Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1570: Surrounded

In the main shrine of the Shutian domain, there are many powerful people surrounded by them, and the vast gods and the repaired Tianyu masters are trapped inside.

There are a lot of gods on the outside, firmly blocking them, and trapping them at the same time, there is a super big array, lock them in.

It's no wonder that the vast gods can't come out. It's just this big battle, it's enough to trap them in the middle. Even if you want to break it, it will take a while.

"You gang of traitors, even colluding with the outer **** domain, the most important thing is to collude with evil spirits, it is really sin!" Xiu Tianyu master looked at them anger, looking at it, with many familiar faces, standing in opposition s position.

However, they are not the elders in front of them. The great elders who had hatred with the vast gods, the two elders now, and the three elders, those who support the genius. They have not rebelled, still choose to stand on this side.

They have been loyal to the Tiantian domain, and they have different ideas on the screening of practitioners. Loyalty is still loyal, and there are more real traitors, or elders who are behind the comparison.

But it is still an elder, a prestigious elder, and a betrayal, that is, heartache. Being a elder, on behalf of doing a lot of contributions, is to break into a lot of resources, who knows that it is a white-eyed wolf!

Today's elders in the rankings are standing in opposite positions. Not only that, but also a lot of talented disciples, all standing in opposition.

As for the talented generals, or the talented disciples, there is no rebellion, and they are all blocked here.

This makes the two elders feel distressed, and most of the talented disciples who have been trained to go out to the opposite side, how can they not feel bad?

This is a great irony for them! What is the cost of training so much, isn’t it a disciple of others?

"Collecting outsiders? When did we say that we are the people who repaired the gods?" One of the elders burst into laughter and felt that everything was so ridiculous.

The rest of the elders laughed. From the very beginning, they were not the people who repaired the gods, but the traitors who were placed here.

These words have all been blown up by them, and they have been raised for so many years.

The vastness of the gods was indifferent, and in the face of their rebellion, he did not feel that there was a problem. After looking at the list, I already know who the traitor is. As Yi Tianyun said, there is no difference.

"Does your conscience not hurt? We cultivate you like this, but you treat us like this!" One of the elders screamed in anger.

"Cultivate us? That is your business, it has nothing to do with us." One of the elders pointed at the vast **** and sneered: "But it should have been good, I didn't expect you to come back to trouble, otherwise we will definitely be able to step by step, and finally we can Become a candidate for Shu Tianyu!"

It is not a great elder here, but the next domain lord. Everything depends on its own contribution and its own prestige.

"But the most important thing is to provoke adults!" They all sneered, followed by the figure and moved to the side to give up a position.

Immediately after a familiar figure, slowly coming from behind, it is the former acquaintance - Walloon God!

Walloon God slowly came over and smiled and said: "I just said, Xiu Tian Shen domain slowly killed you... But now I am not going to come slowly, kill you directly! It should be said that directly repair The gods are turned into my gods. Also, what you said before, I am afraid that I am not afraid of those hidden old people, and I am not afraid to tell the truth! I have the ability to come out, I suspect that they will not come out, and all of them are dead. Let's go!"

He laughed loudly and did not care about the ancient existence.

"Yeah, I don't think so, I think that people will reappear soon, and will wash everything in the meantime!"

Walloon’s gods have shrunk, and after a little certainty, they continue to ridicule: “Of course, the key is that your old people are not dead, they are all sealed by us. Your responsibilities are gone, how can you turn over? Don't count on those who are not dead, you are hard to protect yourself, what are you saving?"

The ancestors of the Shutian domain were sealed. The ancestors were all in retreat, but they used a little trick to seal the periphery.

In fact, this big array must not be able to trap them, but they are all in retreat. As long as they are surrounded and do not allow anyone to ventilate the letter, then these ancestors are no different from being trapped.

When these ancestors reacted, the outside was completely occupied, and it made no sense to come out.

They repaired the Tianyu masters and they all were silent. Some of them were fires with their eyes, but there was no way. They are all trapped, let alone who to ask for help.

"Oh, if you are worried about the father again, you may not have such a situation." Xiu Tianyu, the self-proclaimed father, represents the use of his father's identity to talk to the vast gods.

From the tone, you can hear the guilt. If he had strangled them before the thunder, or gave them a hand, then this would not happen.

But if there is no, things have already happened, and when he investigates, people have already implemented plans.

"Father, there is no need to blame for this. You are all focusing on the overall situation, but you are involuntarily. These days, I really understand a lot..." The vast **** sighed deeply in him. After an in-depth investigation, I found that my father was hard.

I seem to oppose myself before, and there are all kinds of bad things for myself. Everything is to protect him. I want to let my son change this domain!

After all, the power of repairing the Tianyu master is not low, but it is not very absolute. If you want to change everything, it depends on whether the vast gods can play a role.

The field of repairing the gods has been decaying, and it is too late to be rehabilitated.

Here, sighing again and again, in the corner of the side, Yi Tianyun is hiding on the side, only he is alone. The rest of the brothers are annihilating the past in one planet, killing those traitors, and everything is quiet!

"Whose ancestors were trapped, then we will liberate them, and the form will be reversed immediately." Yi Tianyun looked at him.

Xiu Tian Shen domain can sit here firmly, and some of the credits are ancestors. After all, they are so powerful that they can hold up the half-cultivation domain. Otherwise, Walloon Gods, they will not give priority to the ancestors, and if they are released, their losses will be great.

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