Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1544: Invasive

Yi Tianyun directly killed a **** and thundered the other two gods with lightning speed. Especially the star of the star, he knows that Yi Tianyun is a bit strange, but never thought about it, it would be so weird!

Everything was so weird, suddenly I killed my companion and gave my companion a second kill. They are joining hands and exerting a large array of blockades together, let alone the next Tianzun, even if the gods can seal the town.

Who knows that facing Yi Tianyun, as if everything has lost its effect, there is no effect at all, but the **** on his side is killed.

"You killed my brother, I want to kill you!" The **** of the next word that didn't say a word, finally spurted a sentence, immediately slashed to Yi Tianyun, quickly summoned three spirits Treasure, surrounded by the body.

This is the complete outbreak of strength. Before it was a light enemy, now the companion was killed, grief and indignation, and desperately broke out the strongest force.

Xiu Xing Tian Shen was also angry at the bottom of his heart, immediately summoned three pieces of Ling Bao, followed by a piece of bombing. Because of his former underestimation, his companion died, and now he dared to underestimate the enemy, and he immediately regarded Yi Tianyun as an equal opponent.

In the face of the siege of two gods, Yi Tianyun felt pressure to multiply. If he did not make a breakthrough, he was really suppressed.

"Kill me? Then you will play slowly!" Yi Tianyun sneered, turned and flashed, quickly moved to the side and fled the area.

All of a sudden, the distance between them is a big step. Yi Tianyun will not fight hard with them, especially in the case of two gods, it is very difficult to deal with. One is very difficult, let alone two gods.

God is not a Chinese cabbage, it is not so easy to deal with. Therefore, he is now mainly running away and can escape.

When he escaped from a certain range and wanted to use the transmission of the stone, he found that it did not work at all, as if he had been trapped before.

"Well? It's useless... Is it that the nearby space is not stable enough, and the transmission of the **** stone can't be used?" Yi Tianyun's heart sinks, this is something he did not expect.

From the long time ago, I realized that it was not an invincible escape method. It still has various restrictions. For example, if the space is locked, you can't escape. You can only use the momentary movement to escape and use it.

There are a lot of turbulence in the surrounding area, which leads to a thick seal in disguise, which locks the space and cannot use the transmission stone.

In this way, he can only escape from this area, and then use this to transmit the **** stone.

"Hugh to escape!" Stars and gods, they rushed to kill, the speed soared to the extreme, and suddenly close the distance between them.

The gods are gods, and the speed at which they erupted is unparalleled, far from what Tianzun can compare. Even if Yi Tianyun broke out of the blood of Kuangpeng, it would not be as good as their speed. It would be good to be flat, let alone surpass them.

Yi Tianyun's crazy damage mode provides damage and does not provide speed. Therefore, there will be such a gap, the combat power can be quickly pulled, but the speed can not be easily pulled.

Yi Tianyun's face was heavy and he could only continue to fly forward. At the same time, his figure flashed and disappeared. The next moment, it moved to another area.

He didn't dare to move too far, and the space around him was too turbulent. If he was too close, he would have to be involved.

"Don't want to go!" They screamed and continued to catch up here. Their speed increased again, and they rushed to the side and ignored the turbulence of the surrounding space.

The wrathful god, that is quite scary.

"Give me there!"

Yi Tianyun smashed out several pieces of the lower-quality Tianzun Lingbao, and rushed to the two of them to detonate. After the ultimate Tianzun Lingbao detonated, the violent explosion wrapped them.

Just a moment later, they broke through the explosion and continued to chase it. The explosion had only a small impact on them and was almost negligible.

All of their sacred spirits were sacrificed, and both defense and attack were upgraded. It is only the deduction of this next Tianzun Lingbao, which will not cause any great harm to him.

"Useless? Then change one!" Yi Tianyun is also taking out a median Tianzun Lingbao, still detonating the power.


Compared with the next Tianzun Lingbao, it is necessary to force several times, even a dozen times the power to pick up, the flame of the explosion, directly engulf them. The power is too big, at least equal to the full strength of the superior Tianzun, and it is still very strong.

"This kid is really willing!"

They rushed out of the explosion again, it was already awkward, not just hurt a little bit like before. However, overall, there are not too many problems and the impact is small.

This kind of offensive slightly delayed them for a little while, but they quickly continued to chase them up, and the heart was blown up.

"When you catch him, you must give him a living, my grandmother, it’s a metamorphosis..."

Detonating Tianzun Lingbao twice in a row, let them see what is called a big hand, and they don’t dare to waste it. If they had seen Yi Tianyun before, they would go out and scream out a lot of Tianzun Lingbao, and they would know what it is called a defeated family.

When they just came out of the explosion, they looked up and found that there was no one in front!

"What about people?"

On the hustle and bustle of them, a sense of crisis came from behind them.

Five dragons run through the protection of one of the gods, followed by continuous penetration into the inside - sneak attack!

Yi Tianyun dealt with these strong people, the most favorite is the sneak attack, using the effect of instant transmission, they can definitely play them.

"Give me broken!"

Yi Tianyun roared, and the ultimate penetrating power was superimposed on the Wulong Gun, and all the power was also exhausted.

"Give me a roll!"

The **** screamed and reached out to slap it over here, trying to fly the gun that passed through. The speed of Yi Tianyun, a little faster, a shot in the past, puncture the body of this god.


The two were simultaneously bombarded, Yi Tianyun was flew out, and the other side was also bombarded with most of the body. However, it did not die, it was only a serious injury.

Yi Tianyun was also stunned by this trick, and he was also suffering from a minor injury. As a result, he was hard-pressed with the prepared gods. It is still difficult to achieve the degree of crushing for the time being. It is very difficult to deal with. Unless he is repaired, go further, perhaps just the sneak attack, you will be able to kill!

Even if you can't kill, you can at least let your opponent lose the fighting power. It can only be hit hard and can't be killed.

"It seems that it is still a little worse..." Yi Tianyun upgraded to the next middle age, still can't deal with it.

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