Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1550: Captivity space

Wu Chengzhu rushed around and wanted to kill those evil spirits, but when he had just killed there, he was blocked by a powerful evil spirit and prevented him from attacking.

"I am coming to play with you." The evil spirits sneered and intercepted here.

Wu Chengzhu madly stormed the past, but they were all easily taken down by the evil spirits, and there was no pressure at all. After several consecutive struggles, the evil spirits were a little tired, and they laughed: "It’s tired of getting tired, it’s going to be swallowed up."

With the evil spirits swooping over, the speed of the explosion broke out faster than the speed of Wu Chengzhu. In the blink of an eye, I came to the front of the Wucheng Lord. I grabbed my claws and grabbed it here. I wanted to tear the Wucheng Lord into several pieces.

In this critical moment, Wu Cheng’s main figure flashed, and he was able to hide the attack, but his arm was pulled down and he was almost torn apart with his arm.

"Where..." Wu Chengzhu quickly flashed back and hid on the side. The cold sweat had already oozing on his forehead and the clothes on his body were wet.

The sense of crisis of death allowed him to ease through a big gasp, and this feeling was really uncomfortable. A little bit, he was torn into several pieces.

"Hey, the strength of this city is not bad, but it is here!" The evil spirits once again rushed up and wanted to swallow the Wucheng master.

Wu Cheng’s main face changed and he wanted to escape quickly, but his speed was better than the evil spirits. The next moment, the evil spirits swallowed up and opened the mouth. When feeling the sense of crisis, he was pale and filled with despair.

I didn't expect that I was so dead. Besides despair, there is more to be reconciled.

At this moment, a figure flew over, grabbed the head of the evil spirit, fixed it in the air, followed an energy madness into the head of the evil spirits, as if searching for something.

"Big, adults?" Wu Chengzhu was immediately stunned after seeing it clearly.

Suddenly appeared to save him, it is Yi Tianyun who appeared in his room before. At this moment, Yi Tianyun must have rushed to rescue. He has been inconsistent with the evil spirits since the beginning, and he has seen that the evil spirits will naturally be destroyed!

It’s just that he didn’t immediately kill the evil spirits in his hands, but began to search for the soul and wanted to understand the general situation. Under his powerful soul, the other side has no chance to struggle, and all the memories are honestly accounted for.

Followed by the evil spirits in other areas, suddenly one body trembled, it exploded into a **** fog.

"Oh..." burst open one after another, and some of the guards who resisted did not understand what was going on, and they saw the evil spirits in front of them burst open.

In less than a moment, the invading evil spirits all blew up, dyed red and another area, which looked quite bloody. A group of guards and practitioners are embarrassed, and no one knows what is going on.

Following the evil spirits in the hands of Yi Tianyun, he was smashed into the air. The sound of "嘭" was blown into the blood in the air. Like other evil spirits, he could not die any more.

"It turned out to be such a thing, but you are awkward, you know too little." Yi Tianyun frowned, and the memory he searched for was still too little.

This level is too low, and the information that is known is naturally very small.

Next to Wu Chengzhu, it was shocking to see, he did not expect this mysterious person, it will be so strong! When you see this technique, you will know that the aliens on the side are killed by Yi Tianyun.

However, Yi Tianyun did not move and killed them. This strength made him look silly. It is really impossible to imagine, and what level of cultivation will be able to do this.

"Big, adults, more, thank you for your shot!" Wu Chengzhuo directly on the ground, where dare to stand.

In fact, he is even more worried that after killing the aliens, they will kill them. He didn't know Yi Tianyun's intentions, so he could only think about the bad.

"Get up." Yi Tianyun held up the empty space and asked people to support him. He said: "Don't worry, the aliens you mentioned are also my enemies. I am not malicious to you. On the contrary, I am still To help you."

“Help us?” After Wu Chengzhu heard it, his eyes filled with surprises: “That, thank you adults!”

"The rest of the words needless to say, these aliens are attacked over time?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"Yes, every time I come over for a long time, every time I come over, I will swallow up a lot of people, but they will not kill them. They will all eat up half of them, and they will let us go." Wu Chengzhu Anger said: "Dongyue City does not know how many city owners to change, every time the city owner is swallowed, if not for the adults to help, I am afraid that it is also dead..."

"Every time we are powerless, even if we want to escape, it is useless. The rest of the cities are like this. If they are killed more than half, they will stop killing. This feeling is like... ”

"Is it like a livestock that is being sheltered?" Yi Tianyun interjected to help add a sentence.

"Yes, right..." Wu Chengzhu felt a little embarrassed. He didn't want to say it. It was too ugly. It was this feeling.

"It's actually like this..."

Yi Tianyun squinted, and after searching through the soul, he generally knew the situation here. They are like animals that are kept in captivity. After each fattening, they will come and devour a wave.

There are many benefits to captiveizing them and engulfing them. Because the practitioners here are low, but the blood is all quite good, even linked to ancient blood!

Yes, this group of practitioners is the owner of the ancient blood, who absorbed the blood of ancient Tianzun. After the investigation, they found that their blood concentration is really not low. It can be said that it is the ancient blood, and the effect of engulfing is undoubtedly stronger.

In this way, everything makes sense. Here, they are sealed by Tiandao shackles, that is, they are not allowed to be rushed to advance, or they will be swallowed up, and the difficulty will increase.

After all, the area that Yi Tianyun was involved in was actually a captive space, a space that was confined by the five-character gods!

"Sure enough, the evil spirits are powerful in the five-character domain. No wonder it will be so arrogant..." Yi Tianyun remembered that when he was outside the gods, he would deal with the evil spirits. Until the death, the evil spirit leader would say him. Dead.

Now it seems that in the face of a five-character domain, he is really equal to the stone. He has not been to, do not know what kind of existence of the five-character domain, but it is very likely that those ancient gods, fear that they are a lot of survival.

Now that I have a bunch of things, I seem to be plotting something dangerous. It is a pity that these little sisters know that there are too few, and it is impossible to find out more clearly.

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