Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1558: Stupid

The vastness of the gods and the thunder of the wind, immediately called a large number of strong people to come over, although they are dissatisfied, but for the elders, they can only listen. After all, behind the vast gods, but there is a domain owner!

"Great elders, where are we going?" They all felt very upset, saying that they were leaving, not to say what the situation was.

"A very big thing, you will know when you get there. Now it's hard to say, let's talk about everything." The vast **** Shen Shen said: "Now go all out!"

With the speed of the soulship soared to the fastest, the best spirit ship is used, and the vast gods do not want money, put the core of the core on the ship.

Some spirit ships can use the core after they have been transformed. Under the core blessing, the speed is soaring, and in a flash, you can pass through a small half of the gods, and you will soon be able to cross a **** domain!

He knows that the speed must be fast, and if the other party shifts, it is empty. He knows what it means for himself! It is definitely a great achievement.

In my heart, I am very grateful to Yi Tianyun. Every time Yi Tianyun brought him good luck, it really made him feel very happy, recruiting this disciple, he felt the most value.

When many elders saw that the vast gods used the core, they did not know what they wanted to do. Generally, it was not very urgent, and no one would use it.

The core is so valuable, but it can be very distressing.

"Great elders, you bring us all out. There is no elder in the basic Shutian domain. If you don't explain anything, it is disrespect for us!" They were a bit complaining, and now they pull them out suddenly. How can I feel cool?

"It's a battle. It is estimated that there will be a battle soon. You'd better be prepared. If you do it well, it's a great achievement!" The vast **** did not say it straight out, that is, he did not follow the details. They said that everything has to go there and say it.

"A big achievement?" They frowned, what else is there, will they make a great contribution?

Excavating the remains of ancient gods? Or what special task?

Everything is not very clear, and it feels like the vastness of God is a little bragging in it. So far, they don't know anything, they can make a big contribution.

The vast gods did not say much, but they still fully accelerated their journey, which made them feel uncomfortable. This is not to hang their appetite, and ask not to say a word for a long time.


The vast gods control the spirit ship, and they will enter the realm of the world. When they see that they are entering the realm of the world, they all look at each other.

"Is it because the vast gods were invaded?"

"Even if the vast gods are invaded, can you pull us over?"

"Yes, this is a great thing, it is a small matter!"

They complained and felt very uncomfortable. There are still some expectations before, now it seems that it is a talk! What is great, it is a pit person!

They didn't have any cover at all, they talked about it behind the vast gods, and they all wanted to leave.

"I remember the rules of repairing the gods domain, that is, to obey the higher level instructions, have you forgotten?" The vast **** brows wrinkled, this did not open, this has already become a mess.

"This is true, but it is a matter of fact. You are a personal matter. We can choose to refuse it! And this has nothing to do with the repair of the gods, we can even refuse!" One of the elders was extremely unhappy.

"Good! That unwilling, can leave me now!"

"Walk away, the Lord is not accompanying!" One of the elders immediately left quickly, and Yi Tianyun did not speak at the side, let them leave.

Fortunately, only some elders left, and many elders stayed. Most of them supported the vast gods, and even the two elders who had lost to the vast gods before, did not leave, but stayed here.

He smells a little different, the real meaning, it is very likely not to save the vast gods. However, he did not ask questions, and everything will be known.

After seeing them leave, the vast **** said to the rest of the elders: "When a war is over, please be united against the enemy, and you must not be sloppy! For the enemy, it is evil spirits!"

"Evil spirits?" They burst into a cold light in their eyes, and more was killing.

I didn’t expect them to deal with it, it turned out to be evil spirits! This made them somewhat unexpected.

"Yes, it is the evil spirits. This is the area that my disciples found, and they are hidden in this world!" The vast **** said a long story: "The rest of you will soon know, because now the time is a bit late, mainly Some elders are too late to delay, so it is very likely that there will be changes!"

He said that while controlling the ship to fly to the evil spirits, he soon came outside the passage.

Immediately, he did not hesitate, and he sneaked in without saying anything, and directly opened the spirit ship. There are still one or two gods in it, and they have not reacted. The ship has already passed.

After killing them, everyone saw a shackle of heaven and earth, and did not know what was sealed. However, they saw the evil spirits, and they moved the area on the side.

"Has already moved more than half..." Yi Tianyun swept over and found that those areas were all collected, leaving only a few areas, which is really fast enough.

They are already fast enough, I didn't expect the other party to speed up!

"It's really an evil spirit!" After they saw it, they suddenly took a sigh of relief. I didn't expect it to be a bad spirit.

If you kill the evil spirits, you can’t talk about great deeds. It’s just for the heavens. Soon they noticed that one evil spirit was unlocking the shackles of the heavens, revealing a pile of cultivators coming out.

"The cultivation of those practitioners seems to be a bit low... No, their atmosphere is very different, a bit like the ancient atmosphere?"

"Really! Is it true that they have been caught by the evil spirits and are trapped here?"

"If it's all ancient blood, then this is a great achievement..."

They are suddenly insane, and it’s really a great achievement. It’s just big! Recalling the elders who had left before, they had some sympathy.

When they solve the problem here, they all have credit for it. As for the elders who have left, they can only say that they are looking at the side.

I have to say that the choice is very important, and some choose stupid things...

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