Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1587: Look a little more

An erupting god, as it was killed by Yi Tianyun, is so amazing. Yi Tianyun was also shocked by his own strength. The basic improvement, combined with the crazy injury mode, is a perfect match!

In addition, these gods are not familiar with their own fighting methods, and naturally they will be easily killed. Even if it is an outbreak, it will be useless, so he can be killed by him!


After another **** reacted, he continued to storm over here with a roar. This time he was prepared, and he was alert in all directions, worried that Yi Tianyun chose to attack again.

Can Yi Tianyun did not think about continuing to sneak attack, sneak attack this move, the first time is still fresh, the second time is afraid not too good. Especially for dealing with these full-powered gods, the difficulty is undoubtedly bigger.

"Give me a drive!"

The five dragon wristbands in Yi Tianyun's hands flashed, and the light quickly rushed up from the wristbands, and all of them were poured into the five dragons, and the power directly increased sharply.

Wulong Intensification: It can greatly enhance the power of the Wulong Guns, while also enhancing the strength of the arm ten times!

This is the skill effect brought by the wristband. It not only strengthens the power of the Wulonggun, but also strengthens its arm strength ten times! This is the effect of the median Tianzun Lingbao, still quite amazing.


The five dragons that have been shot out have become several times larger and their power has increased dramatically. This rushed Tianshen eyes wide open, I did not expect Yi Tianyun to become stronger, before I thought it was the limit!

With the crazy fight, Yi Tianyun was actually a few tricks with this god, and there was no trace of defeat. Not only that, Yi Tianyun's treatment effect has continued, and has not stopped.

Originally their purpose was to interrupt Yi Tianyun's treatment, or to kill him. Don't talk about killing Yi Tianyun now, even interrupting his treatment can't do it!

"It is a **** that burns life. Even if it is upgraded, it will not be easy to deal with two pieces of Tianzun Lingbao."

In the hands of Yi Tianyun, the five dragons are madly slamming, and the other side is constantly resisting, or counterattacking. There is a horror in the heart. A median Tianzun in the district is a cockroach ant in peacetime. Now this ants are not weak, and there is a counterattack!

Not to mention him, even other people have been deeply shocked, almost the gods on their side will be hanged.

"Haha, the younger brother broke through again. It is incredible. Even if it is the **** of full force, there is no way for him!"

"The younger brother is a younger brother. We don't need us to worry. We always worry about us."

"Yes, it has always worried us all about white. Every time we turn the inferior quality into an advantage and easily crush them!"

Swordsman Tianzun they are relieved, I thought that Yi Tianyun will be stormed, who knows that the other side was attacked. Even if they hit a tie, Yi Tianyun won.

After all, Yi Tianyun does not burn life, and the other party burns life. If it is more persistent, it is definitely not as good as Yi Tianyun. Continue to do so, Yi Tianyun will win!

"What is going on, is this still a god?" The Holy Peaks owners did not know what Yi Tianyun was coming to. How could it be so bad?

"Come back!"

Yi Tianyun laughed loudly and played with enthusiasm. He waved his five dragons in his hand. The five dragons’ wristbands constantly increased their strength. Under each squat, they could give their opponents a distance.

It’s a pity that you can’t equip the evil heavenly suit, or the power will definitely go against the sky. He can only do this in order to continue to treat all people.

Losing a piece of combat power, in exchange for the overall endurance, is still very worthwhile.

Under the pressure of Yi Tianyun, the other party retreated and continued to do so, and will definitely lose.

Unexpectedly, under the outbreak of full force, I can only draw a tie with the other side. How can this heaven be tolerated? But how can he not tolerate it, he can't kill Yi Tianyun.

On the contrary, as time went by, Yi Tianyun pressed it a little and took him out of breath.

After a period of time, Yi Tianyun took advantage of the other's gap, killing the past and picking up the opponent! The sharp five dragon gun, just opened a hole in him.

This is not over yet, Yi Tianyun continues to madly sweep down, and the opponent is smashed into four segments, completely dead into slag.

"Hey, successful killing of the gods, gaining 6 million points of compression experience, 50,000 points of compression crazy value..."

A pile of data came back again, successfully killing a god, and Yi Tianyun felt very comfortable. Before it was a sneak attack, all kinds of moves were used to kill the gods.

Now is the frontal storm, you can suppress a god! Of course, this level of the gods can only be regarded as general, not to the top level, not the ancient gods, the gap in the level is still great.

However, this has already shocked a group of people. Yi Tianyun used his strength to smack their faces. So many people desperately killed, and also squeezed out two gods, the final outcome is death, no exceptions.

"These gods are not bad, but they are still a little bit worse. Can you continue to send some points?" Yi Tianyun stood in the same place and continued to treat his companions with injuries. Except for a slightly low breath, the rest did not have any problems.

He is experiencing a high point of consumption, and the rest of the injuries are really not a big problem. Under the super-healing effect, naturally there will be no problem.

The face of the main peak of the Holy Peak is iron blue, how can you play this? They are all desperate, and only two gods can kill them. Now there is really no chance.

"It's all a bunch of waste!" Jinyun Tianshen roared, and he was forced to go out on this side. Even a **** can not kill, how can it be mixed?

"What are you doing, fierce, kill me!"

Immediately, the celestial gods roared again, let them fight a little more, and don’t drag on any more. Now that life is burning, what is the concept?


Soon a loud bang broke out and the two gods blew themselves in the process of confronting the enemy. The self-destruction of the gods level is very terrifying. It directly blows out the surrounding practitioners and blows them out. They are seriously injured, and even broken their legs, and some of them are gone.

The explosion of the gods, the effect is immediately reflected, giving a large piece of injury. The downside is that even people have been bombed, but the advantage is more obvious, that is, to blow up a big vacancy.

What is 狠, this is even more awkward!

The ending of the self-destruction is that the soul flies and disappears completely in this world, but the effect obtained is indeed obvious. This Yuntian **** is really embarrassing, in order to get that unknown treasure, completely release these gods.

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