Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1621: More luck than luck?

Yi Tianyun thought that the lucky **** will last for a while, but did not expect a small meeting to end, have to say that this physique is really a lever, the luck is absolutely explosive.

He has seen amazing cultivation physique, but he has never seen such a lucky physique, and the effect is even more amazing. Not enough talent, luck together!

All kinds of adventures along the way, all kinds of elixir arrogance, but also afraid that repair can not be upgraded?

Lucky God is such an example. It is so high when you are young. Of course, her talent is not low, this is the most terrible, under the double superposition, it is really amazing.

This made him unable to dig the wall, and if Lucky God joined his power, it would really enhance a lot of strength.

After all, with such a group of practitioners going out to hunt for treasure, and coming back around a circle, they can search for a lot of treasures, and they can meet many adventures.

But this is just a thought, how can the Tianzhu domain be released?

"Lucky God, what's wrong with you?" Yi Tianyun suppressed his inner smile, that is, looking at the lucky **** of the wolf, the water on his body was quickly evaporated, which is nothing to her. It just looks awkward.

"Nothing..." Lucky God's face was pumping, and he felt that he was really dying. He wanted to make Yi Tianyun unlucky. Who knows it is her own bad luck.

This made her feel very surprised, how could she be unlucky, not Yi Tianyun unlucky?

"What is the situation, is he saying that he is more fortunate than me? Or, the bad luck is back..." Lucky God is constantly guessing that the final rule is that the bad luck has returned to himself. "It is very likely that there will be more before." This led to this situation."

She can only be sure of this, no matter the luck or the degree of doom, naturally can not be used randomly. If it is used indiscriminately, good will become bad, so it should be used with caution.

She did not think that Yi Tianyun had a bad luck. After all, she was as bad as her, and she was still a minority. Moreover, it is really so lucky, it is estimated that Yi Tianyun's reputation has long been outside.

This is the same as Lucky God, and there are people who come to visit her. However, the establishment of this temple is the Tianzhu Divine, deliberately preaching out, can also be used as a cover.

When I continued to go on, I quickly left the celestial pool. Lucky God is a depressed face, it is simply depressed, and originally wanted to teach Yi Tianyun, who knows that he has been sinned.

"Tianyun Tianzun, you as a guardian, sometimes you need to know a low-key, not too high-profile, or easy to bring harm to yourself." Lucky God thought, can only persuade.

"Is this not enough low-key?" Yi Tianyun wondered.

"Are you still low-key? You also said that it is enough for you to have the Three Realms. Isn't it high-profile?" Lucky God shook his head. "Your cultivation is not weak, but it is so embarrassing, but looking at the whole godland, only Can be regarded as a general level, understand?"

Yi Tianyun looked at her up and down and felt a little surprised. He didn't expect Lucky God to say this. Generally, there is such a luck to add, everything comes so fast, basically no bitterness to eat. It must be more arrogant and more arrogant.

Who knows what he knows is low-key, and it really surprised him.

"Lucky God, do you still know low-key?" Yi Tianyun felt funny: "I thought you would be very proud, I didn't expect to know things so well."

Lucky God almost vomited blood and glared at him directly: "How can I be arrogant, even if I am lucky, but I can reach this kind of achievement, it is not just luck!"

"This is... Since you think that I am not low-key, it is better to join me in my power, and then supervise me how?" Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

"Join your power?" Lucky God turned his eyes, she didn't know how Yi Tianyun chatted, how to turn around the topic, and then wandered around myself. "I am the elder of Tianzhu Shenyu, how can I join you?" ?"

"I didn't say that I would let you out of the celestial gods, and occasionally go to us to be a guest, bring me what I have, what is your elders and elders. What conditions do you want, even with me, I can meet It will definitely satisfy you." Yi Tianyun said very boldly.

"What do I want, what do you give me? Your repair is lower than me. I don't necessarily get it for me." Lucky God gave him a look.

"You don't say it, how do I know what you want." Yi Tianyun shrugged helplessly.

"But, I am too lazy to say that you can't give me anyway." Lucky God waved his hand and did not take Yi Tianyun's words seriously.

"How can you become my elder elder?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"Don't do it, I can't do anything here, but I'm still busy with you. I want to be a guest elder, unless your luck exceeds me, but this is impossible..." Lucky gods waved.

"Wait!" Yi Tianyun pointed at her and said: "This is what you said. If you say that luck is more than yours, then you will join my power and become a guest elder!"

"Jokes! Kid, it seems that you don't know the power of the old lady!" Lucky God was laughed at, and some people were more lucky than themselves. "If I lose, become your elder, but I won? I always It’s impossible to have any benefits, it’s too bad.”

"What do you want?" Yi Tianyun said straight to her.

Lucky God looked up and down and listened to it from this tone. It seems that he really wants to compare with himself.

"I really don't know how high the sky is..." Lucky Tianshen turned around and said, "If you lose, give me the evil gods, I will keep it for you. How? In this way, I am also kindhearted." So, you are not in danger."

This is true. The evil spirits orbs are extremely dangerous things in some low-educated practitioners. However, in the lucky god, there is no good, it is a very evil thing, at most, in times of crisis, a little emergency, most of the circumstances are sealed.

It was collected by Lucky God, and it really helped solve the trouble.

However, Yi Tianyun didn't think so much, and there was a wickedness to hold. If it was accompanied by the eruption of the evil spirits, it would have different effects.

The quickest way to deal with evil spirits is to use the power of their evil spirits to suppress them! This is also why, Yi Tianyun wants them to give the evil spirits to themselves, and then let the evil spirits use them, that is, a perfect evil spirit is alive.

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