Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1597: Battle against evil spirits

In the vagueness, Yi Tianyun can see the evil spirits in the pearl, with a head suspended in it. The eye of the investigation also gives the information inside it to the present.

Evil God Orb: Sealing the head of the evil spirit, possessing the most terrible power of evil spirits, the seal needs a strong force. At the same time, when you display it, you have the power of a horrible evil spirit, enough to destroy everything! The effect of corrosion far exceeds that of other evil spirits.

Sure enough, the head of the evil spirit is sealed here, otherwise the Three Realms will not have such a **** of heaven. Stacking layers, when stacked together, can seal the power of this evil **** orb.

Can be possessed by the evil spirits orbs, if it is really the leader of the gods, then this is too miserable. With such a strong level of God's seal, but even a head can not be sealed, or need their own body seal?

However, when he observed it carefully, he found that the floating corpse was indeed a **** spirit, but it did not seem to be the leader.

The elders of the gods: the body is sealed with the power of the evil spirits, and still has its own consciousness, but it is already in a state of vagueness, and it is cultivated as a medium-level god.

"It turned out to be the elder of the gods..." Yi Tianyun was relieved, but if it was the seal of the elders of the gods, what about the patriarch of the gods?

Perhaps when you pass this pass, you can know the truth.

Immediately, he lifted his foot and walked forward. He had just stepped into the big squad, and the dried corpse floating in the void, suddenly moved up, slowly looked up and looked at it, both white and black. This phenomenon, afraid of being the power of evil spirits, has eroded into his head.

"Is anyone finally coming?" The dry voice, like the sound of scratching on the wall, was very harsh and uncomfortable.

"Haha, finally someone came forward, can you let this evil spirit absorb a little blood? Or, want to re-enclose me? For a long time, no fresh blood has been absorbed by me, I have been absorbing this body, and there is no taste at all. ""

The corpse suddenly laughed, and the distorted face looked exactly the same as before. Both the sound and the tone of speech are two levels.

One is dry, weak, like the feeling of depletion of lamp oil; the other is full of vitality, it is full of evil!

"The evil spirits have already eroded to this extent..." Yi Tianyun took a sigh of relief, and it seems that while possessing the evil spirits orbs, there are such powerful side effects.

The evil spirits are so powerful that the infinitely close to the practitioners of the gods are not only difficult to die, but even if they are divided into several pieces, they are not dead.

"Kill, kill me, seal the evil spirits Baozhu..." Soon it was replaced by another sound line, let Yi Tianyun kill himself.

"Haha, come kill, have the ability to kill! A median Tianzun in the district, I don't know how you came in, but it is very good to come in and send blood. After a while, completely encroaching on this body, I I can rush out!" The evil spirit is laughing again, watching Yi Tianyun's eyes full of disdain.

This **** elder elder, how is the level of the median god, and now there is the power of the evil spirits blessing, want to kill is not so simple.

"Is it out? I think, with your ability, you can't do it at all." Yi Tianyun sneered: "If it is so easy to rush out, you have already rushed out!"

He has a five-dragon gun in his hand and is ready to fight. This is the final test of the last level, killing the elders of the gods, and then becoming the guardian of the evil gods!

In the same way, he will become like this, let the evil spirits bead into the body, and then be a little bit of blood. This process is very slow, unless you use the evil spirits orb, or it will be slower.

No matter how slow, it will always be taken away a little.

No matter which guardian, the final end is like this. Unless you move out in advance, you can live a little longer, but blood is afraid to fill it back.

He has no choice of fighting now, he has to face the choice, either to die, or to become a guardian!

However, the evil spirits in front of us will not allow Yi Tianyun to become a guardian. If they become guardians, they must be kept trapped for a long time. Where, like now, it is possible to control the body of the elders of the gods.

Especially now, I want to kill Yi Tianyun to absorb more blood to fill my own needs. The more blood he absorbs, the more powerful he can recover.

Just how to absorb, he has only one head, power can not be strong where to go.

"Kid, it's quite arrogant? Even if I can't get out, at least I can kill you!" The evil spirit yelled, manipulating the body of the elders of the gods, killing here, the power quickly ascended up, from the original median The level of the early days of the gods was actually a mid-level of the middle god. It is obvious that the power of the evil spirits has been poured in.

Only in this way can we better control this body.

Yi Tianyun's expression looked at the evil spirits that rushed over. It is no wonder that this will say the probability of five or five points. If the soul power of the elders of the gods prevails, then he can win this game, even easier.

On the other hand, if the power of the evil spirit prevails, then he faces the 50% chance of failure!

Now is the other 50% chance that the evil spirits have manipulated the body and raised the power. Combining the level of Yi Tianyun before, this is really the success rate.

However, at this moment, for a while, now his cultivation has been upgraded, even if it is the median god, they can hardly fight!

"Five dragons scream!"

"Five Dragon Bracers Blessing!"

"Dragon and Phoenix, open!"


Fully released, so many levels, especially in the face of evil spirits, if it does not break out, it is a fool. He is not a fool, not even a light enemy!

He has always implemented a philosophy that the Lions fight rabbits to do their best!


The violent attack slammed up, and with a loud horror, both of them were bombed out. The body of the gods elders' dry and dry, was bombed farther, and finally hit the shield directly, making a "beep" and bounce back.


The elders of the gods spit out their blood, but only a little bit, his body has to be drained, and there is blood there.

Yi Tianyun's situation is not bad, the body is slightly shaken, suffered a bit of internal injury, a little recovery.

For the first time, Yi Tianyun was slightly better.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it... you, your strength will be so strong!" The evil spirits were all scared. A median Tianzun, can still fight with oneself, not losing, it is incredible!

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