Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1559: Threat

Immediately they did not hesitate, one by one rushed out of the ship, and went to the evil spirits of the front to kill. They immediately cooperated, and they all wrap around each other to form a joint array.

Only in this way will it be easier to deal with it. Moreover, they are originally companions, and together, the difficulty of dealing with them will drop dramatically.

After those evil spirits saw that they had killed, their faces suddenly changed, and they did not expect it to be so fast. They thought that even if Yi Tianyun ran away, there would be a period of time before they could come over.

Who knows that in the blink of an eye, there are so many strong people coming over, and there are more than a dozen gods. More than a dozen gods, for the repair of the gods domain, basically brought more than half of the strong.

When the vast gods saw the situation here, the eyes suddenly lit up, and finally there was no white run. As long as you can see something, then he will be a meritorious person.

"Master, they have already evacuated a lot of areas, this speed is really too fast..." Yi Tianyun shook his head, he felt that the speed was fast enough, who knows that they are faster.

They first unlocked the shackles of the heavens, then took them away and left quickly. They are arrogant and directly give income to the world of the body, and they will not have any influence on themselves.

Originally these small worlds can be moved, but now that there are these shackles, it is not so simple to evacuate. It’s just that you can only unlock them first and then take them away from the world.

Simplicity is simple, it takes a little time. If you leave the small world directly, it is really empty.

"Nothing, as long as it can be rewarded, then it is a victory!" Hao Hao Tianshen laughed, "You stay here first, here to us to solve it. It seems that there are still many strong people here, have to request Support is all right."

There are a lot of evil spirits at the moment, and it takes a bit of effort to deal with it. Because it was destroyed by Yi Tianyun, what they need to deal with is still relatively small.

"Bold, I dare to swear at our site!" At this time, the median **** came down, and the powerful and unrestrained breath was suppressed, and they were forced to stop.

There are a lot of elders present, but there is a medium-level god, but none of them! This is the difference between the five-character domain and the four-character domain. The other party is staying in the four-character domain, and it is likely that the five-character domain is supporting.

When Hao Hao Tian Shen saw that he was the middle god, his face sank, and he did not expect that there would be such a strong person here, but it was not unexpected. There is no strong guard here, it is impossible, just a little strong.

"Your territory?" The vast gods coldly said: "The evil spirits in this area can also have a site to speak of? You are the obstacles, the practitioners of the scourge in the battle of the gods are not enough! I did not expect you Still not safe, I still have to ban so many practitioners here!"

They are all very disgusted with the evil spirits. Most of the forces are very disgusted with the evil spirits. It can be said that they are disgusted to the extreme. It is impossible to kill and kill, and the distribution is so wide that it is impossible to be clear.

Therefore, the evil spirits still have surplus, as long as they are not close to themselves, they will not care. Nowadays, in this realm of the world, this makes them feel very disgusted.

"When I am so loud, I used to be a vast god, a man who repaired the gods and gods, and dared to come in." Walloon God sneered: "I don’t know anything, I haven’t happened anything, otherwise you There is no place to stand here!"

This evil spirit is threatened, and there is no fear of the vast gods.

"It seems that you still know me?" The vast **** said: "I didn't expect it, I am still very famous."

"Of course, a girl is green, how can I not know?" Walloon God whispered: "You repair the gods domain, in the four-character domain, you can mix, but in front of the five-character domain? Carefully think Think, don't take yourself seriously! Don't really think that other gods will have opinions for us!"

His words are very straightforward and even more threatening. To put it bluntly, his backstage is a five-character domain, asking the vast gods to dare to try?

The rest of the elders immediately did not dare to move, think carefully, the pressure is really big enough. If they are suppressed by a five-character domain, they are really likely to be hit hard.

"Jokes, if you are so calm, why are you so eager to evacuate, why not let go of it, let everyone watch?" The vast **** sneered: "Don't think it's a fool, you are delaying the time, give it to me!" ”

If it is so strong, it has already been on the front, or has been attacked everywhere, and what is it hiding?

Yi Tianyun smiled beside him. He was not his master. He was not scared by simple two or three sentences. If this is all scared, it is really the head being kicked.

From the side of the various perspectives, they just do not want to be exposed, if they are exposed at will, there will be big problems.

"I see you are the real joke, and it is still an idiot!" Walloon God coldly said: "When I said it, will it be positive? I will slowly kill you, slowly come in, have the ability Just try it?"

On the bright side, I don’t dare to mess, but in the dark! Constantly sneak attack on the past, still can ruin a **** domain.

Many elders are ugly, and what they are most afraid of is the sinister in the back of the ground. It is very difficult to attack them a little bit.

The vast **** looked at him with a squint, and when he wanted to say something, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"I just want to do it, how about?"

At this time, a **** came from behind the passage, and stepped on the void, and came to them instantly. This person is not someone else, it is the repair of the Tianyu master!

The repair of the Tiantian masters has reached the mid-level of the median god, and there is no pressure to deal with him. The opponent is only the mid-term respect, and naturally there is no problem.

"Repair the Tianyu Master!"

They were so excited inside that they wanted to say whether they would leave or not. Now the Tiantian master has come over and decided what to do.

"Repair the Tianyu Master!" The vast **** is also respectfully standing next to it.

"Child, you are doing very well!" Xiu Tianyu smiled a little, and it was rare to show a few smiles. Before he thought about it, he had been cold-faced and never had an effect. Now he is laughing. "We just can't bow." Especially for the evil spirits!"

The repairing Tianyu master sneered at Walloon God: "The five-character gods are very strong, but don't forget, there are still many strong people who are eyeing you. If you really expose them, I don't know who is losing? Are you saying that? One of the main culprits of the battle of the gods!"

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