Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1543: Surrounded

"According to this, I was afraid that it would be a lot of people..."

Yi Tianyun frowned, and he got the title, but it was the first king of the ages. That is, it is only the time within the age of the ancients, which means that there will be ten refining monarchs outside of the ages.

According to this cultivation method, it is presumed that there will still be ten refineries before, and the number will certainly not be less. Not like this era, even two planets can't be condensed.

So he felt very weird. Why didn't you have this problem for a long time, but now it is this problem. Is something changed? Even if resources are scarce, it does not mean that there are no resources. How to say, it is possible to cultivate a few ten refineries to come out.

Today, there is nothing but him! This is really bad enough.

“Is there something changed?” Yi Tianyun frowned, feeling that he had broken through the restrictions before he could break through to the ten refining monarchs.

Recalling the kind of difficulties at the beginning, it was simply terrible, as if it was blocked by layers, it was difficult for them to break through.

Yi Tianyun looked up at the sky, perhaps it was really not a problem with the cultivation method, but what specific things changed. But who can have such a strong force to change the situation of an era? Mainly what is its meaning.

Yi Tianyun holds this confusion and continues to explore other Tianshen monuments. In the rest of the Tianshen monuments, similar martial arts can also be found, which are engraved on the stone tablets. There are only half of them left, and the content can only see a small part.

This does not hinder Yi Tianyun's exploration. Through the analysis of the exploration eye, it can still see some clues. It is still the situation I have seen before, all of which require multiple planets to cultivate.

Obviously, it will generally be able to condense a number of planets. For some reason, it is impossible to easily condense the planets.

"These are really mysterious..." Yi Tianyun shook his head. There is no corresponding record here. It can only be said that there will be an insider in the battle of the gods.

As he continued to look down, an energy quickly surrounded the entire area, sealing up the surrounding space.

Yi Tianyun quickly stepped outside and found that there were three gods outside, and one of them was very familiar. It was the star god!

I did not expect this star to be repaired, but also came here. Since I have come over, there is no doubt that I want to put him to death.

"Kid, this time you are still not dead!" Xiu Xing Tian Shen face, I did not expect him to avenge the present, but also called the other two gods to surround, really is willing to let go of his face.

"Stars, God, for me, also called the two gods to come over, really can really see me." Yi Tianyun expression is light, no fear of it.

Looking closely at the other two gods, he found that these two gods are not the domain of the gods, but other gods!

"Indeed, it's really worth seeing you..." Xiu Xing Tian Shen sneered: "Just did not expect that the vast gods go so fast, we are still a slow step!"

Yi Tianyun’s eyes are condensed. It seems that the three of them are not coming to kill themselves, but they want to deal with the vast gods.

"Shen Tian Shen domain is really rotten. I didn't expect to kill even my own people, but also colluded with other powerful gods. It was really a dog." Yi Tianyun shook his head and thanked his master for leaving, otherwise he was intercepted here. It’s really hard to escape.

"You actually yell at me as a running dog!" Xiu Tian Tian Shen was angry and talked to Yi Tianyun, and he was really mad at vomiting blood.

"The guy who eats outside, is not a dog, a traitor, is there any difference?" Yi Tianyun sneered.

Xiu Xing Tian Shen calmed down the anger and stared at him with the look of the dead: "Well, what to say with a junior, what do you say, this mouth will soon disappear completely. Soon, your The master will come with you."

Obviously, they are determined to destroy the vast gods. As for what means, it is not clear. Especially who is behind the mastermind, Yi Tianyun is also unclear.

"What do you want to do, what did my master do, let you want to do this!" Yi Tianyun asked.

"You don't need to know this point. After you go underground and hell, you will slowly know the truth." Xiu Xing Tian Shen and his companions gestured to the eyes, representing the beginning.

The three gods immediately acted, directly reaching out to the void, blocking the space of Yi Tianyun, and began to compress quickly. If this continues, Yi Tianyun will definitely be squashed.

The other two gods did not say a word, they felt like dumb, and they could only say that they had no interest in Yi Tianyun. A goddess, for them, is an ant, too lazy to say a little nonsense.

However, what Yi Tianyun wants is this kind of effect. If he is negligent, it is a dead end!

Immediately, Yi Tianyun’s figure flashed and disappeared in the same place. If the blockade of the golden soup is like an empty door, let him go and leave, and want to stay and stay!

In the next moment, Yi Tianyun appeared next to one of the gods, and waved the five dragons in his hand to poke a shot. All the moves were exhausted!


Five dragons penetrated into the gods of the day, and did not wait for the other party to make a scream, they directly detonated, and completely blasted the god.

In the crazy damage mode, as well as the superposition of skills, the power directly rises to the strongest, how can you not do spikes? Especially these gods, there is no protection at all, and no gods and spirits are called out.

Who can think that Yi Tianyun will easily break their blockade and kill him directly?

"Hey, successful killing Zhiyun Tianshen, gaining 6 million points of compression experience, 60,000 points of compression madness value, 40,000 points of compression sin! Get Liu Yun Ling Bao (lower Tianzun Lingbao), Jin Jinlingbao (median Tianzun) Lingbao), Liufeng Lingbao (the superior Tianzun Lingbao)..."

“Successfully earned extra leapfrog kill rewards, 100,000 points of compression experience!”

After the killing, directly exploding the experience of terror, with a full six million point compression experience, it is much stronger than the Tianzun level. Feel the experience of this embarrassment again, not to say that it is really cool enough!

"Give me an upgrade!"

“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Yi Tianyun’ and successfully upgraded to the next middle age!”

The gods that were killed before, plus the gods that are now killed, can accumulate and allow him to upgrade, but that's it. If you want to continue to upgrade, you need to kill several gods in succession. He needs too much experience now.

If you can upgrade easily, it is really against the sky.

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