Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1555: onslaught

A **** is easily killed, and a lot of experience and materials come in again. Followed by Yi Tianyun, it was a moment of movement, killing another **** behind him, attacking the past like a tactic, and once again killing a god.

"Hey, successfully killing the evil spirits and gaining experience of six million compression experience..."

A pile of experience filled up, making him feel very refreshed.

"Give me an upgrade!"

“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Yi Tianyun’ and successfully broke through the next Tianzun!”

Killing so many gods, it is enough to upgrade, he upgraded without hesitation. After breaking through to the lower part of the gods, the overall strength has once again improved a lot, and the effects of the corresponding other skills have been compressed a lot.

The improvement of cultivation is the compression of the skill effect, but when it is released, it is still extremely against the sky. After all, the foundation is there, even if it is raised dozens of times, it is the level of anti-day.

He is now gaining experience and will be upgraded immediately, especially in the face of so many strong players, they must upgrade to deal with them.

Now that I haven't returned to God, I am afraid that when I come back to God, when I go all out, then he is not so easy to deal with. He doesn't want to let go of this group of animals, how much can be killed, especially the experience. After killing a few more in a row, he will be able to rush to the median Tianzun!

"Unfortunately, these guys absorb so many ancient blood, the blood that bursts out is still so rubbish." Yi Tianyun shook his head and absorbed the blood of others, but only strengthened his blood, and there was no big change.


When they saw that their companions were spiked, they were all scared. This is a blink of an eye. They have not responded, they have already been killed, and there are no opportunities for rescue.

"Damn, this kid is evil, a uniform for him!"

After they reacted, they broke out with the power of the gods. This time they did not dare to take it lightly. The two did not lose their companions, and they were easily killed. This means that Yi Tianyun’s strength will never be weak.

Therefore, they did not dare to relax, and they directly erupted the power of the powerful gods, but they did not completely erupt the strongest force. In their view, so many people surrounded the past, still can not catch a person? The one that is spiked is mainly due to negligence, which will lead to this situation.

This time, as many as five strong men have been killed, and all sides have been blocked, so that they have full control and feel that they can seize Yi Tianyun.

They still have to live now, not just killing them. There must be an explanation here. If there is only one body left, they will definitely be held accountable.

As patrols here, they are generally patrolling. But they are lazy, and there is only one exit. If there is an enemy invasion, they will know immediately.

Who can think of a sudden appearance, it is too late when they feel that something is wrong. After all, they are lazy and are being pursued. Can they not have an accident?

"It’s good, just continue to strengthen!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold, and he immediately slams a lot of crazy values ​​and squats on the dragon and the phoenix.

"Hey, successfully upgraded the dragon and phoenix to the four-level level, the total strength is enhanced by one hundred and fifty times, the speed is increased by one hundred times (the lower Tianzun later), the effect of rebirth is enhanced, and the cooling time is reduced!"

He did not hesitate to upgrade the dragon and phoenix, this is a good thing, naturally need to upgrade. After the promotion, the power is greatly enhanced, and the strength can be improved, and the speed can be improved. This is what he needs now.

The power of toughness is blessed on the weapon, and the attack is more penetrating.

Killing a lot of gods, let him have enough crazy value to upgrade the blood. Unfortunately, the crazy damage mode, still can not upgrade. If you want to upgrade the crazy mode, you must upgrade to the Tenjin stage before you can upgrade.

Obviously, even if there are conditions that can be upgraded, there are level restrictions.

But it doesn't matter, the rest of the **** skills can be upgraded.

"go with!"

Yi Tianyun has all the powers turned on, and the speed has soared. Many gods only see a flower in front of them. Followed by one of the gods, with the fastest speed to resist the past, but his reaction has always been slow half a beat, the skills of the five dragons whistling out, the body of this **** is opened!

At the moment of the split, Yi Tianyun once again slammed a shot, and his head soul was smashed out. In an instant, a god, was successfully killed.


Yi Tianyun's eyes were cold and rushed to the back of the rest of the gods. The shadow of the dragon and the phoenix behind it was getting bigger and bigger, covering the area. Let his speed, blessings even more amazing.

Immediately killing another god, and then slamming a gun, even if the other side has defense, it is still seconds! This is the end of the enemy.

This is just like the previous Xiu Xing Tian Shen. After two consecutive companions were killed, Yi Tianyun was not simple. Immediately summoned all the Tianzun Lingbao to suppress, immediately able to repel Yi Tianyun, and even can be hit hard.

God is not a cabbage, not so good cultivation. But once the enemy is underestimated, don't say the next god, even the middle **** is still spiked. Unless these gods, they practice some amazing martial arts, which makes them extremely strong and difficult to penetrate.

After killing a god, he then turned to another god, without a delay. What is needed now is to scream at them and give them a second kill before they have done their best.

Can kill one even if one, or not to kill later.

"He, his strength is strong, the speed is stronger! Full force, use all strength!" One of the gods immediately reacted, and under the roar, all the gods and spirits were released, but there was no gods.

It seems that even if they are, the gods and spirits are not so good, and perhaps only a stronger existence can be made.

This is also related to their cultivation. They are all repaired in the early days of the gods, and they can't even talk about them later.

One of the evil spirits immediately broke out the strongest force, and the Tianzun Lingbao was summoned, and no longer dared to Xiaoyun.

But at the beginning of their call, Yi Tianyun had already killed another **** and made a fierce fight. Since the other party has summoned the Tianzun Lingbao, under the rush, it can still resist a little.

It’s just an attack by Yi Tianyun. Once it’s issued, it’s going to get some blood! Rage attack, crazy onslaught, five dragons screaming everywhere, hard to open the rush of the other side of the defense, hit the body!


With the explosion of five dragons, the **** was blown apart, and at this moment, Yi Tianyun was very skilled in compensating for a shot, and once again painted the end of life for this god!

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