Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1579: Charisma

Yi Tianyun disguisedly saved the entire Shutian domain, and received a lot of gratitude. He was directly invited to become an elder. However, these were rejected by him. He still didn't want to be an elder here. He had a good management of the gods. He didn't have to join in.

Moreover, when he joined in, he will definitely not do anything. In the Three Realms, he is not managed by him. Therefore, it is useless to give him any position.

Since he does not be an elder, he can only be rewarded. Yudang Tianshen asked him to come forward to pay, Yi Tianyun very unceremoniously put forward, he needs a variety of materials, want to refine the middle quality Tianzun Lingbao!

He can now refine the middle-class sacred treasures, and one more treasure, it will have more strength.

The sacred gods will not be embarrassed, and they will directly give Yi Tianyun a large amount of materials. Many of them are very good materials, so that Yi Tianyun is enough to refine a middle-class Tianzun Lingbao.

The rest of the matter, basically there is no such thing as him. Xiu Tian Shen is not his power, he is not an elder, he can naturally leave.

However, he did not choose to leave, but stayed here. He intends to refine the Zhongpin Tianzun Lingbao, and then directly kill the Wantian Divine or the Shengfeng Divine, and copy their headquarters!

Even if he did not go, the ancestors of Xiu Tian Shen domain had already made up their minds. After the end of this incident, a large number of people were sent to kill the past and flatten the two gods.

The two major gods have attacked, then they have no reason to avenge? Therefore, after waiting for the stability here, a group of people will be organized.

Yi Tianyun will definitely not miss this opportunity, either to go alone or to follow. It is safer to follow along with one piece. After all, how the two great gods have a little foundation, it is easy to be a problem.

"Let's reproduce this treasure first, or it's really trouble..."

After this battle, especially in the face of the powerful god, he basically has no blocking power. As a result, his explosive attacks did not reach the level.

As for the replacement of the suit, it is also necessary to improve the upgrade. There is no level of the gods, and those suits cannot be replaced.

I have to say that the request is really high, and I need the level of the gods to be able to buy a higher level suit. Now I can only refine the Tianzun Lingbao to defend myself, otherwise it will be seconds.

"It seems that the median Tianzun Lingbao chooses a defensive type, and the attack is there, that is, the defense is a little fragile."

Yi Tianyun feels that he is still a lot of cuts, relying on physical strength to resist, the difficulty is really too big. Therefore, the second piece of Tianzun Lingbao is finalized as a defensive treasure.

Immediately, he began to pry the material into the body and began to consolidate. Some of the materials were not enough. Too rare, the number is not much, even if it is not so much.

To this end, he can only throw it into the store and sell it, and then copy the material several times through the effect of copying. It’s just that the price is amazing, but it’s amazing. He can only buy it with a hard scalp, otherwise he can’t make a good armor.

"Almost, the rest is the point of time."

Cohesion of the median Tianzun Lingbao is the same as condensing the lower heavenly sacred treasures. It is only necessary to throw the materials into the brain and it will be able to condense successfully.

This is simply the gospel of the hand, no need to ask for a master, just refining yourself.

After a while of condensation, the median Tianling Lingbao was formed, and two treasures were gathered. Gradually, as time goes by, the above lines become more and more clear, and finally appear in front of Yi Tianyun, that is, two wristbands!

The second piece of Tianzun Lingbao is two wristbands, something that is firmly placed under the wrist. Because it is agglomerated, the materials consumed are really quite a lot.


After the success of the cohesion, Yi Tianyun took it out and put it on his wrist. There was still five dragons in it, and it was almost the same as his five dragons. He had a very overbearing power.

This wristband doesn't look too eye-catching. Who can think of it as a median Tianling Lingbao?

"This time, defensive treasures have, the next time you can try its power." Yi Tianyun eyes flashing, this thing is not as ordinary as the surface, the effect is very different.

"That is called the Wulong Bracer!"

What he wants to create is a suit, the one that can overlap the effects...

"Almost, I don't know what the situation is." Yi Tianyun waved his hand and felt like it was after going out from the retreat.

The outside guards greeted him very respectfully. Yi Tianyun was the great benefactor of the Tiantian domain. Seeing that he was basically equal to seeing the elders, he was very respectful.

After he came out, he soon learned that the repairing Tianyu master announced the general matter, and even in front of all the disciples, executed the traitors.

This is no different from what I said before. As for the attack on the holy peak **** domain and the Wantian domain, it will be decided in the next month!

This action was really a thunder, and it was ready soon. The impact of this incident is too great, and the Tiantian domain must do something to restore its face.

Killing the two great gods is the best way, and it is warning the evil spirits!

"Next month, attacking the Ten Thousand Gods and the Holy Peaks, it is now planned to attack the Holy Peaks. In which the Holy Peaks and the evil spirits have the best relationship, the Holy Peaks are destroyed first!" In the hall, he said: "There is a possibility that the evil spirits come to help in the process, so this trip must be repaired to be strong, and repairs are all above Tianzun!"

"Now start to arrange the squad, everything must follow the command of the captain, and must not defy."

After a simple arrangement, they began to gather the gods to arrange them into teams. The Holy Peak is so vast, and a group of people are sure to be very inefficient. All that is needed is a full-scale assault.

"Repair the Tianyu master, I wonder if I can participate in this war together?"

At this time, Yi Tianyun's figure appeared in the eyes of everyone. He would not miss this kind of battle. After all, he has always had some hatred with Shengfeng Divine.

"No problem, then you will become a small team. As for who will tell you..."

"Repair the Tianyu Lord, I, I am willing to have a team with him!"

"I am willing too!"

"I prefer it! Tianyun Tianzun, my ability is not weak, I will never drag your hind legs..."

One by one, they all rushed up, like grabbing people, and wanted to take away Yi Tianyun.

After repairing the Tianyu masters, they shook their heads again and again. Perhaps this is the charm of personality...

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