Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1577: Original Product

Yi Tianyun heard the law of the cultivation of the ten refining monarchs, his face became very strange, he is not the ten refining lords? Still need to be so troublesome, betrayed to the law of cultivation?

Don't say it is him, even the swordsman Tianzun they are all eccentric, subconsciously look at Yi Tianyun, I think this is a very ridiculous thing.

The first ten refining monarchs that have appeared so far are undoubtedly Yi Tianyun. As for the evil spirits, they do not believe that there will be the emergence of the ten refining monarchs.

This is easy for Tian Yun, and so far, there is definitely no ten refining! I can't say it later, at least not now.

Otherwise, he will not have that special title, because he is the first landlord, so he can have such a title.

However, it is hard to say that the evil spirits have the method of practicing the ten refinement of the land, and it is true that there is. Just how and how, Yi Tianyun knows that if you talk about the conditions yourself, wouldn't they be able to make them betray?

Of course, they have additional conditions, that is, to break through to the Emperor! The method of refining the monarchs of the ten refinements is only what they want by chance. The way to break through to the emperor is the most important.

Their words have given them a little impact. Has the description of the entire divine domain been false for a long time? That is, the Emperor, only one person can appear, and the second one will not appear.

The evil spirits told them that they could appear second. This is simply a joke, even a evil spirit that has not appeared in a god, but also said that the second **** can be said.

"Even if this is the case, for this thing, you can bully the ancestors and betray the teacher?" Xiu Tianyu said coldly: "And you think they will really give you the real cultivation method? You are all I have been an elder here for so many years, how can I go back more and more!"

It is really ridiculous to repair the Tianyu masters, but to choose betrayal for these imaginary things.

"Training the Tianyu master, this is the problem of the horizon. We are not begging for betrayal. As a member here, we will tell you a little more before we die." The elder said with a serious tone: "The evil spirits have already There are two gods, but there is no customs!"

"Far fart!" The imperial **** can't help but scream: "Is the emperor so easy to appear? There is only one **** in the heavens and the earth. If the gods really appear, with their character, they will not rule out everything?"

This is obviously untrustworthy. The Emperor is already in an invincible presence. There are also two emperors. Isn’t this a joke?

"Let's face it, we have all seen it in person, and I have experienced it. The horrible atmosphere is really only owned by the gods. Only the gods did not go out, but were trapped. As for How do we come out, we don't know, knowing that breath is far from what we can compare."

"Do you really think that we are stupid, and if we don't see anything, we really decided to slap our heads? We are not that stupid!"

These elders snorted and looked like you were good, but they were ruthlessly abandoned, which made people feel chilling.

"For example, the existence of the ten refining princes that appeared before is undoubtedly the evil spirits. They sent people to go out and stir up, and the whole **** domain was blown up. You should all hear this."

These elders smugly said that they wanted to say how correct their choices were. Although they have been caught now, they still want to say that their choice is correct!

Having said that, Yi Tianyun's face is even more bizarre, especially Yi Tianyun is even more stunned. When did he become a evil spirit?

"It seems that the evil spirits are not evil." The vast **** shook his head and said: "The things of the gods in front are true or false. We are not good at explaining. But in the latter case, you are indeed fooled by evil spirits. And still completely fooled!"

"How is it possible, they can release the breath of the ten refining monarchs, and they feel very similar! As long as we get the cultivation method, there will be a large number of strong people in the repairing **** domain. The ultimate goal is to be able to easily break through to the gods level, even the gods!"

They can't believe the words of the vast gods, and it is still true that they are determined to be what they see and hear.

"Yes, listen to your voice. It looks like the vast **** knows more. If you have the ability, you can tell it, what is the real cultivation method, or how to prove that it is not a lie of the evil spirits?" These elders used sad eyes. Looking at the vast gods and gods: "It seems that we have been practicing outside for many years, and we have not made any progress! It is because of this that we are not willing to give you the domain of repairing the gods!"

"But we hate it, and we are finally defeated..."

They are not reconciled, no matter what they say, they are hard to escape. There is no good betrayal of betrayal, or bad betrayal, betrayal is betrayal, almost let the life here smear.

"The method of cultivation, of course, I have!" The vast gods stood up and looked around in a circle: "I am not afraid to tell you that the cultivation method is to condense two planets before the nine refinement of the land, in order to have a breakthrough to the ten refining The opportunity of the landlord!"

"Oh..." They suddenly laughed. "It’s not an idiot. These are all rumors of the evil spirits. They are to deceive you these idiots, so that you can get rid of it! I will say what comes out, it is outside. Spread all over the street!"

They sighed and felt that the vast **** was more ridiculous.

Hao Hao Tian Shen's expression is indifferent, he knows that he does not believe in himself. When he just wants to say something, Yi Tianyun stood up and said: "I am the person who likes to face, and still likes to take it heavily. One."

A group of people's eyes are condensed on Yi Tianyun, and they don't know what he meant. When so many elders spoke, a younger generation stood up and interrupted?

The voice just fell, Yi Tianyun directly broke out the effect of the ten refining landjun, there is a chain of chains behind, a total of ten is added, representing the ten refining!

The ten horror of the horror of the horror, shrouded over them, except for the vast gods, most of them were shocked after seeing them.

Ten refining the land, really is the ten refining! Say good evil spirits exclusive, say good is the evil spirits sent out to trouble people?

The original authentic, in front of them, and is also a pro-disciple of the vast god, really a ghost!

"I don't know the true and false words in front of the evil spirits, but the words in the back are absolutely false. In the past, the ten strong people who grew up in the land, that is me!" Yi Tianyun said indifferently: "I don't know, it is enough to prove Are you ignorant?"

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