Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1564: Shielding perception

Yi Tianyun came to the entrance, and the whole area was left with the dark trial. As long as he passed here, he became the real master of the Three Realms!

He has a hunch that if he completes the final dark test, he should be able to thoroughly understand the truth here, that is, the truth of the Three Realms. It is very clear who is the strong one who stays.

However, if he did not pass, he could guess a little, and it must be related to the gods. It’s just how the details are, then I really have to go in and know.

"What is the truth about the Three Realms..."

Yi Tianyun paused, and he lifted his foot and went to the dark trial. He did not hesitate.

When I came to the entrance of the passage, I immediately felt the power of swallowing, and it continued to extend from the inside, and there was a strong sense of oppression. This sense of oppression is stronger than the other light trials!

The same is the last two levels. How can dark trials be even more difficult? Yi Tianyun slightly rectified, it is directly to the inside. Just entering, I immediately felt the power of a dark devour, coming out from inside and wrapping himself.

In an instant, Yi Tianyun felt that the surrounding area was completely shielded. Whether it was the exit behind him or the passage inside, nothing could be seen. There was only a dark piece and nothing could be seen.

"Nothing can be seen..."

Yi Tianyun’s spiritual knowledge was released, and it was useless to discover that the spiritual knowledge was not clear. It was impossible to find out the surrounding situation. Even if it could be found, it could only be seen in the dark area.

After the investigation failed, it was to lift the foot and walk forward. When he walked two steps, the toe was like a stone, and he felt a little pain.

He reached out and touched it and found that it was not an organ, but a wall! I did not expect a wall here.

Follow him and touch him and find that there is really a wall in front of him, and it is like a passage. He touched it and soon found another right-angled turn.

However, he did not touch the past, but touched it to the side and found another gargle next to it! It means that this is a passway, and I don't know where to go.

"Is it here...the labyrinth?" Yi Tianyun sank at the bottom of his heart, which completely shielded his sight and the sense of spirituality.

Both are shielded, and they can only rely on the sense of touch to walk. As for the use of fire or something to illuminate, it is even more impossible.

With his cultivation, the area that is darker than here can be seen clearly. This completely shields his sight perception, making him unable to see the outside situation.

If you simply block it, the key is to let him walk! It seems that it is not the one that can be passed simply. It needs to be shielded from all the perceptions, how can he pass this maze?

Immediately after he explored a distance, he knew that it was really a labyrinth and there was no normal road. When you explore the road for a while, you will find a pile of hoes, and there is no normal road.

This made him depressed to vomit blood. The danger is that there is no danger. He can't find the exit at all, and he can't find the previous entrance.

If you have been trapped here, it is really a tragedy.

"How does this make people go?" Yi Tianyun suddenly speechless, nothing can be seen along the way, if a straight road, even now is a bunch of labyrinths, which makes him go out?

Immediately after he circled, he did not know where he was going.

"Even if it is a dark trial, don't you need to be so dark?" Yi Tianyun couldn't help but laugh: "Fortunately, there is no danger, otherwise it will be troublesome."

If someone comes to sneak attack, or if there is something under his feet, it is really troublesome. The spirit is useless, and the eyes are useless!

Immediately after he checked it, he stopped and did not move on. The main thing is that he can't see anything now. If he walks away, he can't get out of here.

"However, this is definitely a special test. Since it is a trial, it must be a method of breaking, rather than relying on luck to explore it. If it is luck, is it called trial?" Yi Tianyun wrinkles Frowning, thinking about how to crack the situation here.

Follow him to meditate and think about how to get rid of it.

"Spiritual use is useless, eyes are useless, can there be anything to explore the road?" Yi Tianyun frowned, there must be a very important trial.

This is just like the previous layer trials, it is not set here in vain, but has some meaning.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly appeared in front of his eyes and bounced from the meditation. He was pleasantly surprised: "There is still perception!"

Perception, a very primitive sensory ability, is able to sense the surrounding environment, but the sensing range is too small. To put it bluntly, it is a kind of space induction.

What is different from spiritual knowledge is that it is not subject to too many restrictions. It can sense the surrounding space, but the range is too small. Generally, practitioners rarely practice.

However, perception is very useful, that is, it can be perceived that there is no danger in the vicinity, and some can feel the practitioners hiding in the void! This is something that the naked eye and the spiritual knowledge can't do.

However, because the range is too small, it is generally not used. Now here, it can be used.

Followed by him and began to enlarge his own perception, as his own eyes spread out to the surrounding, and soon a picture formed into the mind.

Yi Tianyun immediately saw himself within ten meters, and there were several mouthfuls leading to different areas. Gradually, it becomes more and more clear, and the lines on the walls, as well as some small gravel on the ground, can be clearly and clearly perceived.

This is the power of perception, and the effect is somewhat beyond his imagination.

"Perfect, even if the eyes can't see it, the spirit can't detect it, and the perception can still clearly feel the surrounding situation. However, the difficulty is still a bit high. If it is maintained for a long time, it will consume more energy."

Yi Tianyun quickly rushed to the front and sprinted past. Under the perception, the situation around him was invisible, and it was very clearly presented in his heart!

The surrounding terrain and the surrounding conditions can be perceived. Compared to the previous sensation, it is really much better. It is not a situation at all.

In this case, you can run quickly along the way, you don't need to move slowly, and the speed is too slow. It is not a situation at all.

At this speed, even if you encounter a dead end, you can quickly turn around and return. This is an error, at least very quickly, and I don’t know how much faster than before.

It's just that the difficulty is still not small, after all, this is a maze!

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