Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1530: Ankles, heart is not awkward!

Yi Tianyun's explanation makes everyone's atmosphere even higher, a wave higher than a wave. This is definitely an unexpected surprise. How can it be unhappy?

This was originally thought that there was only one prize, and suddenly there were hundreds of prizes coming out. The feeling can be imagined. As opportunities become more, it means you have a bigger chance.

Therefore, they become more motivated, at least not completely completed the trial, can become a disciple of Yi Tianyun. Some feel that they are unlikely to succeed, but if they perform well, they will no doubt be seen by other elders.

"Besides, there are other surprises waiting for you to discover."

Yi Tianyun looked at them and smiled. At the same time, the audience was quiet, but the expression of excitement was difficult to calm down.

"So now I am starting trials, my trials are very simple!"

Yi Tianyun reached out and waved, and a huge ladder appeared in the void. He pressed down to the bottom. The sound of "咚" filled the empty space that was left before.

This ladder is very spacious, and it is about to occupy more than half of the land. It can accommodate hundreds of millions of people at a time, and even more than one billion people will go up. The more the back, the smaller the ladder. But no matter how small, it can accommodate many people walking at the same time.

Although you can go up once and for all, you can go up in a few batches. After all, the previous batch of stairs was immediately vacant and continued to let other practitioners go up.

"So high ladder?"

They saw the towering ladder and looked at it directly. Such a huge ladder, they saw it for the first time. This is just that Yi Tianyun has a handful of waves and he has been recruited.

In fact, this is a very common thing, but it will be especially amazing after being enlarged by Yi Tianyun. In the final analysis, this is just a top-grade treasure of the top grade, which means it looks bigger and the grade is not high.

But for them, it is extremely amazing. After all, even if it is a top-grade treasure, there is no way to get it.

What kind of **** can there be in the whole three realms? Except for some of the gods who have joined in, the ones that can reach this level are basically none of them.

Moreover, it is used for these ordinary practitioners, and it can naturally have a shocking effect, and does not require too advanced treasures.

Looking at it, the highest repair is the landlord, and the minimum repair is for the forging period.

"The purpose of the trial is very simple. You only need to climb to the highest level and you can become my disciple. No matter how many people there are, you can become my disciple. On the contrary, if no one can reach the standard, then I can only say A disciple, I will not recruit." Yi Tianyun said: "I will not lower the standard, the standard is here, will never change."

He has to fix a standard, not because so many people, no one can climb the peak, they will choose to drop some levels. He will not do it, or he will achieve the standard, or he will not.

A group of people looked up and couldn't see the peak at the top. The overall number of steps was large and the number was unclear.

"The total number of steps is 108,000 steps. When you climb to the highest peak, you can become my disciple. You can't have any fights on the way, and you can't interfere with other people. You will find that you are directly expelled from the Three Realms!" Yi Tianyun waved, Seriously: "Trial, now officially started!"

The rules are so simple, the trials are also very simple, and the hard part is to climb the stairs.

Yi Tianyun has experienced so many times that he feels that he can test a person's situation, that is, simply and rudely climbing stairs. Of course, there are a lot of things in the stairs, not simply climbing stairs.

The test is perseverance, and there is a heart. The content of the test is so simple, not relying on any talent, not looking at what is done, depends on your ability.

According to different repairs, there will be different difficulties, so there is no fear that unfairness will occur. What he asked for was never a gift, not before, not now.

Under a command, they all seemed to be crazy, and quickly climbed up the stairs. They all wanted to prove themselves, but they wanted to see how high they could climb. One by one staring at the highest peak area, I feel that it is my end.

After the start, Yi Tianyun stayed on the side and watched who had great potential. The rest of the elders are also staring at them, but this is just the beginning, and some just look at it casually, but they don't see it, but chat with the people next to them.

After all, just beginning, what can be seen, it must be to the back, only to look at it. I can't see anything at all. It's a bit more interesting to compare the later situation.

"This selection of disciples contest is really full of excitement. Every time the movements made can promote the great progress of the Three Realms, we are desperately trying to fight, not enough for you to push." ​​Shi Xueyun shook his head.

After knowing Yi Tianyun's detailed plan, she discovered that this is a perfect plan. After the end, she can screen out a lot of excellent disciples.

After a focus on training, you will be able to get a large number of mainstays. How can you prevent the Three Realms from prospering? Although there are screening disciples in peacetime, it is still much different than Yi Tianyun.

Especially when he personally checks, the meaning is different. Yi Tianyun's cultivation is the highest, and his method is definitely better.

"Exaggeration, without you laying the foundation, how can I push it, there is no point in it." Yi Tianyun shook his head, he would not take any credit to the body.

There is no good foundation, everything is talk.

As time went by, they all climbed up quickly, but when they climbed to a few hundred steps, they slowed down one by one, and they didn't want to be fast. Some are caught in a illusion and cannot be extricated. Some failed, flew directly from the stairs and passed over.

Whether it is talented or talented, the results are similar.

The sky was firm and he climbed step by step. His performance was not good, but he was very stable and walked step by step. He was not bombed.

Over time, he easily surpassed those who laughed at himself and climbed to a higher level.

Before ridiculing his practitioners, one by one was shocked, and a lame, can climb higher than himself?

"Tianyun, the legs and feet are hurt, and it is really stable enough." Shi Xueyun also noticed the sky, and the sky was in the middle, but his stability was really attracting the attention of many people.

"It's normal, because his ankles, his heart is not awkward. The heart is not enough, enough to go to the world." Yi Tianyun smiled.

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