Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1549: Interracial

"no effect?"

Yi Tianyun’s heart sinks, and he has exhausted all his strength. Even if the gods are able to stab the attack, there is no way to shackle this day. Instead, the power of the attack was returned to the earthquake. It shocked him a little dizzy. The tiger's mouth was bleeding a little, and the five dragons were almost unsteady.

The strength of attacking yourself, I bear most of it, and I feel uncomfortable when I think about it. Obviously, the level of the shackles of this day is not what he can break.

And this day the shackles are not in the category of God's seal. Therefore, his current level of the gods, not to mention the six or seven products, even if the nine products are also no good, no use at all.

Tiandao shackles, as the name implies, can lock the power of heaven! Without the power of heaven, there is no such thing as a catastrophe, and there is no power in heaven. Generally, when you use the power of heaven, when you break through to the level of the star, you will need it.

If there is no power of heaven, it will be difficult to break through. This is like the landlord, who needs the power of heaven to cultivate, and also robs the power of heaven from the robbery of heaven to enhance his strength.

This is like robbing the resources of God, constantly robbing the power of heaven. If today’s power is gone, how can it be cultivated?

"It seems that there is no way to destroy this place..."

Yi Tianyun turned his head and looked at the side. He could see the far area in the distance. There is a town in there. What is the actual situation? Now I will know when I ask in the past.

Follow him directly to the town, then quickly fall down and walk inside. When I came under the city, I saw a lot of practitioners coming here and coming, and the cultivation was quite low.

Yi Tianyun swept away in the past and saw that the cultivation was the strongest. This is a long time ago, he can meet the repairs in the domain. For that meeting, it is still very strong, and continue to break through, that is the level of the Holy King.

It’s just that he has seen too much. This is really not enough.

He only needs to be swept away, and he can clearly see the whole picture here. How strong the practitioners are, it is clear that they know.

In this area, the practitioners basically have any races, but they do not see any discrimination in them. Follow him directly to the city, no guards to stop him.

People coming and going here, as long as they are not very special, will not come to intercept.

"The environment here is still ok." Yi Tianyun looked at both sides of the situation, most of the sale, it is quite normal.

There is no such thing as a heavenly force, just like going back to the domain of Van, it is difficult to break through. At the same time, the resources here are quite limited, and some are also at the domain level, and the advanced ones are basically not.

After a careful look at the lap, the overall situation is no different, but the guard is quite strict. However, it is not the practitioners here. Instead, it is the outer wall. The eyes are always staring at the outside. I don't know what to watch.

Followed by his shadow, it disappeared in place.

At the same time, in the main room of the town center, Wu Cheng took the book and looked at what was in it. At this time, a voice rang in the ear: "Are you the city owner here?"

Wu Chengzhu was so scared that he turned his head and looked over here. I don’t know when, a young man sat next to himself and he couldn’t detect it at all!

"Yes, I am the city owner here. I don't know the adult. What is it about coming to Dongyuecheng?" Wu Chengzhu quickly put the shock down, and changed his attitude.

His cultivation is the strongest here, that is, the level of the virtual spirit, can easily come to his side, sit down and watch himself, I believe that repair is definitely higher than himself. In this case, he will certainly not be so impulsive, he will roar like who is coming.

He knows that the other person wants to let himself die, and that is definitely not known to God. Simply performance is very calm, showing a city owner, the style.

"I just happened to pass by here and wanted to ask about one thing." Yi Tianyun saw that Wu Chengzhu calmed down so quickly and felt that he was still a personal thing.

"I don't know what the adults want to ask, and they know what they are going to do." Wu Chengzhu smiled.

"I want to know, when was the Tiandao shackle above formed?" Yi Tianyun pointed at the above.

"That thing is called Tiandao shackles?" Wu Chengzhuo shook his head and said: "As for how it was formed, it was not very clear. It seems that it appeared a long time ago and it has been around for a long time."

Yi Tianyun looked at Wu Chengzhu. It is obvious that there is no way to know the detailed process. Even the Tiandao shackles don’t know. What other news is expected from here?

“Has it appeared a long time ago?” Yi Tianyun continued to ask.

"Yes, it appeared a long time ago, but when it happened, we really didn't know." Wu Chengzhuo shook his head.

"So what do you think is different?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"Is it different? Can there be anything different? If there is any special situation, there is one..."

"Report, newspaper!!" At this time, the guards rushed in from the outside. When I saw Yi Tianyun inside, I suddenly saw it. He obviously kept outside. Didn’t see anyone coming in, how suddenly there was someone in it. Here?

"Isn't the aliens coming?" Wu Cheng was cold.

"Yes, yes! It’s the aliens coming!" The guards reacted and nodded quickly.

"Adult, I am very sorry, there are important things at the moment. If you still want to ask something, please wait until we drive the aliens away, then talk about it!" After the completion, Wu Chengzhuyi apologized to Yi Tianyun. Arched, turned and flew outside.

"Interracial?" Yi Tianyun thought about it and flew out with it.

As he walked away from the main city, he saw the outside of the city wall at a glance. There were many evil spirits coming to this side. The few arms behind them were their symbols.

However, they are not high-level, they are only at the level of the virtual period, but also have a lower level. Just came over, just laughed, rolled over here, grabbed one of the practitioners, and swallowed it.

"It turned out to be evil spirits..." Yi Tianyun's eyes sank, I did not expect to see this thing here.

After they came, they continued to grab the practitioners to swallow, and the defenses of the guards were basically like nothing. How to resist being repaired too far? However, they can only resist the scalp, and they all rushed up, and they can cut a knife.

After Wu Cheng’s main murder came out, he took out a big knife and screamed: "A group of garbage, come to death!"

Wu Chengzhu was not afraid at all. He took the big knife and cut it there. Yi Tianyun saw them, and it was obviously not the first time he encountered such a thing.

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