Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1594: protector

So enlightened, Yi Tianyun felt very admired. But if you change him, you will do the same. It is not that he is a savior, but that the evil spirits came at the beginning, and the souls brought by them are ruined, no matter what forces will be affected.

The rest of the forces are affected, but in the end it will definitely affect their own power. Moreover, most of the forces now choose to resist the evil spirits, so as long as other forces are not finished, the evil spirits will not be particularly embarrassed.

When he was thinking about something, the sacred **** looked at them and said: "This little friend’s ability to perform is very good. I put down my old face and asked the little friend to help repair the gods! Maybe the Shutian domain is sorry. Your place, but please don't mind, from now on, Xiu Tian Shen domain will definitely treat you as an elder!"

"We will not treat you badly, we will give you all kinds of resources, and we will provide you with the best practice place!"

Yudang Tianshen really put down this face and came to pull Yi Tianyun into it. Yi Tianyun's performance is obvious to all, not only can kill the gods, but also all the treatment, or the foundation of the ten refining, just these points are enough to make him a post of elder.

However, Yi Tianyun did not join in, and he could not become an elder. Even if you join, it is not so simple, you can become an elder.

He is very helpful, but it will be too elder to be an elder. Many people don't understand what Yi Tianyun is, and what is the real situation. It is undoubtedly too much to play as an elder.

The situation will be better now. Most of the Tianzun and the gods have received his assistance, which will undoubtedly help him become an elder.

But he has no interest in the position of the elders. He can come to help repair the gods, and to a large extent is that the vast gods are here.

Yi Tianyun did not rush to answer, but turned to look at the vast god, want to see what his master said. If the vast **** said to make himself an elder, then he became the elder here.

"Tianyun has its own power and needs to manage more, so you don't need to join in." Haohao Tianshen shook his head and said: "But the ancestors, you don't need to say, he will definitely come over and help. Just because of me. As a master here, he will definitely come over and help..."

The vast **** God shook his head and smiled. As a master, how can he not know the reason? Yi Tianyun, they can come over in time, not because of themselves, is it that the road will be unreasonable?

"Predecessors, thank you for your kindness, the younger generation is indeed this. You don't need to say that the younger generation will come to help. Moreover, when you learn about the evil spirits, the younger generation knows that they can't get out." Yi Tianyun smiled: " If the younger generation does not shoot, once the evil spirits orbs gather, then all the forces will be finished! Also including the power of the younger generation, there is no doubt that they can't refuse."

Yi Tianyun is a person who understands things, and they also know what it means. Once the evil spirits come again, everything will fall into the darkness. Who can escape when the time comes?

If you are not willing to come and help, when the forces are all finished, they will definitely spread to their own power.

As for what to surrender, it is no problem, and it will be their slave for a lifetime. This choice is undoubtedly no one wants to see.

"Hey, it’s still a small friend who understands things. But many people are fancy, or the power of evil spirits. Even if it’s not evil spirits, many people will want to have the evil gods orbs, for the power of them.” Yudang God shook his head. Some are blinded by greed, and they are eager to have the invincible for a time.

They will not care, the consequences of the gathering of the evil gods and pearls will only bring about the power that they can rule when they have the evil spirits!

As everyone knows, the evil spirits are very powerful, but they are not invincible. Surrounded by powerful evil spirits, it is easy to be killed. Or like the **** of the gods, the body is eroded a little bit, and it is still empty in the end.

But they are the invincible for a while, the rest does not matter.

There are still many such people, and there are still many! Therefore, there is no promotion, it is still a very correct choice, there is no need to add to yourself.

"The rest will not be said much. The resources given will still be given. Your power is positioned at the elders level." Yudang Tianshen still gives the power to the elders of Yi Tianyun, although he does not join, but later Will help, do not give some benefits, it is really unwilling to go.

Especially this time, the help is huge, even if you don't want to give a reward, you have to give it!

"The younger generation is not welcome..." Yi Tianyun will certainly not be polite. In the future, he will come to help. This is to help him. If this advantage is not given, it is really chilling.

Follow them and discuss some things, such as guarding plans. No one knows **** the gods, and when they will kill again, everything must be prepared.

When they discussed a lot of things, Yi Tianyun inserted a sentence in the side: "Predecessors, have you considered the alliance and the like?"

Light is a force. It is really difficult to get a climate. It must be gathered together to resist.

"Considering... But we are not sure, these so-called alliances will not be behind a knife." They all showed a bitter smile, not to mention the alliance, and their own people are not credible.

"Of course, the alliance I am talking about has the same kind of evil spirits orbs. Is there no news at all?"

If you want a true alliance, it’s definitely not credible to go out and pull a force. If they are all guardians of evil spirits, it is different.

They all shoulder heavy responsibilities, and unity is undoubtedly more perfect.

"This is no news, it is impossible, but it is very certain, then it is not sure." Yudang Tianshen thought about it and said: "I heard that in the four-character domain, the strongest dragon **** domain, It may be the guardian of the evil gods orbs... and the sacred gods of the day, and may also be the guardians of the evil gods orbs."

"Yulong Godland and Tianzhu Shenniao?" Yi Tianyun remembered that day, the gods of the gods also suspected that they are disciples of the Tianzhu domain, but this is too mysterious, not to say this.

Immediately after he thought about it, he said: "The Scorpio Gods are too mysterious. This is difficult to contact. The Dragon God Domain, don't plan to contact them?"

"This..." They looked at Yi Tianyun with a strange look.

Swordsman Tian Zun was next to Yi Tianyun with his elbows on his side, and smiled: "Little teacher, you don't even know what the situation is?"

"I really don't know about this." Yi Tianyun shook his head.

"The dragon **** domain is all female repairs, extremely rejecting men, not to mention the alliance. As long as the men go in, they will be driven out. In serious cases, they will be killed directly. How do you tell them?" Jiansi Tianzun said with a smile.


Yi Tianyun, is this not the same as the original Tianzhu Palace?

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