Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1610: control

In the eyes of everyone's shock, Yi Tianyun directly nailed the white wind deacon to the ground, and the power of violent force made the white wind deacon unable to move with time.

Almost this gun went through the head of the white wind deacon and killed her directly. This is a discussion, is it necessary to be so worried?

"You kid, it's too embarrassing, let me go!" Ling Bing Tian Shen was furious, swiping and slamming over here, wanting to fly Yi Tianyun.

Feng Yang Zun was surprised to cover his mouth, she did not expect Yi Tianyun would be so hot, even if you want to prove yourself, do not need so embarrassing? It’s ok to beat the opponent, no need to be so hot.

The white wind deacon who was nailed to the ground was full of horror in his eyes. He was defeated when he just shot. What is the speed of this? Everything is her negligence.

"Slow!" The dragon-winged master waved his hand and intercepted Ling Bingtian. His eyes looked at Yi Tianyun coldly.

"The domain master, what's wrong with you, this is just a discussion, no need to be so cruel? This is seriously hurt, almost to kill the white wind deacon." Ling Bingtian is very anxious inside, Baifeng deacon but she How can you not worry about your men?

"You look at it a little more clearly!" The dragon's main eye is fierce, she is much more calm.

This will look at the past, and the pupil suddenly shrinks. On the ground under the white wind deacon, it is contaminated by a dark blood. A sin of evil rises from this blood, which is obviously not a normal blood. It is the blood of the evil spirits!

Although there are many ethnic groups here, no blood is full of evil spirits. Only the blood of the evil spirits is extremely special black and full of evil spirits.

It means that this white wind deacon is the evil spirits!

Everyone else knows this, they have all fought with the evil spirits, and naturally know what the blood of the evil spirits is. As the cultivation is getting higher and higher, it is difficult to see who is the evil spirit. I did not expect the white wind to be a deacon, but it is a evil spirit.

This is a very serious matter. When I don’t know, the evil spirits have already come in?

"Your white wind deacon, afraid of being controlled." Yi Tianyun said faintly.

When I saw the first sight of the White Wind Deacon, the eye of the investigation immediately saw it. Before, he couldn't see that the **** of the sky was a evil spirit. The main reason was that the level was too high and it was too strong. Naturally, there was no way to easily see it.

The practice of the White Wind Deacon is relatively low, and it is not a true evil spirit, but the blood is eroded, leading to a bit like a evil spirit. In essence, it is not evil spirits, so he did not directly kill, but only controlled the white wind deacon.

"This, this..." Ling Bingtian was shocked. She had never noticed this situation, but she was noticed by Yi Tianyun.

Not to mention Ling Bing Tianshen, even if it is the dragon dragon domain owner, they are not aware of the changes in the white wind deacon. This is their dereliction of duty, especially by Yi Tianyun. It is really embarrassing.

"I didn't expect the breeze to be obsessed, it has been controlled, and the blood has been transformed. Such a method is really difficult to see and be controlled..." The dragon dragon domain master is more rational. When she first saw it, it did have inner heart. A bit of anger, Yi Tianyun is really too worried.

The white wind deacons are not so embarrassing, but Yi Tianyun is so embarrassing. When she saw the blood, she knew that she was wrong.

Immediately, they immediately rushed over and banned the white wind deacon, and at the same time prepared to remove the evil spirits inside, or they could not break free of control.

When they were banned, other people looked at each other and they did not know how Yi Tianyun knew it. Just thinking about it, Yi Tianyun saw it as a white wind deacon at the beginning, and immediately pointed out that he had to play with the white wind deacon first.

It seems that it is now intended to suppress the white wind deacon.

"Tianyun domain master, how did you perceive it?" After the ban of the white wind deacon, the dragon dragon domain owner turned to look at Yi Tianyun.

"This is by feeling. I can feel that there is a bad spirit in her body. A very familiar evil spirit directly seals her up." Yi Tianyun said lightly: "I used to fight the evil spirits before. Have a little experience in this area."

He can't say that he is relying on the eyes of exploration. If he feels it, it is really easy to misjudge.

They look at each other, even if it is based on feelings, it is too accurate, not afraid of inaccuracy? But the truth is in front of them, they have to believe.

"It turned out to be like this. I was embarrassed..." Ling Bingtian felt very embarrassed. Before that, he really wanted to take a shot.

If it wasn’t for the main interception of the Dragon Field, it’s really a matter of letting Yi Tianyun fly out, and then I know that I’m wrong, but it’s even more embarrassing.

"This is nothing, the point is that she should be your cronies. Your so-called evil spirits are safe, I am afraid that it has already been known, and there are even many people who are afraid of being controlled." Yi Tianyun Shen Sheng: " To put it bluntly, it is very likely that you have a lot of deacons, or disciples, who have been firmly controlled and become their eyeliners!"

Directly send evil spirits to come, unless it is very strong, or it will be easily seen. For example, the ancestor level of Jinyun Tenjin can evolve to a very perfect level, so that most people can't detect it.

As for the rest, it will definitely be easy to find out. Especially when recruited, it was recognized.

However, it is a lot easier to grasp and control, not only to avoid exploration, but also to the level of cronies, it is easier to obtain information.

When they heard it, their face changed, maybe it was really early. I thought that I had the information of the evil spirits orbs, and I wouldn’t be noticed. It seems that I have been known for a long time, but they thought they were not discovered.

"Tianyun domain master, I do not know if I can ask you, help to explore the situation here, and all of them to search out!"

"No problem." Yi Tianyun is doing this. Now that he is not proving himself, he needs to find out the controlled disciples.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun immediately went out with the main dragon, and began to explore from the elders' hall, and then went to other areas. Exploring one by one, although she can summon all the disciples, she does not want to stun the snakes, but more importantly, she does not want to expand the influence of things.

This is a very big thing. If you call it all together, it will definitely make people feel awkward. She would rather be slower and don't get confused.

Under the search for all the way, Yi Tianyun came out one by one, absolutely did not fall one! After being found, the dragon dragon domain owner immediately banned it, threw it into a special space, and then continued to search with Yi Tianyun.

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