Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1578: Illusion

The eruption of Yi Tianyun made them all dumbfounded, and they couldn’t say a word. This is just a face-lifting, it is simply to fight that kind of death, and ruin their illusions.

"The true method of cultivation is indeed to condense two planets before the nine refining monarchs, in order to successfully break through to the ten refining princes. The difficulty is too high, it is not recommended to try. Not to condense two planets, Can break through, just increase the chance."

Yi Tianyun pointed to the vast **** and said: "I have given the detailed experience to the master, and everything has him to decide."

Hao Hao Tian Shen certainly will not say that he came out, originally wanted to refute a few words, Yi Tianyun directly stood up and explained. Otherwise, they are not willing to believe.

At the same time, he wants to enhance the prestige of the vast god, so that he can take root in the field of repairing the gods after this station! Before the vast gods only wanted to try in the vast gods, now the change is so great, once he can control most of the power of the sky, then you can try it here.

He just wants to play a role in boosting here, not to prove that they are stupid, only to be exposed. This is just one of the key points. The key is to make your master's status more stable. Especially in the latter words, it represents the method of detailed cultivation, that is, in the hands of the vast gods, how to say it, look at the vast gods.

A group of people have gaze in the vastness of the gods, and their eyes are flickering. I did not expect that the strongest of the ten refining monarchs of the outside world turned out to be disciples of the vast gods. It is incredible.

"How, how can it be, those guys, what are provided to us are fake?" These elders are shocked, they have personally felt, how can there be a fake?

"As long as it is strong enough, some of them have the ability to imitate, and can imitate the breath of the ten refining monarchs. It is not surprising at all." At this time, the imperial **** stood up and shook his head and sighed: "Ten refining the landlord." A long time ago, there would have been ten refining monarchs, but they all disappeared. We also have the ability to condense two planets, but we have no courage to break through the ten refining monarchs. The cultivation method is too complicated, really Not very good to say."

As ancient gods, they still know a lot, but they are not essentially the breakthrough of the ten refining princes, so they really do not have the real cultivation method, or the sound experience. Otherwise they have already provided it, not a retreat.

"There is still such a thing..."

Combined with Yi Tianyun's words, it seems to be quite credible. Of course, the ability of the ten refining monarchs is in front of them, they have to believe.

"Does what we see are all illusions..." These elders really want to die. The real ten refining lords are in front of themselves. There is no doubt that the evil spirits are illusions!

"Yes, what you see should be all illusions, including the power of the gods. It is also possible to find out that the power of the gods was a little long ago, and it made you mistakenly think that it is so." The **** of the sky is cold and cold: "In our time, the gods did not appear, but now I told me that there are two gods, this is not a joke!"

"I haven't gone out yet. I don't think it's there at all! The power of the gods is so strong, what else can stop them?"

The sinister gods sneered at this, but they really don’t believe in these things. If they really have the gods, they still don’t turn the sky?

Under these words, these elders face a burst of white, is it really being played? Seeing it with your own eyes, to see the breath of it, or to be cheated?

This is really terrible, and the means of the evil spirits are really strong enough.

"Don't we really be deceived..." The betrayed elders are already repentant.

"Yes, you must have been cheated."

"But they will definitely launch the battle of the gods, and with their power, they can destroy us!" The elders still hardened their necks and did not completely compromise.

"Even if this is the case, do we have to kneel down for them to survive and survive?" Xiu Tianyu said with a cold smile: "When I was in the battle of the Emperor, there were still many forces who were unwilling to live. Take a closer look. When I was willing to take advantage of the living forces, how much is there now?"

They repaired the words of the Tianyu master and directly blocked the words of the elders. In fact, these words are not only told to these betrayers, but also to the elders around them, or deacons.

They hope that this situation will not happen again, and the wall of betrayal will never end well.

Yi Tianyun deeply understands this aspect. The evil spirits treat these betrayers with extremely bad attitudes. Especially after the end, it is simply two attitudes, they are even more disdainful of this traitor, even the animals are not as good.

Therefore, I really prefer to stand and die, and I am not willing to live.

"After ten days, in front of all the disciples, execute them in person!" Xiu Tianyu waved his hand and motioned them to put these people on, and executed them all the time!


The guards immediately put them on, and if these elders are dead, the coming will come, and the defeat of the king is the truth.

"This time we can come out to rescue, it is really thanks to the help of the little friend." Yudang Tianshen will smile and look at Yi Tianyun said: "I didn't expect it to be a ten-smelling monarch, I really can't see it, so genius, but it is the cultivation of the Terran. It’s incredible."

"Yeah, it seems that we should change the rules and change the rules. The Terran practitioners are also recruited..."

They have completely changed their people, not only them, but also other elders. Especially the elders who insist on recruiting talented disciples have changed the same now.

It's not that recruiting genius is not good, but recruiting loyalty, not a bunch of white-eyed wolves! Nowadays, there are a lot of geniuses betrayed, and I feel heartbroken when I think about it.

At the same time, they feel that they are all old and have a hard time. There is such a thing, and for some pursuits, there is a lot of attachment.

"Great elders, this time we are all served..."

A famous elder is deeply envious of the vast gods, even if they are at the same level, they must slap one and express their apologies. After this time, they have a lot of feelings.

The more you climb from the bottom, or the more talented, the more genius. The more genius, even if I get the reward of resources, I feel that I should be reasonable. Where is there a little gratitude?

Seeing this situation, Yi Tianyun is even more emotional, and his own power must not happen!

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