Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1531: Believers

Mentality and perseverance are important. If the mentality has been negative, if you want to have a breakthrough, it is basically impossible. Therefore, he has always emphasized this point. Without a good attitude, if he does not work hard, even if he has the potential, he will not be able to play it out.

A little bit hit, and immediately fell down, how can you play?

As time went by, many practitioners began to climb to the top, but there is still a big gap. After all, the number of steps is full of 18,000 layers, and now it is the highest, but only 10,000.

Climbing to the highest practitioner, talent is still very good, he saw that he climbed to the highest, there is still a bit of hilarious in his heart. If you can climb to the top, it will definitely attract a little attention, so you can definitely add points to yourself.

Who knows that no one pays attention to him at all, but instead pays attention to other practitioners. Not that he is not eye-catching enough, on the contrary, it is quite eye-catching, but feel free to pay attention to it, just look at the situation behind.

Although it is the best, it does not make sense. This is just beginning. What does it mean to stare at him? Look at it and see if there are other potential practitioners behind.

In the process of climbing, many practitioners immediately sensed a steady stream of energy, coming from under the feet to promote their cultivation.

This time they immediately reacted, what is the little surprise that Yi Tianyun said before. That is the process of trials, and it can also enhance the repair! Not only can you enhance your cultivation, but you can also exercise their souls and body!

It means that all-round improvement makes them feel incredible. Looking at so many practitioners, one-time improvement of the ability of billions of practitioners, how big is this?

In fact, it takes a lot of energy to provide so many practitioners to absorb. This depends on the gathering of the surrounding spirits, and the core of all aspects.

This effect can be achieved with a certain connection. This is still Yi Tianyun to help the gods to help, through their ability to reverse the sky, can complete this large array.

When they learned about this situation, they were really shocked by Yi Tianyun. How many hundred million or even billions of repairs were made in one breath? This is a horror to think of.

Of course, it is not always enhanced, there will definitely be a limit. At the same time, the higher the distance, the better the effect will be. The initial effect is average, meaning that climbing one step will increase one point.

After they sensed, they were very touched. They are not fools, they all know what it means. In the usual practice places, you need a variety of Lingshi, or a group of spirits, to enable them to enhance their cultivation.

Nowadays, there are so many practitioners who can all improve, and the difficulty is undoubtedly huge.

“Hey, congratulations to ‘Yi Tianyun’, successfully gathered the belief of 100 million people, and gained 10,000 points of compression madness, 10,000 points of compression proficiency!”

“Hey, congratulations to ‘Yi Tianyun’, successfully gathered the beliefs of 500 million people, got 50,000 points of compression madness, 50,000 points of compression proficiency...”

“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Yi Tianyun’, successfully gathered...”

“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Yi Tianyun’, successfully gathered the faith of 5 billion people, gained 500,000 points of compression madness, 500,000 points of compression proficiency, and at the same time won the title ‘God of Faith’!”

The **** of faith: the super-strong title that can be obtained by the worship of 5 billion people, the effect is to be able to unite the power of faith, blessing the body, and when gathered to a certain number, it can be used to break out five times to one hundred times. The power! (Note: The inside of the Three Realms can only be used, and the outside is invalid)

After Yi Tianyun saw it, he almost jumped from the chair. Five to one hundred times the damage bonus, is this so fierce?

When you look closely, he has a more faith value. As these practitioners continue to climb and raise themselves, they will raise their faith values. When a certain belief value erupts, it can explode a stronger power, very similar to the crazy damage mode.

Not only consumes, but also time limits. The two are similar, that is, the more points of belief, the more powerful the effect. The overall situation is a hundred points of belief, it can burst a hundred times the power, and can only last for one minute. Five times, you only need to consume five points, and so on.

As for how to get it, it is to maintain the faith in him, and to pray for him from time to time, it can increase. To put it bluntly, he really became the **** in their minds!

More respectful and admired, every time you practice, you will recite the Heavenly Clouds Emperor wishing me a breakthrough, which is equivalent to the usual worship of the Buddha, you can get the value of the faith.

If you count the points, it is still very difficult to obtain. What you need is time accumulation. At least now, so many people believe in him, only a little increase, and very slow. For a while, it is quite slow to increase dozens of points.

However, there is always better than nothing. As long as it continues to increase, it will not be a problem to accumulate a few thousand points. When a hundred times of damage occurs, it can last for a long time.

"If you break out in this state, the two will be superimposed. Isn't that going to be against the sky?" Yi Tianyun's eyes lit up, and the two were superimposed, and they reached two hundred and twenty times the damage!

Although it can only be used in the Three Realms, it is enough for him. Stay here, who dares to come in? Who is going to kill who is going to be there!

I did not expect to choose a disciple, and the joy of this accident. Originally, I wanted to select my disciples and at the same time enhance my overall strength. Who knows that it can still get a special title, it is quite unexpected.

Of course, these are not the focus, just add.

This kind of qualitative change is indeed what Yi Tianyun did not expect. Originally they were extremely admired, but they still could not reach the point of faith. After all, many of them have never seen a real person, at most, worship, and the heart is full of respect.

Nowadays, these handwritings immediately make them crazy, directly become believers, and the degree is further enhanced.

"What's wrong?" Shi Xueyun saw Yi Tianyun's eyebrows open and smiled. He didn't know what was going on.

"Nothing, I think this time I chose a disciple, it is still very good." Yi Tianyun smiled, he did not know what the standard of the title is, and many of them suddenly popped up.

It seems that it is really good to make these things. As long as you continue to develop power, there will be rewards.

"Of course it is good, your prestige is higher in the future." Shi Xueyun did not know, and thought that Yi Tianyun was happy to have so many people to support himself.

Followed by Yi Tianyun's gaze, continue on this ladder, a group of people continue to climb up. What he pays special attention to is the usual performance, or the bottom.

It’s not that it’s really the bottom, but it’s silently behind, but it’s the bottom. Some are lazy to do the bottom, it really does not need to pay attention.

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