Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1566: Dark attack

After Yi Tianyun found the seal of God, it quickly began to break up, and the difficulty was still quite high, but for him, there is still no problem. As long as it can be broken, I prefer to be slower. It’s better than always wandering around here. At that time, it’s really impossible to go out.

After a period of time, the **** seal was finally broken. After the break, the dark areas around, disappeared without a trace, and turned into a very ordinary labyrinth.

This labyrinth is actually not big, there are only three mouths, three straight lines! There is really nothing more. It means that his crazy running before, is to go back and forth in these areas. As for what to mark, there is no point in meaning, it will automatically disappear.

The walls can be restored, let alone the signs of the district. After recovering, let him fall into a dead end, only inside it.

The overall area is just a small yard size, and there is no place to run a little. But he is here for a long time, like running a few planets, it is really white.

"It seems that this trial is not only about the proficiency of perception, but also as a god-instructor with a low grade..." Yi Tianyun shook his head and felt helpless. What conditions were not marked outside, if he was free Come in, isn't it dead?

Here, the ordinary practitioners who need to be able to pass the sorcerer are extremely difficult to forcibly break. Unless it is very strong, it would be impossible to forcibly break the big array here.

At least within the Tianzun, there is no way to do this. It is necessary to have a level above the gods to be able to do this step, and also need a strong god.

After the break, both the exit and the entrance were seen, just in front of them, and there was basically no detour. I have to say that after the break, the scene I saw was really different. I thought it was a huge labyrinth. After it was broken, it was circled here.

It’s no temper to be played by Yi Tianyun. Who can think that the big array will be engraved on the ceiling?

After Yi Tianyun lifted his foot and went out, he turned his head and looked at it. He saw that there was a thick ceiling on it, and he immediately said: "The area where this dark trial is, I am afraid that it is in the ground..."

This time he knows why the big moments are engraved on it, because the above is the bottom of the earth, and there is a kind of spirituality, and the source constantly provides energy, thus achieving the effect of maintaining a large array.

In this way, a large array of engraved on it is feasible. When I knew why I could do this, Yi Tianyun was really dumbfounded. It seems that from the beginning, it has already been arranged.

He regained his gaze to the front, and the front is still dark, but there is a strip of light in between, which means that as long as you cross the past, you can really enter the dark space.

"It seems that the owner here is really addictive..." Yi Tianyun saw the environment in front of him, but he was really speechless. Even if it was a dark trial, there is no need to be so crazy.

Is it really all the way to the end? This way, it is really not very good. It’s so hard to just come in, I don’t know what level I will reach later.

He paused and eventually stepped forward and walked into this dark space. Before it was consumed, but there was no injury, it would be recovered after a little supplement, and it didn't matter.

Immediately after entering this dark space, all sights, including spirituality, were once again blocked, exactly the same as before, without any change.

These means are still the same as before. Does it mean that he will continue to find God's seal to break?

He immediately let go of his perception and explored it all around. In less than a moment, he immediately perceive what was going on nearby. He saw a big array under his feet, and there is no doubt that it is a big battle!

"So you found it?" Yi Tianyun stunned, this time it was so simple to find?

This is really weird. It should be said that everything is too easy and can be found immediately. This is really too surprising for him. I can find it before I find it for a long time. Now I can find it when I find it. Can I not be surprised?

When he thought about how to break it out, an instant killing came from behind, and he subconsciously quickly hid to the side. At the moment he just escaped, there was a deep trace in his area, but it soon healed.

Yi Tianyun couldn't see any figure, just seeing the area in the station just now, there is a deep trace! If you haven't just avoided it, you must be torn in half. If you are better, you will be hit hard!

Under his perception, but did not find any figure, the scope of perception is really too small, at most within the range of ten meters, and then far from the area, can not be sensed.

This means that the enemy can see himself, but he can't see him, he can only be in passive defense! In the state of constant defensive, we must continue to break the big array, which is a bit horrible!

"Sure enough, the difficulty is not low. This time, multiple enemies will come out. If the big array is still hidden, how can I play it?" Yi Tianyun knows what the purpose of this trial is, either to kill the enemy or to be in the enemy. Under the storm, break the big battle here!

No matter what, the difficulty is not low. To kill an enemy, at least know where the enemy is! As for breaking the big array, the big array can be found, but the enemy has been rushing over and it is naturally difficult to break.

In this meeting he thought, there was another killing sentiment. As long as the enemy's attack entered within ten meters, it would be immediately felt.

Yi Tianyun stepped on the foot, and the Wulong Gun was instantly in his hand. The backhand was a heavy shot.

"call out!"

A lightning-fast shot, just like it goes through, but it is a shadow like a shadow, nothing is attacking, but the enemy's attack, still fall to Yi Tianyun.


Yi Tianyun’s left hand came out, and went to the side with a block, followed by a bomb. At this point, he had a deep trace on his arm and almost broke his arm into two pieces!

"A strong attack!"

Yi Tianyun took a sigh of relief, and this attack has at least the power of Tianzun level. Under normal circumstances, Tianzun is casually killing him, but now it is completely different, and you can't see where the enemy is! In this case, how can I fight?

Yi Tianyun quickly recovered the injury on his arm, and his brow was locked. Even if the perception can be quickly perceived, the action that can be done within ten meters is always very limited.

"It seems that this is a fate." Yi Tianyun’s eyes condensed and he still saw darkness.

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