Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1532: dispute

As time went by, one by one rushed to the top, they did not know how long the time, so if they didn't end, they quickly rushed up.

Especially if it is not a failure, how many times it fails, there is no problem. I don’t know how long the time is, is it a week or a month?

Whether they can succeed or not, they are mainly eager to climb to a higher level, how high they can climb. After all, if you climb higher, you will get more benefits.

To put it bluntly, even if no elders choose themselves, they will always climb up and practice as self-cultivation. This kind of opportunity is extremely rare. How can this opportunity be wasted?

Therefore, they are constantly trying to climb up without slamming. This positive phenomenon is all good. This makes Yi Tianyun very satisfied, even if there is no chance, this kind of mentality is good.

As for the end time, he really didn't think about it. Anyway, when he felt that he could finish, he would choose to end.

Soon they quickly climbed to the 50,000-60,000 steps and have reached half the distance. This time is more critical. If you fail from here, you will have to come back.

Yi Tianyun's setting is so simple and rude, as long as it fails, it will be bombed and started from the starting point. Of course, it will not fly into a serious injury, it will fall slowly, and then you have to come back again.

Come back again, the difficulty is still the same. However, with previous experience, the difficulty will be reduced, which is a waste of time.

There are several of them that have never failed. It happens that their usual situation is a type of bottom, which is a type that is despised.

For example, the sky is in it, he may not be in front of the line, but it is definitely a relatively strong type, at least into the top 100! The rest of the bottom, as well, can be reached at a higher level.

There are also super genius levels, they can also be in front. The most terrible thing is not genius, but talented and hardworking genius!

There is this type in it, trying to climb up, and perseverance is not lost to anyone.

After seeing the parents of the sky, they were all shocked. At first, the son who had been been shackled by Xiaoyan, so he slammed his feet and climbed to a higher level.

No one has been optimistic about their children before, but now their children can lead all the way! Although it is not the top ten, it can reach the top 100, enough to shock people nearby.

So many practitioners can reach the top 100, which can't be shocked?

"Who, who said that our son is useless, who dares to say that our son's legs and feet are unfavourable, it is useless..." The mother of the sky burst into tears, and the father next to him became red.

All along, my son’s flaws in this area have been said, can they not feel sad? If you want to treat these injuries, you have to fix them higher, or you can buy them. These are hard to get.

Although the Three Realms will be fair, but it does not mean that there are defects, it will be responsible for treatment. As long as it is not dying, this situation needs to be treated by itself.

After all, so many practitioners, if they are all treated, the Three Realms are not enough to lose. Therefore, it is still the old way. If you can't walk with your legs, you can also get the bones.

As long as you make a contribution, such as doing something at home, you can still get a contribution. As for advance advances and the like, this is also true, but it takes twice the cost, or even three times the price.

Basically it is equal to the type of selling, so that they can motivate them to work harder. It seems that it is not human enough, but it is too ordinary, and it can be prepaid at will, but it is really easy to go wrong.

The Three Realms are not the domain of the local tyrants. They can't do anything at will, so maintaining balance is the key.

This performance of the sky is really shocking those who have looked down on him before, and now I don’t know what to say. Can climb to such a high level, even if it fails later, it is enough to be proud.

Moreover, it may be seen by other elders, not necessarily.

In fact, it was really seen by God and the elders, all staring at him. After all, limping up, can you not attract attention? If others don't cripple, but they don't climb high, this is the most irritating.

"He is not high, and his ability is not bad. The screening of Tianyun Emperor will definitely not be wrong... If there is no problem, I will choose him."

"Fart, I have seen it before! He should give it to me to teach, definitely for me!"

"No, it should be me! From the moment he stepped on the steps, he has already seen him!"

"That's about it. The rice can be eaten indiscriminately. If you can't talk nonsense, you dare to say that you just stepped onto the steps, do you really look at him?"

It’s really ridiculous that the elders have quarreled for this. Not only for the sky, but the rest of the contestants are included in the scope of the snatch.

They don't know what Yi Tianyun is testing, but they believe that Yi Tianyun's choice is definitely right! So they pick out the good ones, and they are right.

Yi Tianyun was watching on the side, and a group of people struggled to climb up, it was really spectacular. Although there is no fight, the situation is extremely fierce, one by one. Especially the group of people in the front row, is even more rushing than one, scrambling to grab the first place!

The first place is always the most dazzling, but it can make trillions of eyes look good, even if it fails later, at least people remember their faces.

Honor is the meaning of their existence.

Therefore, it is still in a state of white heat, and it is quite amazing to go forward one by one.

As time passed quickly, many people rushed to the 70,000-80, and the number of people who continued to go up was pitiful. With thousands of cultivators, only one thousand people can really reach this region. As for the level of 80,000, it is less than 100 people!

It’s amazingly different. Yi Tianyun does not need any fight, just relying on this point, it is enough to choose what you need.

Maybe some places are not comprehensive enough, but his goal is to target this, and the rest can be cultivated slowly.

"The comprehensive level is good. It seems that I can still recruit a few disciples." Yi Tianyun looked at the practitioners in the front row. Although the distance is still far away, he has already seen part of it.

This ladder is made by him, and naturally knows what the difficulty is. Now that it seems to be very stable, the problem is not big.

If they climbed tired one by one, they would sit down and rest in the same place. These are all allowed. If you don't have a break, you can't climb it.

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