Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1551: Heavenly altar

In the outside world, the ancient blood, that is, the existence of high blood concentration, has become a legend, or it is extremely rare.

It seems that it is not rare at all, it is completely trapped here. After a period of fattening, it will devour a wave to enhance the strength of the evil spirits.

The evil spirits sent over are very talented. After absorbing these blood, it is undoubtedly even more amazing. To put it bluntly, it is a bit like a hunting ground for evil spirits. After the number of "livestock" here is large, you can come and harvest a wave.

There are several big cities in this world, and the overall number is not too large. However, under the cooperation of resources, the number of practitioners is slowly rising. When they are accumulated to a certain extent, they will begin to be hunted.

It is only a matter of time that it will slowly make the blood thinner, which is beyond doubt. Want to improve the blood concentration and strength, only to improve the up to be able to stabilize. Under the ancestors, it will become stronger and stronger.

But their cultivation is fixed, can't break through to the star, or the earth is repaired, how can the blood concentration be thick?

Therefore, these people will eventually become a very ordinary existence. However, this process is still quite long enough for them to devour for a long time.

"It is very likely that there are other similar areas..." Yi Tianyun looked at the space around him. The practitioners in this area were limited to certain repairs. It is very likely that other areas would be restricted to higher. level.

This is really equal to "livestock", different levels, can be swallowed up by different levels of evil spirits. It’s really scary to think of it.

"When they are going up, I am afraid that it will be closer to the second battle of the Emperor." Yi Tianyun believes that it is very likely that the second battle of the Emperor will continue. How can those old people die? ?

There must be some power to contain them, and they will not attack immediately. If there is no power to contain, I believe that with their temperament, it has already been killed.

"Is it different? Think about these things. It can really be called alien..." Yi Tianyun knows that not only evil spirits, but also other races, they can't talk about their own people.

Perhaps the Yao and the Terrans are hostile, but both races are friendly to other races. For the evil spirits, then I am very sorry, except for my own race, the rest are all enemies!

Immediately, Yi Tianyun glanced at them in a circle. These people must have saved them, and they are all ancient blood. If they join their own forces, after some training, the results will be self-evident.

"Adult, I don't know what else?" Wu Chengzhu saw Yi Tianyun staring at himself, and his heart was somewhat raised.

"I want you to contact other city owners and be ready to evacuate at any time," Yi Tianyun said.

“Prepare for evacuation?” Wu Chengzhu said: “We can’t leave here, no matter where we left, we were all sealed.”

"I will break the blockade here, and I will take you to a safe place to arrange an excellent place for you." Yi Tianyun smiled.

"This, this..." Wu Chengzhuo "噗通" slammed down and excited: "More, thank you adults! I, I will go to other city owners now, let them all gather!"

The separation of these cities is actually to collect resources better. After all, such a vast area, if it is too far away, it is not good to collect resources.

Their repairs are low, and it takes a long time to run back and forth. Therefore, it will be divided into several cities, otherwise it is impossible to easily collect resources to upgrade themselves.

I don’t know how to improve, I can’t break through. I sent a star to come over and they were completely destroyed. Can only belong to the effort to fatten themselves, and then kill others to kill.

Followed by Yi Tianyun, he left and left. The rest of the matter was handed over to Wu Chengzhu. I believe he can do it well. Even the rest of the city owners don't believe in Yi Tianyun, but they will all follow the words of Wu Chengzhu. The more important thing is still a hope!

Anyway, I would rather believe that there is no such thing as... This is a glimmer of life, and they will do as long as they can escape. It is also being slaughtered here, and it is also being slaughtered. It is better to fight and have a chance.

After flying away, Yi Tianyun quickly flew to the key area of ​​the Tianshou altar.

On this day, the altar of the lock is hidden at the edge, and they cannot be seen at all. This day, the altar of the lock does not only control the energy of the shackles of the heavens, but also serves as a channel for outsiders.

To put it bluntly, I can go out from here. That is to bring them, you can escape from here, do not need to break the shackles of heaven. But he is going to do this, for a shock!

I want these people to join in and become loyal. There is no doubt that they are extremely strong to save them. Simply saving them may make them touched, but with a strong strength to save them, they will be more obedient.

The power can conquer everyone, this is not a mess.

Inside the altar of the heavenly lock, there are two median heavens who are here. They are all evil spirits and sit here idle.

"It's too slow. Why haven't they returned yet?" One of them was very dissatisfied. It has been going for a while, and hasn't returned yet.

The group of disciples who waited for them to come back and block the passage here, their tasks were completed. If you want to open this channel, you still need them to open it, otherwise they are too lazy to come here.

"Is it estimated that these animals have more fattening? Haven't they put more resources recently? They must think that they can turn over, but they don't know that we are deliberate. Let them hurry and prosper. It's a bunch of fools."

The two of them smiled and looked at each other with ridicule. They felt that these practitioners were really sad, just wait for them to kill and eat.

"It’s a disgusting spirit, and the idea is really disgusting." A figure appeared on the side, so that they were shocked and hurriedly turned to look at it, but saw an afterimage in front of them.

Immediately after they felt the body cool, they found that their body became divided, leaving a head! Immediately, his head was raised by a human race, and the method of searching for the soul quickly opened, and the memories in their heads were constantly excavated.

"People, Terran..." They were shocked. When they saw that they were killing themselves, they didn't know what was going on.

The head quickly became blank, and in the state of being searched for, there was still a struggle.

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