and traumatized, feeling that his soul was almost torn. His situation is still good. As for other Tianzun, he is shot by a palm!

Under one palm, several gods are dead, and the power of the gods is visible.

At the same time, there are already many Tianzun encircling the periphery to carry out all-round encirclement. Those who escaped beforehand were stopped and killed.

Since coming to sneak attack, it is definitely a good strategy, otherwise you dare to come over.


Yi Tianyun's eyes condensed, holding the five dragons and guns, and the figure flashed, disappearing in place. He didn't go to the gods, but turned his head to fight with other Tianzun, and he could kill one!

At his astonishing speed, he can escape the attack of the gods, and continue to kill the gods. With the gradual disappearance of the companions around, the ushered in is finally the end of being destroyed.

Surrounded by several gods, he glared at him: "This kid killed us so many gods, and destroyed him!"

A few gods were blocked, and the extremely complicated blockade was suppressed and the Yi Tianyun could not move. Don't even talk about moving, even moving can't do it, like being fixed in the air.

"It seems that this is the end?"

Yi Tianyun has no despair in his heart, only calm, but knows that the ending will become like this. The forces are far apart, and the ending must be like this.

It’s just that he didn’t choose to run away, but chose to continue fighting. Unfortunately, his strength is still too bad. If he is stronger, he may win.

Even if it wins, it can't change history. If it is destroyed, it will still be destroyed. He is only in the illusion, not in the past.

"Wait a minute, boy, I will give you the last chance. I am a genius. Just join us, we will not hold you anything, and give you generous treatment!" One of the gods, indicating that the companion does not rush.

"Join you, I only want one condition." Yi Tianyun looked at them and smiled.

"What conditions?" They shined.

"That is if you commit suicide, I will join you." Yi Tianyun laughed.

"The bastard, dare to play us, destroy him!"


In all directions, there was an attack and a bombardment, and he was directly smashed into slag, and the dead could not die any more. Yi Tianyun only felt a blank in his head, and consciousness disappeared completely.

When he returned to God, he found himself sitting in front of the light core, and there was no problem at all.

"Hey? I have nothing?"

Yi Tianyun found that his soul had no trauma at all, but he also improved a lot. Was killed in the illusion, where will it be traumatized?

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