Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1571: Break up

Yi Tianyun quickly turned to the area of ​​his ancestors as they were still stabbing. He has never been to this area, but in general he can see a lot from the appearance.

The ancestral retreat of the ancestors can be worse? Of course, it is impossible to be bad. It must be the core of the core. After a while, he found it easily, very simple and rudely located on a core of six products, the surrounding area is very good.

Take a closer look, there are heavy guards on the outside, and there are two strong ones! As for other Tianzun strong people, there is no need to say more. It is enough to send two gods to guard here. It is enough to see how important this place is.

Yi Tianyun probed a little and immediately determined that this is the area where the ancestors retreat, especially in the outer layer of a shielded array. In fact, it is to block the energy emitted from the outside, especially the energy of the battle, to block it.

This is not a difficult array of big, very simple and rude shielding large array, the grade is still relatively low. For the ancestors of retreat, it is the most effective big array.

After all, the energy of the fluctuating battle outside, if there is a little bit of transmission, immediately let these ancestors wake up. Therefore, if there is nothing wrong with it, there must be no fighting in the vicinity of the place. Once it happens, it will be severely punished.

These ancestors can not be dispatched casually. If you find yourself being disturbed, you can imagine how angry you will be.

So now it's enough to simply get a big array of shields, they are here, whoever appears nearby, can kill immediately.

They are also extremely cautious now, staring firmly at the neighborhood and not letting anyone come.

Yi Tianyun, who is hiding on the side, does not think that his own power of the void can escape their exploration. The gods are much stronger than the gods. The guards of the passages are all heavenly, and naturally they can easily pass them.

Now facing the gods, it is estimated that they will be discovered when they are close. Hiding in the void, you will still be attacked, perhaps to reduce a little power, but still will be attacked.

"It seems that a little low-key has passed..."

Yi Tianyun smiled slightly, he remembered the idiots he had faced before, and he should say that he has always faced idiots! What he is watching now is his acting skills.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun pretended to fly over with a flustered face, and the body was swinging. Just after flying, I was immediately noticed by the two gods. They are still the gods of the evil spirits, and they are stronger than the ordinary gods.

"It's a human race practitioner!" The two gods quickly looked over and stared at Yi Tianyun, quickly perceiving Yi Tianyun's cultivation, only to be the median Tianzun.

"It seems that it should have escaped from other planets... kill him!"

There is not much nonsense, as long as it is close to here, it is natural to kill. Immediately, one of the evil spirits, immediately rushed to Yi Tianyun, and reached out to the empty space, the powerful force of the gods shrouded and blocked the surrounding area of ​​Yi Tianyun.

After the blockade, the evil spirits immediately wanted to kill Yi Tianyun, and did not want to wait for him to speak, not to subdue him, just want to kill him directly!

The tasks they receive are very simple. As long as they are not their own, they will kill them, no matter who they are! Even if it is a super genius of this **** domain, or a princess or the like, as long as it is close to all the kills.

In the moment when the evil spirits want to kill Yi Tianyun, Yi Tianyun's eyes are condensed, and the floating figure quickly swept away, directly exploding the strongest force.


The power of violent, running through the evil spirits, at the moment when the other side was torn apart, the five dragons were quickly swept up and turned into thousands of gods.

The title of the evil spirit killer is fully reflected here, and the damage is increasing!

In an instant, this evil spirit is easily killed and turned into a blood fog!

"Hey, successfully killing the evil spirits and gaining experience with six million compression experience points..."

"Deep kill, successfully earned an extra reward of 100,000 points of compression experience..."

The violent power, plus the superposition of the evil spirits killer title, is enough to make him have the destructive power of the sky. The evil spirits killer can enhance the damage, but with the improvement of the opponent's cultivation, the power gradually declines.

Although it has declined, it has not declined much, from the previous fifteen times, it has been reduced to ten times the power of the addition. This is very satisfactory for him, can increase the damage by ten times, what is not satisfied?

"Stealing, sneak attack!" Another god, after seeing his companion being spiked, widened his eyes and looked like Tian Zun, who fled and fled, and suddenly broke out with such strong power.

This is not a panic escape, but a pig to eat tigers, to carry out surprise attacks!

As he quickly took out Yu Pei and prepared to crush and convey the news of the sneak attack, a figure did not know how long it was to kill him.


Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold, and when the opponent is still sending messages, he will make a storm. The pistol in the hand danced wildly, recruiting deadly, and the violent force once again killed the evil spirit god.

This evil spirit also thought that Yi Tianyun didn't come so fast. It seems that he is too naive now, so that he will die without defense.

If he does not send the first message, but immediately summons the Tianzun Lingbao, it may be able to withstand it and successfully send out the information.

Now there is no such opportunity, and it is completely turned into the dust of the universe.

Yi Tianyun did not stop and continued to kill the remaining Tianzun guards. They only responded, but they did not qualify for the news. They may be able to convey information, but not to the main characters.

Regardless of whether they can convey the news, Yi Tianyun has already quickly killed the past. Under the shadow of the sword, they have become the same, and let Yi Tianyun harvest a wave of experience, which makes him feel very satisfied.


Yi Tianyun's eyes condensed, looking around in a circle, eventually staring at the planet in front, now it is time to wake up these ancestors. The situation was urgent. He did not hesitate. He shot a gun in the past. The light of the rainbow condensed into a line and went straight into the front of the big array.

As long as the blast is broken and exploded inside, all the ancestors naturally wake up. He just wants to be so simple and rude. When he goes to the door to wake them up, it is too slow.

Can the ancestral retreat be simple? He couldn't break it if he wanted to break.

When the attack was ready to attack the big array, a figure came out from the inside, reached out and took a light shot, and the attack was scattered and turned into a pile of colored light spots.

Yi Tianyun’s attack was actually broken up!

An old man smiled and looked at Yi Tianyun and smiled. "This little friend, shouldn't you be a disciple of Xiu Tian Shen domain?"

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