Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1562: trust

After the event, all the practitioners were transferred, which is already within the expectations of Yi Tianyun. However, in addition to this, there is still one thing that has not been solved yet, that is the thing of the Stars!

The rebellion of the Stars and Gods made the vast gods extremely angry. However, he did not say it in front of so many elders, but he intended to explain it to his father. Some things, or not rushing to stun the snake as well.

After the transfer back, Xiu Tian Shen domain was shocked when he knew the details. I didn't expect to have such a thing, but also saved a bunch of valuable practitioners!

In the original genius of the gods, nature is very welcome to join, after all, their blood is ancient existence! It means a lot of richness. If the blood is similar, it is equal to the existence of their ancestor level.

Can this be shocking? Therefore, the vast gods are pushed up at once, and the prestige is extremely high! Prestige these things basically change and change, as long as you make a little effort, you can change.

Therefore, the vast gods have always wanted to make meritorious deeds and contribute to the cultivation of the gods, but the contribution is not the pie of heaven, and it can be dropped casually.

"It’s almost the same. It’s time to go to repair the celestial domain to sue this thing. You can go with me." The vast gods told Yi Tianyun to go with him.

Both of them have merits, but Yi Tianyun did not join in, and the credit is countless.

Yi Tianyun nodded and followed the past. He must be fair to this matter, or how to be worthy of himself.

Soon they both came to repair the temple of the heavenly domain, and the master of the Tiantian domain was busy, arranging which areas the practitioners were assigned to. These practitioners need to cultivate well. If they want to give play to their blood effects, they must be rationally distributed. Otherwise, they will not be able to exert their effects.

"Renovation of the Tianyu master." The vast gods with Yi Tianyun walked in, in front of outsiders, they must be called domain owners.

Yi Tianyun is not an outsider, but as long as other people are in the situation, they are all called masters.

"Great elder, you are here. This time you are really doing a great job, I am really happy..." I don't know why I am very happy to repair the Tianyu master. I want to know that the Tiantian masters have seen the vast gods come over. When you prove yourself, you don't support him, but support those elders.

Now I feel completely changed, standing on the side of the vast god.

There is no doubt that it is a bitterness. In order to change the status quo, his domain master is not easy to change, and it needs to rely on external forces to change. The interior has been rotted, and an external axe must be used to cut off these spoiled areas!

It’s already beginning to see results, but it takes a little time to change it completely. At this point, the vast gods are working hard, and the Tiantian master is also working hard.

"The repair of the Tianyu master, this time has something to do, and it is still very serious. Although it can not talk about meritorious service, it affects the direction of the Tiantian domain!" The vast **** is serious.

"What?" The smile of the repairing Tiantian gradually disappeared and turned into seriousness.

"The Star of the Stars is a traitor. I wanted to kill me before, and I also joined the gods of other gods. I wanted to contain me. Fortunately, I left at that time faster, otherwise I would have to be blocked, even dead!" The vast **** took out a piece of paper and handed it over and said: "This is the corresponding list of traitors, and there are colluding forces. The reason they do this is to want to exclude me so that their people can grasp the power, so that the future domain If the main change is over, you can change a lot of things."

The next heir, if nothing unexpected, is the vastness of the gods, so as long as the vast gods are destroyed, then all the patterns will change.

The next heir is definitely not a vast god. It may be a second elder or a three elder.

After repairing the paper, Xiu Tianyu took a glance and looked horrible. After a while, he said in a word: "If this is true, then it is really a pattern change, which affects It is the strength of the Sky God domain! You know, what does this mean?"

"Know, it doesn't matter if I die, I am afraid that they will use this to join the other gods to swallow the Shunshen domain. When it comes to repairing the gods, it is not the domain of the gods, but the gods of other people!" Shen channel.

"Where does this news come from?"

"My disciple said that in the critical situation of the repairing star gods, the soul search, only to search for the corresponding memory." Hao Hao Tian Shen said.

The repairing Tianyu master looked up, and his sharp eyes and Yi Tianyun looked at each other with aggression, and his eyes directly impacted the soul! If the strength of the soul is not strong enough, it is sure that the legs are soft and lie on the ground.

However, Yi Tianyun has nothing at all. His soul strength is not weak, and he is much stronger than repairing.

When Xiu Tianyu saw that Yi Tianyun had nothing at all, he still felt a little surprised when he was still a calm expression. I did not expect Yi Tianyun to be so calm, it seems that the level is really not ordinary.

"Do you believe in your own disciple?" asked the Tiantian domain master.

"Yes, I just believe in my own disciple!" The vast gods smashed the railroad: "I don't even believe in my disciples, but what do they do as their master!"

These things can indeed be made up, and even the pictures can be made up, and nothing can be created. As long as you want to make things, then everything is not a problem.

The vast gods are so convinced of their disciples, there is no doubt.

"Good!" Xiu Tianyu Shen Shen said: "Give me some time, so I can investigate it clearly."

The vast gods believe in Yi Tianyun, but the Tiantian master can not believe in Yi Tianyun, even if this meritorious service is also the same, do not dare to believe casually.

This is the whole thing of repairing the gods, not casually, but not the elders who are executed, they can easily finish things. On that piece of paper, the elders and forces associated with it, but listed a long list, a little move, that is, the entire Shutian domain has moved!

"No problem." The vast gods have no accidents. If they nod their heads casually, that is a strange thing, unless he is a domain owner, or he really does not dare to chase.

Following the vast gods, I left with Yi Tianyun. After leaving, the vast **** said: "You can rest assured that this is the case. The repairing Tianyu master will definitely check it out. If you go to check it, you will definitely find it clear. After all, other people, but need evidence..."

"This point, the disciple still understands." Yi Tianyun nodded, but he felt that things were not that simple.

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