Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1560: Kill

Walloon God is not one of the main culprits, but the power behind him, that is, the evil spirits, is one of the main culprits of the battle of the gods! Many forces are extremely disgusted with them, especially those who have suffered damage. They must not let go of these main murderers.

Walloon God's face sank, and sure enough, someone can know the real situation at that time, even if the repair of the Tianyu master is not an ancient level of existence, but still know a lot of details.

This represents the foundation of the Tiantian domain, or it is relatively old, and there is still an ancient existence behind it. According to this situation, there must be a strong person behind the support, otherwise how can the repairing Tianyu master be so emboldened?

"Can't you speak?" Xiu Tianyu said with a cold smile: "A group of shameless people still want to threaten us? Even if they are destroyed, they can't let you go. At the beginning, we were also suffering from your destruction!" ”

The repair of Tiantian’s voice has just fallen, and he has already killed it to the Walloon gods. At the same time, he said coldly: “Keep it!”

There is no flaw in the repair of the Tianyu master, mainly the rest of the reinforcements, and this time has also arrived. All of a sudden, a lot of gods came in again, completely blocked here, not letting them escape.

The repairing Tianyu master is so much with him, not waiting for reinforcements, so that he has full confidence. Before I came, I would say a little more delay, and now it is different. As soon as the person arrives, it will be killed immediately.

"Up!" After the command of the vast gods, they felt the spirit, and they rushed over to them and gave them all to encircle them.

The gods they brought this time have a repressive effect and a full-scale encirclement.

As for Yi Tianyun, he was left aside and thought that he could not deal with the gods. He must have let him go aside.

"Damn, hit it!" Walloon God was angry at the bottom of his heart. They are now trapped inside. Even if there are passages in other places, they can't easily escape.

So many people have caught up, how can they escape? Therefore, I can only fight hard.

Immediately they immediately collided in a piece, the battle of the gods level, just triggered here. The situation on the side of Xiu Tian Shen is undoubtedly better. After the joint formation, it will be easier to suppress.

However, the situation is not so good. These gods are really too strong. The evil spirits have swallowed up a lot of ancient blood, and their own power will be greatly improved. When dealing with it, the difficulty is much greater. It is necessary to have a few gods to suppress a **** of evil spirits!

This is the benefit of blood power, otherwise they will do what they do, continue to absorb ancient blood, and strengthen their blood concentration. As the concentration increases, more power can be erupted.

However, suppressing them is only a matter of time. The number of people can suppress each other. If you deal with it, it is not a big problem. When I look at it, it is the case of casualties. The other party is forced to rush, and it will definitely be counter-attacked.

Even if you are dead, you have to pull a few backs!

As their battle became more and more fierce and became hot, a figure appeared quietly on the side. Taking advantage of the other side, I was a little bit cold, and the five dragons came out and sneaked directly behind one of the evil spirits!


This **** was directly killed, and the elders of the gods who were glued to the evil spirits were stupid. When they wanted to say that they were going to be completely desperate, the evil spirits were killed by Yi Tianyun!


Yi Tianyun's figure flashed, and he hid in the void and left the area quietly. Followed by another evil spirits behind the gods, it is the same as the sneak attack.


This evil spirit is immediately aware of it. Before Yi Tianyun successfully attacked his companion, many evil spirits have noticed it, and definitely have to pay more attention.

Therefore, when Yi Tianyun sneaked out, he immediately turned around and resisted.

A loud bang of "Boom", the evil spirits were shaken out, and the three pieces of Tianzun Lingbao trembled. Generally speaking, there was no serious problem.

These evil spirits have all broken out, and they will not be easily killed if they are prepared.

Can withstand the attack of Yi Tianyun, but the pile of gods behind the attack?


There is no chance to let go of this opportunity. It is directly attacking, and the evil spirits are blasted out and blown into serious injuries! At this moment, Yi Tianyun plucked over and smashed a shot and killed the evil spirits directly!

The decisive means, so that many elders look at each other, especially this lethality, is really what Tianzun can have?

After the killing, Yi Tianyun was very skilled in hiding in the void, ready to attack again. What he wants is this effect. With many gods attacking, he uses his ghostly figure to achieve an unexpected attack.

Even if they know how they attack, don't forget, it's team battle now, not alone!

"It's the Terran Kid! It's him, let's make this happen!" Walloon's **** was red-eyed, and the area that has been peaceful, but there is a big problem, let him get angry, I want to put Yi Tianyun Give a pinch.

But he is now lacking in skills, and he can't take care of the other side. According to this sneak attack, the people on their side are really dead. The key is to die when you die, you can't pull a few backs!

"This son, good!" Xiu Tianyu's eyes are full of appreciation, I did not expect Yi Tianyun to do this step, so that they are all eye-catching.

Not to mention them, even the vast gods are scared. Yi Tianyun's cultivation, unconsciously, how to break through to the median Tianzun?

"This breakthrough speed, I really don't want to say it..." The vast gods attacked and noticed the situation here.

Yi Tianyun smashed the past and went back. It can be said that it is a joy. These are all gods. If you kill a few more, he can upgrade happily. So I am not tired, and I am carrying a five-dragon gun to shuttle back and forth.

One by one, under his sneak attack, he gave a painful sorrow. They are not resisting, then they are hit; they go to resist and are attacked by the gods on the side. This feeling is really wrong, and death is dead without any dignity.

"A piece of death!"

At this time, a wicked **** was angry. When I saw Yi Tianyun’s gunshot, the body swelled, and I looked at Yi Tianyun, who was stabbing, and showed a sneer.


The horrific sound of the explosion blew directly to the surrounding area, and the elders of the gods on the side were shaken back a distance. Self-explosion is the most stupid way, but the damage is indeed very strong, but for the same level, the damage is still relatively limited, that is, I don't know how Yi Tianyun's end is.

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