Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1590: Old ancestor wake up


After a collision with the gods of the gods, Jinyun Tianshen quickly retreated to the back and looked at the practitioners who were constantly fighting. They were full of dissatisfaction: "It’s a bunch of waste, it’s a waste of time, it’s a waste to spend so much to train you. Resources!"

"The two forces, together, can't beat a **** domain, it's really enough garbage. Things can only be done now!"

Jinyun Tianshen took out a piece of black spar, followed by a smash, and the dark energy floated out of the broken spar, followed by him to inhale the nose.

After a while, the body of Jinyun Tianshen began to become extremely large, and the four wings behind it turned into six wings. In addition to this, there were twelve arms coming out, waving different Tianzun Lingbao, or Tianling Lingbao. !

The momentum surged a lot, and it was actually the momentum of the ups and downs of the gods, crushing a group of people.

The explosion of such evolution has caused many people to breathe and feel uncomfortable pressure. Especially the burly body, with a piece of black crystal on it, perfect body, giving a very strong feeling.

Yi Tianyun looked at this side, his eyes suddenly condensed.

Blood Awakening Outbreak: It greatly strengthens its own strength and has an unrivaled strength. Only when the blood concentration is extremely amazing can it be used. Jinyun Tianshen uses the awakening of the **** stone to forcibly activate the awakening effect of his own blood power, unable to persist for a long time...

It turns out that this is a **** awakening, no wonder it will be so terrible. The power of ascension is not a little bit, but several levels of continuous jumping. Where is the original level?

Although this can't last for a long time, but for a while, there is still no problem. With these arrogant momentum, it is enough to crush them.

This is a very strong level of superior gods, and the gods of the gods are also the level of the gods of heaven. I don’t know what kind of effect they can make.

"You garbage, in front of our perfect blood, all are ants!"

Jinyun Tianshen laughed and waved the Tianzun Lingbao in his hand and stormed it.


The savage gods are directly bombed out, and the frontal attack is not as good as the celestial god!

After the celestial gods of the clouds, they immediately flew to Yi Tianyun, and they all wanted to hit Yi Tianyun! This tone has been lingering for a long time, and I had already wanted to rush to kill him. I have been intercepting it.

Originally, I didn’t want to break out. Now I am forced to break out. After the outbreak, I will lose money. If there is no harm to his body, he has already erupted long ago, and will not wait until this time.

When it is not a last resort, no one wants to overdraw his own life to attack.

"Kids, take your life!" Jinyun Tianshen screamed, all the way to the attack, the practitioners along the way have avoided, avoiding their edge.

In the face of a superior god, there is really no courage to resist, and resistance will become cannon fodder. However, some could not be quickly evaded, and immediately turned into a blood fog.

Whether it is their own people or enemies, Jinyun Tianshen ignored them all the way.

"Come on!" The vast gods immediately voiced to Yi Tianyun, indicating that he rushed to escape.

Jinyun Tianshen is undoubtedly coming to Yi Tianyun. If he runs away later, Yi Tianyun will definitely be smashed.

Yi Tianyun can defeat the lower gods, and even can do a few tricks with the middle god, but in the face of such a skyward god, it is impossible to resist.

Therefore, they all let Yi Tianyun escape, and it is too late to come.

Not to mention them, even Yi Tianyun feels pressure multiplier. When he really faces the storm of Jinyun Tianshen, he must be the one who has no power to fight and is directly killed.


Yi Tianyun did not hesitate, turned and fled outside, but he was not timid, but the most sensible choice. Moreover, he was able to attract him to leave the battlefield. If he was allowed to come here, it would really make a mess here.

"I still want to go!" Since the outbreak of Jinyun Tianshen, naturally will not let Yi Tianyun, the speed immediately increased by dozens of times, to Yi Tianyun here to kill.

In the blink of an eye, I chased after Yi Tianyun, this is a blink of an eye, and the terrible speed even Yi Tianyun can't see clearly.

"Is this the power of the upper gods, or is it that the evil spirits can have such terrible power after awakening the blood?" Yi Tianyun felt a shock inside, and felt that this power was stronger than the savage gods!

It is also the upper level of the upper god, how can the gap be so big?

The next moment, Jinyun Tianshen stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The huge palm was like a dark sky. He wrapped it up and wrapped all his way back.

"Give me in!"

Jinyun Tianshen grabbed it down, and the superb banned effect made it easy for Yi Tianyun to move. It was equal to facing a blocked wall and could not pass through.

For a time, all his abilities have failed. In the face of powerful and unrivalled power, his power can't compete!

"It seems to be dead..." Yi Tianyun really felt that he couldn't resist it this time. Unless he was repaired to rise again, he would not even have the ability to resist.

He wants to upgrade now, he can't do it. The experience is still a lot worse, especially the median Tianzun breaks through to the superior Tianzun, and the experience required is an astronomical value. Even if you kill the gods, you must kill dozens of them before you can upgrade to the superior Tianzun.

In the midst of this millennium, suddenly a huge palm sticks out from the field of Shutian, and grabs the palm of the **** of the clouds, and it is heavy.

The sound of "嘭", the huge black palm of Jinyun Tianshen, was so crushed.


Jinyun Tianshen snorted and flew straight out, black blood rushed out of the body, pouring from his mouth, and suffered a slight injury.

"District worms, dare to arrogate in my territory!"

A phantom shadow emerges from the field of the heavens, and the huge illusion is like the same Emperor coming to cover this area.

After they saw the celestial domain, they showed their eyes of worship: "Seen the ancestors!"

This illusion that appears is the ancestor of Xiu Tian Shen domain, who has the power of tyrannical power and wakes up from sleep!

"The late Tianshen..." Yi Tianyun took a sigh of relief, and did not expect to have such a strong presence within the Tiantian domain.

How did it come to this time? In his opinion, there is only one possibility, that is, living soon, or a virtual power.

No matter what, he is saved!

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