Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1556: Kill it out!

"Hey, successfully killing the evil spirits and gaining six million compression experience points..."

Once again, a pile of experience came in, and in less than a moment, it was so killing two gods. Plus the previous spike, it is three gods.

The gods that are difficult to cultivate are thus killed by three. For any power, a **** has a great weight. Under Yi Tianyun's hands, it really looks like Chinese cabbage, and it is easy to destroy and harvest their lives.

"Damn, this guy is very powerful!"

They are now fully awake and reacting, and they can come in quietly. It is not a simple item. However, under their full force, they all have the confidence to resist the attack of Yi Tianyun and even stop him.

Unless the power of Yi Tianyun can still rise a lot, otherwise they will be able to subdue him.

"Strong again, it's here!" They were so angry that they were prepared to seal all areas and prevent Yi Tianyun from escaping.

Yi Tianyun rushed to them and smiled: "Thank you for your hospitality, goodbye."

The next moment, Yi Tianyun flashed, disappeared in place, let them go empty! After the killing, Yi Tianyun immediately used the transmission stone, as long as they did not have room to seal, they can still use.

When they just wanted to seal the space, the transmission stone was activated, allowing him to easily escape from the area and come to the exit.

"It seems that only a few people can be saved. It is time to leave."

Yi Tianyun immediately rushed to the exit, just rushed in and saw the guard. The guards also saw him, but they were first stunned, and the reaction with others was exactly the same, and they were all scared by the individual cultivators.

There are many practitioners in the circle, but there is absolutely no human race, no one! It means someone sneaked in, they still don't know! This is the only way to enter and exit. Is the space in other places broken?

On the occasion of their blasphemy, Yi Tianyun has already killed him, and the direct power is fully open. When they do not summon the Tianzun Lingbao, they have already killed the past.

One of the gods guards was caught off guard, and was easily killed by Yi Tianyun. Who can think of a lower-level Tianzun, which can explode such a strong force? Especially they are thinking, how did Yi Tianyun come in!

"Oh, successful killing the evil spirits, gaining experience of six million points, 50,000 compression madness value, 30,000 points compression sin value. Get evil spirits, evil spirits, evil spirits bones..."

"Successful killing, the extra 100,000 points of compression experience."

The experience just popped up, Yi Tianyun attacked again and guarded another god, and the other party reacted quickly. Tianzun Lingbao quickly rushed out to counterattack.

The hasty counterattack, for Yi Tianyun, is not enough!


Yi Tianyun was like a dragon. The five dragons in his hand smashed through the past, and immediately penetrated the power of counterattacks, and penetrated the **** guard.


He was immediately bombed into a pile of blood fog, and turned into a pile of experience. The two gods were so easily killed and got a lot of experience.

Immediately after he continued to rush forward, through a passage, a few gods came out on the side. This passage is not long, but it is not short. Before Yi Tianyun explored it, it was the periphery.

After entering, there are other areas. However, for him, there was no problem at all, and he rushed out in one breath. After seeing these gods, they intercepted them.

"Bold invaders, where to escape!" They saw Yi Tianyun flying over, thinking that he wanted to escape, they were intercepted.

Who knows that when they rushed over, they found that Yi Tianyun did not run away directly, but rushed over to them and did not hide!


They have never seen their peers being spiked before, and they are very scattered in other areas, so they didn't notice other situations in the first place.

I have to say that they are sloppy, so that Yi Tianyun can take advantage of it. They have been comfortable for too long. There has been no enemy invasion, and nothing has happened. It will certainly not be tight every day. Occasionally, lazy will still happen.

Yi Tianyun did not yell at them, and he rushed in one breath. The "bang" sounded directly to kill a god, followed by another killing to another god. The speed is not too fast, so you can say that it is soaring to the extreme.

The improvement of cultivation has greatly improved his comprehensive strength. It is simply killing God in the face of God and killing Buddha in the face of Buddha!

"Strange, monster!"

They are all scared, and the next Tianzun can explode such a strong force, sure to be the next Tianzun? They quickly reacted, and then summoned Tianzun Lingbao to attack.

Yi Tianyun still did not give in, but also killed in the past, Wulong guns went through in one fell swoop, once again killed a god.

"Give me a breakthrough!"

“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Yi Tianyun’, successfully breaking the pre-level of the median Tianzun!”


The combat power jumped several levels directly. The original **** guard who wanted to break out to suppress Yi Tianyun immediately felt an explosive force coming in.

“Can it be stronger?”

They are all shaking, how can they break out? Look carefully, the eyes will be pulled out, and even broke through in the blink of an eye! The breakthrough is not to come slowly, how to break through, is this too strange?


Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold and cold. For these evil spirits, there is no slight bit of mercy. Every attack is absolutely deadly! In one breath, I rushed to kill several gods again and again, and I couldn’t stop it!

The level of these gods is actually more general. This life is afraid that the lower **** will come to an end, otherwise it will not be guarded here.

Therefore, after Yi Tianyun broke through, the combat power has reached the level of the lower god, and it is stronger than the general lower god. If you suppress it, the difficulty will be much smaller. As long as the other party does not completely break out, you can kill it!

“After the upgrade, it’s much easier to kill these guys!”

Yi Tianyun smashed out in a row, and gave birth to a **** road! Originally, I wanted to sneak out. Now I don’t need to slip out, just killing it directly.

After killing, I finally came out of this world.

"Here is..." After Yi Tianyun came out, the whole person was stunned, and the star-studded field was still in sight. It was just a breath for him, not a five-character domain, but a four-character domain!

I did not expect this area to be in the four-character domain, not the five-character domain.

"It seems that this space is turbulent, and I have not transferred me to the five-character domain..." Yi Tianyun thought it was a five-character domain, which has more energy, like the five-character domain, actually the world However, it is in the four-character domain, and it is still the world! !

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