Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1580: dignity

Yi Tianyun's popularity is very high, a group of people constantly rushing over, rushing to join Yi Tianyun's team. Originally, Yi Tianyun was still relatively excluded here. After all, they came to face and affected their rules.

Now different, Yi Tianyun has super strength, super level, and also saves the sky, the popularity value is basically equal to the elders level.

So how can they not want to join in? They want to feel at a close distance, what kind of concept will be the Tianzun of the ten refinement of the earth.

Yi Tianyun took a casual look and smiled: "Everyone is very good and very good, but my team can only have five people. I can't accept too many people at the moment. But these five people have already set a long time... ..."

"Yes!" At this time, the swordsmen Tianzun came out and laughed and came to Yi Tianyun.

Swordsman Tianzun, Longming Tianzun, Yueqiantianzun and Litiantianzun, the last is Yi Tianyun, adding up to five people. The whole team is full, there is no extra space.

From the beginning, they planned to be a team, so there is no room for it.


They suddenly showed a disappointing expression. Originally, they wanted to fight with Yi Tianyun. Now it seems that they can only watch far away. Although it is a pity, at least it can still be seen from afar.

Soon all the teams were assigned, and the vast gods stood up and said coldly: "Now all the teams are already here, and we will leave for the Holy Peaks! We will not attack without discrimination. As long as it is above the level of the gods, all are eliminated! Some things should be baptized with blood!"

If they are too low, they will not bully. Especially for some young and old, they will not attack indiscriminately. They are not like evil spirits, and they are not like other fierce forces. If they let go, they will still let go.

After all, the real masters are not them, and some even don't know, they let them go.

"Baptize with blood!"

"Baptize with blood!"

They all yelled and thought of the previous grievances, and all the disciples on their side were threatened. As long as the order is completely extinguished, the mood can be imagined.

Now as the accomplice, the Holy Mountain Godland is naturally going to be destroyed.

Under the increase of morale, the vast gods led them to go directly to the holy peak **** domain, to protect them, and two ancestors. The rest of the ancestors are here, and if the strong are gone, here is no one is guarding.

This is quite dangerous. If there are enemies, it will be troublesome.

Soon, they madly killed the Holy Mountain. When they came to the holy mountain area and prepared to kill them, they all stopped. Just picking a planet and seeing a scene is a horrible scene. All practitioners, regardless of their level of cultivation, age and size, are all destroyed.

Some of them are extremely miserable, some are even more divided, and some have numerous holes.

After they saw it, they were shocked by this scene.

Yi Tianyun quickly flew down to check. After a while, the expression dignified: "It is evil spirits..."

"Evil spirit?"

They quickly reacted, and the swordsman Tian Zun sighed: "Is it the failure of the holy peak **** domain, angering the evil spirits, and bringing a whole cleansing?"

"It's very possible, I don't know if they are still here!" Yi Tianyun looked cold and turned to look at the mighty **** next to him. "Master, what should we do now?"

"Destroy them!" The vast **** god cold voice: "All orders, now speed up to spread around, see the evil spirits killing! If there is something, immediately ask for support, be careful!"

They did not expect that the evil spirits would kill them so much, the attack failed, but they were cleared by the evil spirits. This does not require them to contribute, the Holy Mountain domain will disappear into this domain forever.

But they don't want the evil spirits to help this, and give them priority!

"Yes, great elder!"

Follow them one by one, and Yi Tianyun’s team also rushed to the front to see if they could find the evil spirits.

"These evil spirits are really heart-wrenching. Are you not merciless to the losers?" Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold, and the evil spirits have always been high and are extremely proud.

Therefore, when the war was in the early days, the gods were crazy to eradicate them. I did not expect them to be so tenacious, and they have never been destroyed. On the contrary, the forces are so amazing.

On the contrary, the gods are very miserable, and now they have become very declining. Perhaps there are still gods hidden in a corner, but in any case, the decline of the gods is inevitable.

Along the way, Yi Tianyun saw that all the planets were completely drained, and many practitioners were killed, all of which were swallowed up by the evil spirits. This feeling is really disgusting, and the existence of evil spirits is a hundred times more disgusting than some demon people.

After they flew a lot of planets in succession, they finally saw a living person in front, but these living people were rapidly reduced under the killing of the evil spirits.

There are not many evil spirits in this group, only a few dozen, and the high and low are the highest, but the highest is only the level of the gods. They came to be like devours to cultivate, but now it doesn't look like they are swallowing cultivation, but they want to play with it.

"Ha ha ha, want to escape? Hey come over to me!"

"Escape, continue to escape, I like to see you desperate when you run away!"

"Isn't it quite arrogant? Now let me kill your loved ones one by one and see how you are arrogant!"

These evil spirits are simply metamorphosis, rooted in abuse.

Yi Tianyun, after they saw it, burned in anger and flew without hesitation.


Yi Tianyun turned into a stream of light, and those evil spirits did not react, and they were directly smashed into slag!

"All dead!" Yi Tianyun swept away again, and smashed those evil spirits into slag.

Perhaps he does not have a good impression of the holy peak **** domain, but it is absolutely disgusting to trample on life. Even if you die, you must die with dignity. But they are just playing and playing around.

If the king is defeated, if he loses, he will be killed and recognized. But casual play, it is trampled on dignity, which is not allowed by every practitioner.

This is the same as the repair of the gods and gods, only to destroy the level of the gods above the level. They are low-cultivators, and they do not bother to kill, whoever has their own standards.

Not only is the gods of the gods, but other gods will do this. As for all being destroyed, one can't stay, can only say that the gods have done a lot of things that hurt the world, the evil spirits are one of them!

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