Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1561: Li Gong

"Haha, this is our spirit!"

When Wallonia God saw this scene, he laughed. Can these explosions not kill a median Tianzun?

Yi Tianyun's sneak attack finally made this side unbearable, even if it is self-destructive, it must kill Yi Tianyun! Anyway, under the sneak attack, they will definitely die, simply let go out and blew themselves with Yi Tianyun.

As long as you can kill Yi Tianyun, then everything is much easier. Perhaps they are still losing, at least not as they are now, they have been sneaked, but they can't even touch the fur.

When they thought that Yi Tianyun was killed or severely wounded, Yi Tianyun slowly came out from the side and smiled. "This is a good self-destructive power. It is a bit like watching fireworks. It is where the domain is. The kind that was put on the festive festival is really beautiful. Can you explode more?"

He didn't have any injuries, let alone kill him, and he didn't even hurt his fur.

At the moment of the explosion of the other party, Yi Tianyun fled directly and instantly escaped from the scope of the explosion. If you want to hurt him, the difficulty is still quite big. Unless you completely seal the surrounding space, you can't use the momentary movement, or you want to hurt him, the door is not!

The smile of Walloon's **** is fretting. I thought that Yi Tianyun would definitely die, and he would be injured if he was not good enough. Who knows that there is nothing at all, and it is still alive and well.

"Haha, I know nothing!" The vast gods laughed and felt extremely happy.

The repairing Tianyu master also felt very incomparable. He really thought that Yi Tianyun was going to be injured. Now it seems that there is nothing at all. It means that you can continue to sneak up and mad them all!

"These guys, go!"

When Walloon’s gods bite their teeth and continue to delay, they will only waste time and waste their lives. They can only choose to evacuate.

Immediately under the sound, the Walloon gods turned to escape inside the small world, no doubt inside, there should be an escape exit.

Only in the process of their escape, they must have been chased and beaten all the way. The result must have been half-dead and still not easy to counterattack. So they simply try to find out if they can beat them.

Who knows that Yi Tianyun is so ferocious and shattered their plans. Even if their comprehensive strength crushes the gods of the Tianshen domain, but Yi Tianyun madly attacked, they can only wait to die!

"Want to go? It's too late!" How can they repair the Tianyu masters, let them run away, morale soars, killing the past.

Yi Tianyun also chased up, these are a head fat sheep, how could it be let go? Followed by all the way to be chased, killing them to lose their helmets, and one by one, the gods were killed.

In the end, Wallonia God escaped successfully, and only he can escape. The rest of the gods are fallen! Wallonia God still benefited from being strong enough, and there is the lower **** of the gods to escape, but it is also very embarrassing.

After being beaten by the Tianyu master, how could it be okay?

"I was still run away." Yi Tianyun watched the Walloon gods and drilled into a special escape route, all of which were used to escape.

This type of channel will also be identified, so they want to catch up, first destroy the above gods before they can go out. When they destroyed, Walloon God did not know where to escape, so they can only give up.

Immediately they all went back to check the situation, and the remaining areas were not turned away. This is a good spoil.

Follow them and unravel the shackles of this day and rescue the people inside. This does not require Yi Tianyun to shoot, the vast **** is the **** engraver, so don't worry about not being able to crack.

In the remaining areas, some of them are relatively low-level, and it is obvious that they first transfer some high-level repairs or higher quality.

Although it is a pity, at least it has been saved.

"It has been transferred too much. If I come early, I will definitely leave more." The vast **** knows from Yi Tianyun that there are many areas here, and now there are only a few areas left. How can you not be angry? ?

The rest of the elders of the gods bowed their heads and dared not look at the vast gods. Before the vastness of the gods said that there was an urgent matter, they also dragged on.

When they arrived, they had been around for a long time. If that will come, I believe there will be more here.

But if there is no, things have already happened, they just feel a little bit jealous.

Even if the vast gods want to communicate, they say that killing the evil spirits and those who save the ancient blood will not work. The emergency messaging token can only be notified, and it is impossible to accurately convey what is happening.

Therefore, they will slowly swallow it. After all, they are still uncomfortable in their hearts and do not want to follow the orders of the vast gods.

"Nothing, I have done a good job, at least I know what they are doing." Xiu Tianyu was very satisfied with his son. The smile never stopped. He immediately turned to look at the other elders. His tone was low: "Your mistake. I don't want to say anything more. This time the elders made great contributions, not only knowing the situation here, but also saving a large number of potential practitioners."

"Here, I just want to say, this kind of thing, I don't want to happen for the second time!"

It is really anger to repair the Tianyu master. It should have been better because of this group of stupid goods. This made him feel very dissatisfied, but fortunately there are still some left, otherwise it is really empty.

The most important thing is to influence the contribution of my son! If it is empty, it will definitely be said, which is not a good thing for them.

Fortunately, there is no empty space, and it can be justified.

"Yes, domain owner!"

Many elders are really convinced of the vastness of the gods, and the great achievements are indeed large enough to stabilize his position. So long time I don’t come back, suddenly I will sit on the position of the elders, or let many people not be convinced.

Although it is the gambling win, but the gambling is a gamble, not a contribution. Often become the elders level, the contribution must be enough.

Therefore, the former elders and the two elders just moved a position backwards and did not get rid of anything. Unless they make a big mistake, their status is extremely stable.

Now that it is different, the vast gods have made great contributions, and the natural name is just right.

This will make the vast gods reach out and make a thumbs up for Yi Tianyun, which represents the gratitude to Yi Tianyun. If it is not Yi Tianyun, he does not know how to make meritorious deeds. Usually busy with other things in the field of repairing the gods, simply can not talk about meritorious deeds!

The real contribution, that is the need to fight to baptize!

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