Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1567: Passed

Yi Tianyun has no rest time, as long as he stands in the field for a little time, he will be attacked. There is almost no horn in all directions. From where to sneak up, it is to look at each other's mood.

Sometimes it will be from behind, sometimes directly from the front. No matter where he is, he can perceive it. His test is his ability to respond.

The distance within ten meters, the preparation time for him is very limited. Therefore, the nerves are tight, ready to fight.

According to this situation, the difficulty is really high to break the big array here. It’s hard enough to deal with this metamorphosis guy, and it’s even harder to break this big battle!

"The trick is fatal. If I die, the Three Realms will become the ones without the Lord?" Yi Tianyun feels very speechless, even if it is a little difficult, don't be so deadly?

Can't you be a little gentle, how can you be so terrible?

"call out!"

The attack came again, Yi Tianyun quickly hid to the side, and at the same time took a shot, this time still did not hit the other side, just hit the air, did not tear the void.

The void here is extremely stable, and it is not easy to tear the void.

"There is still no attack!" Yi Tianyun felt very angry, and his attack was not useful at all. He was always in the passive, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Follow this way, how do you play?

"Void, void..." Yi Tianyun's eyes condensed: "Is this guy hiding in the void?"

It is not impossible for an opponent to have a void or the like. Before he met an opponent, he was often hidden in the void. Because the space is very stable, it is equivalent to secretly attacking him in a sturdy room, disgusting to the extreme!

Now he also has the power of the void, but he can't enter the void here, which means he can't kill the opponent.

"If it's inside the void, don't push me!"

Yi Tianyun sneered, immediately transferred to the system, aiming at one of the blood energy, and upgraded!

“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Yi Tianyun’, successfully upgraded the Void to the fourth level!”

Yi Tianyun took a lot of crazy value in one breath and raised the blood of the void to the fourth level! This time it was really a **** one. Anyway, the blood of the void is very good for him. Especially killing people in the invisible, let him often use this empty blood.

After upgrading to the fourth level of the void, his figure flashed, and he immediately entered the void. After entering the void, I immediately felt that the scene in front of me was suddenly clear and no longer black.

Although it is still very dark here, many of the restrictions have disappeared, such as the sight in front of you, as well as the spiritual knowledge, have been completely released. The big squad is a big squad. At least this big squad is unable to restrain the situation inside the void. Otherwise, even if you are a man, you are afraid that you will not be able to enter the void at will.

After coming in, you will immediately see a black shadow floating on the side, and this will finally reveal information in the eye of exploration. Before it was dark, the eyes of the exploration were identified according to their own eyes. They could not be seen even when they were seen. How could they be identified?

"It turned out to be a spirit with a **** mind..." Yi Tianyun looked at the shadow in front of him, and immediately knew that it was an instrumental spirit. What else can be found besides the spirit of the instrument.

"How did you come in?" The spirit was stunned by Yi Tianyun. He was the master here, and he controlled the space in this area. Others could not easily come in.

Who knows that in the blink of an eye, Yi Tianyun will kill him, meaning that Yi Tianyun’s ability in the void is far more than him!

"call out!"

Answering him is a shot of overbearing - Wulong whistling!


The five dragons roared away, and the strong force directly suppressed it, and a brain shattered the spirit! This spirit is only the upper level of the heavenly level. Under his strong attack, under the title of Super Tianzun, it is naturally directly killed!

The spirit of the instrument was smashed into slag, but the spirit did not die. He was invincible and relied on treasures to live. Unless the treasure is smashed, the spirit is hard to die.

Although there is no death now, the situation is not good enough. It must take some effort to reunite.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yi Tianyun quickly emerged from the void, and then began to quickly destroy the big array. The body of the spirit does not know where it is, and it is difficult to destroy it.

Moreover, he does not want to really kill this spirit, as long as he becomes the master here, these are his, he certainly does not want to destroy his own things.

Therefore, he can only quickly destroy the big battle, so that he can pass the trial here.

Soon he ruined the big battle, and the spirit reunited on the side, but this time he did not shoot, but looked at it silently.

"You are not going to attack it?" Yi Tianyun saw that the spirit was stupid on the side, as stupid.

The spirit is screaming at the side: "You are stronger than me. If you continue to attack you have lost meaning."

Yi Tianyun suddenly laughed out, but there is a spirit of intelligence, knowing that he can't beat himself. If you have been attacking all the time, it is actually a little interference with him. Even the strongest killer is useless. What else is it going to hit?

Followed by him, he easily broke through the big array, and suddenly he was suddenly open. He was a very ordinary hall with several seals engraved at his feet.

After the destruction, everything is restored to the original state, which means that the trial of this level has passed.

"Congratulations, success through trials, you can continue to go forward, you can also choose to quit."

"Exit?" Yi Tianyun stunned, and now he has not reached the end, let him quit?

"Yes, the front is the last level. The difficulty is the highest. It is the most difficult level in history. With your cultivation, it is very likely to fail. The result of failure is death." Now, if you quit, you can come in next time, not to say that you must pass to stop."

Yi Tianyun realized what was going on. It turned out to be a break in the middle of the journey, or to go back to practice a circle and continue to go through the barriers.

This is something that was not there before, either it is all the way to the end, or it is coming back.

It is different now, and it is directly divided into two stages.

"So, if I chose to pass the dark trial, wouldn't it mean that I was looking for a dead end?" Yi Tianyun wondered.

"No, if the strength is not enough, if you are not a god-instructor, you will not let you in." The spirit explained patiently next to him.

Yi Tianyun suddenly realized that it was not random and he could come in, but he had a certain strength and was allowed to come in. This point is quite human, but it was misunderstood before.

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