Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1584: Global support

Yi Tianyun ruined his plan twice in a row, can you not feel angry? Even if the repair is a huge gap, even if you don't want this face, Yunyun Tianshen will kill him!

"Do not destroy your plan, can you help you? Idiot!" Yi Tianyun sneered a sentence, completely do not give the eyes of the gods.

Jinyun Tianshen was so angry that he pointed his finger and said: "First kill the guy here and say, this kid of the evil door is handed over to me to solve it!"

Jinyun Tianshen really put down his body. In front of so many practitioners, he said that he must give priority to killing Yi Tianyun. It is incredible to say that he went out.

The ancient gods of the heavens, even put down their bodies to deal with the median Tianzun, and said that they are incredible to go out. This is a matter of letting go of the body and saying that it is shameful to go out.

Jinyun Tianshen doesn't feel embarrassed, he only feels angry and wants to kill Yi Tianyun. Bad two good things, can you not be angry?

Everything is so perfect that it has been destroyed. Originally, you can take down the Tiantian domain without spending a single soldier.

Now, not only are there many deaths and injuries, but even the two great gods are completely gone. This kind of chain reaction makes him want to vomit blood. Fortunately, there is no alarm to those who are not dead, or the problem is more serious.

"Yunyun Tianshen, want to move him, first ask the two of us to say!" The two ancestors ran across and stopped in front of the clouds.

If the account is settled, the account between them is really calculated!

"Take me away!" Jinyun Tianshen quickly summoned the Tianzun Lingbao, including the gods and gods treasures, all summoned out, five times a spiritual treasure surrounded by.

At the same time, there are five arms behind them, and these weapons are controlled in their hands. It is undoubtedly really desperate. The evil spirits have multiple arms, which means they can explode more powerfully.


The battle started immediately, and under the impact of Jinyun Tianshen, it officially started. With the other gods attacking one by one, facing the enemy, it must be red-eyed.

The Holy Peaks owners also turned around and rushed. Since the channel could not be opened for a while, they would kill the vast gods.

"Open the channel!" They slammed the gods and they immediately ordered the channel to open. Before that, the difference was very different. Let’s take a look at the situation.

Now that everyone is back, it is time to have a good fight.

Under the initiative to open the channel, headed by the sacred god, quickly rushing up outside. This time, the battle really unfolded, everyone shook the weapon with a weapon, and the battle quickly became hot.

"Give me a drive!"

At this time, the vast sky of the gods descended from the sky, and the mighty vitality descended around, covering all the practitioners. At this time, they were surprised to find that their healing ability was greatly improved.

There is no doubt that this is the Yi Tianyun Wumu God suit. The effect is reduced as the repair is improved, but it is still very effective for the gods. It is better than not even a little effect.

Of course, with the improvement of Yi Tianyun, the effect will also increase. Therefore, it can be maintained at a very good level, so that all practitioners have a superb treatment blessing.

Yi Tianyun not only turned on super treatment, but also rushed to other Tianzun strong. He does not say to kill the gods, there is no problem in killing those gods.

"This healing power is really amazing. What is this move?"

"Tianyun Tianzun is too powerful, and this kind of skill? The injury that has just been suffered has just recovered, and it is several times faster than before!"

"It's really amazing, so we fight with them, don't worry about getting hurt! Even if you get hurt, just relax it!"

When they felt this power, they all expressed their shock. Even the elders felt extremely shocked.

They have already felt the swordsmen, and when they saw their expressions, they thought that their own expressions were indeed deeply shocked.

"Oh, success kills the superiors and gains experience..."

"Oh, successful killing the median Tianzun, gaining experience..."

"Hey, successful killing..."

Under the blessing, they are more and more brave and less fearful of injuries. They can naturally crush them in a state of ruin.

At the same time, with the help of, Yi Tianyun can also get amazing experience. He doesn't need to shoot, he can earn a lot of experience.

He had wanted to do this before, but his scope was limited. If he hunted in many ways, his treatment range would not be enough. So simply don't open it, you can only come slowly.

It’s different now, it’s all in one big battle, so it’s within your control. In this case, the experience has rapidly increased, and it is no longer a dream to upgrade quickly!


Yi Tianyun's own arrogant speed, the amazing speed of Kunpeng's blood, is displayed here, killing Tianzun is like drinking water. Suddenly he was harvested like a harvester.

In this case, let the Jinyun gods be frightened, can you still have this ability?

"This kid is really a wicked thing, give him priority!" The Holy Mountain Lords all agree with the words of Jinyun Tianshen. This is really a wicked thing. The plan to destroy them is not to say, now fighting, and Such a trick of the evil door.

I have seen the treatment of injuries, but I have never seen such a wide range of treatments! So that when they fight, they are not enough to fight each other.

It’s not enough for people to treat them all the time.

Under one order, several gods quickly swept over Yi Tianyun, and each of them broke out their strongest strength, and rushed out to sprint.

How to kill Yi Tianyun first, repair Tiantian masters they can put aside, priority becomes killing Yi Tianyun.

"Want to kill him, first ask us!" The vast gods quickly intercepted them and killed them with these gods.

How do they protect Yi Tianyun, whether it has saved the Tianshen domain before, or is now in an extremely important position, it is mainly based on Yi Tianyun.

Now the comprehensive strength of the two sides is quite different. With the powerful treatment of Yi Tianyun, it is possible to win this game, and even the losses here are extremely rare.

So in any case, keep Yi Tianyun!

For a time, Yi Tianyun was said to be protected inside and outside, and he as a therapist, constantly performing treatments in the center, allowing them to heal quickly.

"This Wumu God suit is really a good thing. If it can continue to upgrade, it is not against the sky?" Yi Tianyun will use this Wumu God suit every time he fights a group battle, it is definitely a rescue artifact.

The effect is now a lot weaker, but it is still very strong, the focus is still all support, and you can get the experience of killing everyone, this is cool enough!

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