Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1615: aisle

"This should be related to the big battle..."

Yi Tianyun glanced at it here. This lucky Temple of Heaven has many large arrays arranged here, and there must be a large array that affects the air transport.

Otherwise, it is more difficult to affect a person's air transport. However, he believes that the luck of the lucky **** itself must be extremely amazing.

Otherwise, I really have no courage and dare to call myself a lucky god. Mainly she is lucky enough to do anything with luck.

This kind of practitioner is not without, it is extremely rare. These people are more genius than genius, can be said to be the top level of enchanting.

Gas transport occupies most of the potential of a practitioner, and it can be said that the opportunity is entirely arrogant.

For example, if you enter a forest, the gas is amazing, and you can find two amazing steps. It is also a two-step walk, and it is able to find the legacy of a certain predecessor.

Others dig three feet, afraid that they can not find a little benefit. This kind of air transport plus, just dig a few digging, but also a variety of ancient artifacts, simply people are more popular than people.

This kind of luck is often too smooth, and it is easy to encounter bottlenecks or to withstand any setbacks.

However, seeing the lucky gods can cultivate to the gods, I believe that their ability will not be bad.

"Luck is really a good thing..."

Yi Tianyun personally experienced, how do you not know? He is quite high in character. After turning on the lucky halo, the effect will not be said.

But sometimes he doesn't need it for a while, he is too lazy to open the lucky halo. After all, sometimes when you open it, you can find some treasures, but the treasures do not meet his needs, and naturally they are too lazy to open.

When he thought about how to get to the Tianzhu Divine, he came to a group of Tianzun, plus a god.

"Give me the statue of the lucky god, if it is damaged a little, I can't eat it!"

The feeling of deja vu appears again in front of everyone.

This is a comeback, and I want to take away this lucky god.

When the **** saw the **** that came before, he angered: "What do you do to my goddess!"

After saying this, God came over a mammoth, and another **** was equally angry: "What is your goddess, this is my goddess!"

Follow them and fight crazy, and the rest of the heavens face each other, what is going on?

The two gods rushed all the way, and they played out of the Temple of Lucky Temple. They still understand the points. I know that it is not allowed to come here. If the strength is too strong and destroys the statue of the lucky god, it will not be worth the loss.

When they rushed out and won, they calmed down and restored their former silence. The Tianzun who came here was right. The owners who hired them all went to fight. They still did not rush to move the statue.

"Are you hired to move the statue? I advise you not to mess with it. I am lucky that the gods will be miserable... We will leave first." The last group of gods hired the gods who hired them to fight outside. When I hurried away, I dare not continue to stay here.

If you stay here, you don't know what will happen, they don't want to be so shameful. Dignified, humiliating in front of so many practitioners, I really can't afford to lose this person.

After the warning, they hurried away from here, and the rest of the Tianzun face each other, I do not know whether to continue.

When the gods outside were inextricably beaten, a group of heavenly lords came from outside, and there was also a god.

"You have to move the lucky **** statue to me. If you break a little, you will die!"

This time came a female god, I did not expect her to be an admirer of the lucky god, I want to move this statue away!

There is no difference with the results. The Tianzun who moved the statue immediately made a gray face. The Tianzun who looked at the side looked at the dumbfounded eyes. Is it really bad luck? Not only do you beat yourself, but you will also drop bricks in the sky. It’s a hell.

When they hired their own gods to fight hard, they quickly ran away, and they dared to stay here.

Yi Tianyun, who witnessed everything on the side, couldn’t help but smile. The Tianzhu Divine is the Tianzhu Divine, and the array of arrangements is so weird.

However, the lucky god, I believe it is also the gods of the gods, but no one will guess the lucky god, it will be the gods of the gods.

Immediately, he ignored them and turned around to the statue of the lucky god. There were also many practitioners worshipping here.

"The back of Lucky God is still so beautiful, it's so beautiful..."

"Yes, I hope lucky gods can give me good luck..."

"If you can give the lucky gods a hand, just fine..."

"Fart, just like you, repair is still so low, lucky **** will see you?"

They can all be discussed in the back, enough to see how lucky the gods are.

Yi Tianyun shook his head and his eyes turned to the back of this lucky god. The real entrance was on the back of Lucky God. To be exact, you should find clues through the back of Lucky God.

Soon, Yi Tianyun found a faint white point. In fact, this white point is very inconspicuous. Basically, many practitioners will ignore it. After all, this doesn't make much sense. Is there a white point on the statue that is not normal?

Yi Tianyun looked across the white point and happened to be on a small brick. This piece of brick, but it is one of the thousands of bricks here, there is no bright spot.

But this brick is the key to the real passage. No other bricks will work, and there is no effect at all.

Yi Tianyun looked around and stared at the lucky **** when they stared at him. He quickly flew over and reached out and touched the brick.

With a flash of light, the figure disappeared in place. You don't need to break through the big array, just touch it and you will enter the real passage.

This is actually similar to a transmission array, and will be removed as soon as it is touched.

No one around them noticed that there were few individuals here, and no one would care about Yi Tianyun. After all, a **** is swaying here, not a big deal, no one will care.

After Yi Tianyun entered, he found himself in the channel, and there were no bright spots around him, which was a very common channel.

He didn't think much, he went up and walked forward. When preparing to go to the exit, a shadow appeared at the mouth of the passage and kept him out.

"Who are you?" A very nice voice came from the front.

Yi Tianyun looked up and appeared in front of his own eyes. It was not someone else. It was the lucky god!

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