Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1565: Weird

Yi Tianyun quickly shuttled back and forth inside the labyrinth, trying to find an exit. According to this situation, it takes at most time to find the exit. After all, as long as it is not a little groping, you can find the exit.

Even if the scope here is great, just take the time to find it. Moreover, he still has any way to use these ordinary means. If the spirit is useful, his speed will definitely rise a lot, and he can go out easily.

Now I can only look around for honesty. The method is stupid, but he can only use this method.

"This level is really abnormal, but don't be so abused by dark trials?" Yi Tianyun is very helpless, shuttles back and forth in the maze, while constantly remembering the surrounding conditions and forming a special space in the brain.

Although they are all the same, he will make a small mark on the side, so that he will not go through this road again.

As time went by, he quickly shuttled through the maze. He didn't know how long he ran. He felt that he had run a long way. If he converted into a planet, he didn't know how many laps he ran.

With his current cultivation, it will be a thousand miles in a flash, absolutely amazing. Here, as with the endless road, you can't get to the end. He made a lot of marks, and he did not encounter it later, which means that he did not go the wrong way.

Without going the wrong way, I have not reached any end. I have to say that this area is too broad.

However, it is really annoying. First, I ran to the front of the front of the mouth, and then I had a good mouth. After picking one in, I had dozens of mouths, which made him collapse. Know how many mouthfuls there are!

“Don't you say that with perception, you can't escape here?”

Yi Tianyun frowned. It is reasonable to say that this should be able to pass, but he can't go out at all, and he is trapped in this area.

As for the desire to repent, it is too late. I can't use the transmission stone, and I can't use any moment to move away. He has been completely trapped here.

"It seems that the real difficulty is not to face powerful enemies, but these endless institutions..."

Yi Tianyun finally stopped and walked to one of the walls, followed by a fist and a fist.

"Boom", the wall was smashed into a hole!

"If this is the case, then I will hit the wall and see if I can make a passage!" Yi Tianyun is angry, can only choose the most rude way, a wall to fight, can be used as a mark, And definitely it is a straight line!

In the case of a straight line, can you definitely go out?

Immediately, he went all the way, and had to say that the walls here were really hard enough. However, under his violent fist, he was still beaten by a punch, and the energy was consumed. But now, everything is taken care of.

He didn't believe that all the way through, he couldn't get out of here!

In the continuous mammoth, I don’t know how many blocked walls, Yi Tianyun got his hands red, and finally changed to use the five dragons to shoot the gun. With the help of Wulong Guns, like a **** help, it is easy to break open a wall along the way, just like breaking a tofu, a shot and a wall.

After he broke a lot of walls, he still didn't see the end. After breaking a wall, there is still a wall, endless.

"I still haven't come to an end?"

Yi Tianyun stopped, he felt very wrong, even if it was a huge planet, according to his previous speed, he was able to wear a pair.

He still has no end, and he is very surprised. When he turned his head and looked behind him, there was still a big hole behind him. However, when he reached out and touched the farther area, he found that the wall a little farther behind him, I have completely recovered after a while!

"There was a recovery..." Yi Tianyun frowned. From here, I can see a lot of things, and maybe even fall into a strange array!

Immediately, he deeply perceived the past, and did not find a little bit of clues. Don't say that God is printed, not even a trace. But if there is, he has already discovered it, but not now.


Yi Tianyun's eyes sank, it seems that he is really in a strange circle, and it is not very easy to escape. Sure enough, the dark trial is not so good, it is much harder than the light trial.

Light trials rely on violence and can pass. No matter whether it is violence or skill, who knows that there is no effect at all, I have to say that it is too strange, let him feel that he can't make it for the first time.

He did not continue to destroy, and if the damage worked, it would have worked long ago, not trapped here.

“Do you want to use another method?”

At this time, he was deeply aware that there are such strange doorways in the world. These big arrays, fearing that they are more advanced, are not so good to break.

After a long walk back and forth, he stared at the top of his head and thought about it.

When he looked up at the sky, the natural feeling was the ceiling, without any bright spots. When exploring the past, it was found to be so unusual, no different from underground.

Under his careful investigation, he gradually began to reveal a little clue - traces of God's seal!

This **** seal is very deep, just inside the wall, just on the wall where he destroyed, a little trace is revealed.

If it is not that he perceives it, it is really impossible to sense it. It is now sensed, and immediately makes him shine!

“It’s hidden in the ceiling. How is this designed?” Yi Tianyun laughs and laughs. Generally speaking, the big arrays are all underground, mainly buried in various energy spar, or attracting underground aura. In order to maintain a large array.

Therefore, in general, they all look directly at the ground and look for ways to break through. It’s good now, it’s just at the top of the head! This is a strange thing, it is simply strange.

If you don't look at it carefully, you really want to break your head and don't know if it will be on the ceiling! If it is generally arranged, it will certainly not last for too long, and soon there will be no energy.

Without energy, even if it is strong, it will not work. This is the same as the practitioners. If there is no energy, then the strong cultivation can not be displayed, lying directly on the ground and letting it be slaughtered.

"Just find it, everything is much easier!"

Yi Tianyun clap his hands and immediately began to break up. He had to say that he had just come in and was stumped. This dark trial is not easy!

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