Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1548: Fancy space

Yi Tianyun certainly didn't die, and he still lived well. His initial state, in fact, is similar to the repairing star god, the body is in a semi-disabled state, but a bath fire is born again, and immediately become alive and kicking.

The rebirth of a fire is not necessarily a death, it can be touched. In the case of sudden death, the same can be triggered. After the trigger, you can regenerate immediately and restore the original normal state.

This kind of skill makes him feel very good. So he didn't worry about it at first, and he didn't worry that he would die.

However, there is one unexpected thing, that is, the strength of the soul has actually improved. It is not too small to raise the level of the previous level in the upper level.

This is an unexpected surprise. It is estimated that when it is able to withstand the force of shredding, it will be upgraded a little. Forcing it to persevere, and holding on to death, there is a feeling of tempering the power of one's own soul. Therefore, we will quickly break through and succeed in breaking through the soul strength of the superior Tianzun!

This speed is indeed enviable, but Yi Tianyun does not want to try this feeling, the feeling is too painful, a little bit of tearing, the pain is too strong, it is not so easy to stick to it.

Therefore, even if the breakthrough speed is amazing, he still does not want to try this feeling, or honestly practice as well. This is the effect of using death, the improvement is definitely amazing, and it will die if you don't pay attention.

He may be born again, but who knows if there will be any accidents? Sometimes it is not omnipotent to be born again. For example, if you are born again, you will die again, follow the rebirth, continue, and after the madness is gone, what is he born again?

Therefore, he is still not going to do things that are too dangerous. He is carrying too many things now.

"No, it's impossible, you, your repair is so low, how can it be okay..." The star of the repair star can start talking because of restoring his mouth.

"The facts are in front of you, you believe it or not, it doesn't matter to me. However, I want to marry, who is the mastermind behind you!"

Yi Tianyun grabbed his head and began to search for souls. Under normal circumstances, it is basically difficult to search for a god. The **** of the gods is very strong, and the cultivation is stronger, and a little shocking, you can kill people, where to dare to search for souls.

Now it is different, the star of the gods becomes a semi-residual state, and the soul is also a semi-residual state. How can it counterattack?

Under Yi Tianyun's forcible search for souls, the power of cockroaches quickly poured into his head and began to search for souls.

"Oh, ah..." Xiu Xing Tian Shen struggled, but in his current situation, where can still struggle, in addition to yelling, can not do any resistance.

The memory in the brain begins to be quickly taken out, some can be found, and some can not be found. Soul hunter is the most common martial art, and it is also the martial art with the most loopholes. To put it bluntly, it is not perfect. Therefore, if you search for the soul, you can only find a small part. Unless the other party is not struggling, it is still very difficult to search.

The memory that Yi Tianyun got for this is intermittent. He doesn't care about this. As long as he can get a part of the memory, it is enough to know at least the big action that Xiu Xing Tian Shen wants to do.

After a while, the star of the star of the star repaired, it seems to have been half-stunned. Under such a random search soul, the soul is hit hard. Although it has not become an idiot, it seems to be no different from an idiot.

"Well, there are still a lot of things that I didn't understand, but I already know a lot..." Yi Tianyun stood up and lifted his foot and stepped on it. "Oh," he said, The head, gave a complete blast.

"Hey, successfully killing the Stars of the Stars, gaining 6 million points of compression experience, 50,000 points to compress the crazy value, 40,000 points to compress the evil value! Get the repair star Lingbao (the next Tianzun Lingbao), Xiu Tian Ling Bao (中中Tianzun Lingbao), Xiuyun Lingbao (the upper Tianling Lingbao), Xiu Tian Shen domain map..."

"Get extra kill bonuses, 50,000 points to compress crazy value!"

He was extremely satisfied with his explosive experience, which is why he didn't want to let them go. How can you not eat the fat that is sent to your mouth? It’s just that the difficulty of killing is a bit high. Now it’s really helping him, so that he can easily kill the Stars.

Not only that, but also get some information.

Immediately, he turned his gaze to the surrounding environment and found that there was a chain of chains on the sky instead of the ordinary blue sky or the planets outside.

What he saw was a chain of chains that sealed the sky, and a repressed force came from above, giving him a feeling of discomfort.

"Where is this?" Yi Tianyun looked at the chain above, and the eyes of the probe swept away and began to analyze.

Tiandao shackles: Lock all the power of heaven, and suppress the repairs, and there is no way to break through.

“Well?” Yi Tianyun was really shocked after the investigation. I didn’t expect this kind of thing to be sealed. The whole space was sealed, mainly used to suppress the repair?

His cultivation is not suppressed, it is still in the lower level of heaven, but he knows that it is definitely not to suppress the cultivation, but that people can't break through!

"Transmission of the **** stone, can not be used ..." Yi Tianyun frowned, did not expect to be transferred to the place, even so special, even the transmission of the **** stone can not be used.

He has been transmitting the **** stone all the time, and he is regarded as a life-saving stone. As long as you hide, you can easily escape to other areas, how to escape if you want to escape, no one can stop him.

It's different now, unless there is no blockade around, it's safer, no one bother to use it. Restricted all at once, the previous repair was too low, the enemy facing it was too weak, and naturally there was no way to block it.

Nowadays, they are all facing the gods of heaven, and the gods of the gods are immediately abolished, and they cannot be used as escape supplies. Only by using these moments to move, you can escape to the safe area before you can use it.

"It seems that I can only find the way out to leave this place..."

Yi Tianyun thought about it, and rushed to the top. When he rushed to the shackles of this day, the "squeaky" sound was bounced back like a crash on a hard wall.

In this case, without any expectation, he knew that it would not be so easy to break open, but he did not expect even a gap.

"Give me a drive!"

Yi Tianyun took out the five dragons, and pointed at the shackles of this day. He slammed the gun and slammed it. Under the full force, he couldn’t break a hole. Instead, he gave the attacking force back. Give him back to Zhenfei!

On the thick Tiandao shackles, there are no traces of cracks!

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