Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1629: Identification

"This friend, can you help me to see the Lingshi? This is a thank you!"

"Yes, let's go over here with us and help us see the Lingshi. Those Lingshi are too many. We have to cut a lot of Lingshi every day. There are many that are not needed. It is a waste of time. what……"

"Yeah, come over and help! We will definitely thank you!"

Before the disciples there came over to invite Yi Tianyun, I want him to help check the situation of Lingshi, so that the high-grade Lingshi can be selected.

After all, high-grade Lingshi must be used in mechanical guards, and the rest of the low-grade can be used for disciples to cultivate, or to make other things.

Nowadays, the priority is to use mechanical guards, so the workload is still relatively large, and it is more difficult to give priority to high-grade ones.

They stayed there for a long time, only to recognize them roughly, and the speed is still very slow.

"This is no problem." Yi Tianyun looked at the lucky gods and smiled: "Lucky God, don't be too depressed, you will know later, even if you lose to me, it is a lucky thing."

After he laughed, he left with other disciples.

Fortunately, the **** of heaven listened to it, and immediately slammed his foot, and said with anxiousness: "What does this kid say, what loses to him, or my luck!"

She bit her lip and stared at the back of Yi Tianyun's departure, but followed it up: "I don't believe it, can he recognize it?"

The comparison between the two has ended, and the practitioners around have left, and the situation here has been spread to let them know what is going on here.

I have to say these things, it is absolutely a sensation of the entire Tianzhu Divine, so that everyone will be shocked. Fortunately, the gods lost so much, they lost in luck, so many people could not accept it, but the fact is that they have to believe.

After Yi Tianyun followed a piece of the past, he immediately began to help, and at a glance, the situation was generally understood.

"What kind of Lingshi do you want above grade?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"Five products are all five or more grades. There are too many grades below five products. Some of them look like five products. They are all open and found to be three or four products, which greatly increases our workload. "They want to cry without tears, mainly because they are too expensive, they have to hurry to add."

If you don't limit your time, they don't need to be so anxious, you can slowly get it.

"What about the five grades of Lingshi?" Yi Tianyun once again glanced and smiled: "It is true that the spirit stone below five products is really enough."

Within the ten spiritual stones, there are seven or eight spiritual stones within four products. Can this not waste time?

Although they are all cut, they can be distinguished, but they are also cut. There is still a lot of time. In particular, these can't be cut too hard and are easy to cut.

Lingshi must be the more complete and the better, can not be arbitrarily destroyed, or the energy is greatly lost.

"That would bother you, help me..." They looked pleading and hoped that Yi Tianyun could help find out.

At this time, the lucky gods are staring at them. I want to see how Yi Tianyun recognizes them. She can't see them, even if other elders have come to see them.

If they can see it at random, they will come over and recognize it, and they will not find Yi Tianyun an outsider. They really can't do it. It's like trying to hurry up.

Even the elders of Yan Yuyu stood by and watched, enough to see how difficult it was to recognize.

"This is a good saying." Yi Tianyun smiled and waved his hand. A special force shrouded the past, sucking a piece of Lingshi constantly, and then being moved into a hill. "These are all grades above Wupin Lingshi. You can check it out. Of course, I can't guarantee that everything is there, so if you see something wrong, please forgive me."

"So fast?" They all looked at it, and immediately saw it? It’s only a small amount of work, it’s already finished.

Follow them one by one and cut them one by one. With a little knife down, they immediately reveal the level of the five spirits.

"This piece is a five-level!"

"I am also a five-piece!"

"My piece is six!"


I cut them one by one, and every piece of it was exclaimed, but it was really the level above the five-pronged stone! There are no mistakes, all of which are at the level of more than five products.

This made them all shocked, and the elders of Saitama couldn’t help but come to Yi Tianyun and said: "This friend, as long as you tell us the identification method, we will definitely give a remuneration! Or, what do you want? Remuneration, as long as it is within the allowable range, we will promise!"

They need this ability too much. They pile up a mountain of spiritual stones here. Every day, there are millions of spiritual stones coming. If there is such a recognition method, it is too simple.

"This is very sorry, it is not my private possession, but it is entirely based on feelings. It is really not eye-catching." Yi Tianyun shook his head and said: "You can't see it, how can I see it? It's all by one." A special kind of induction, I feel that these Lingshi grades are higher, I will give them out."

Yi Tianyun will certainly not say that it is the credit of the eye of exploration. They have no eyes to explore, and it makes no sense to say it. Moreover, he really has no identification method, so he can't say anything.

If he can say it, he must say it. Anyway, this is not a major secret, and there is nothing to say.

I can't teach it at all, I can only choose to refuse.

"Really by feeling... This kind of thing I have heard is that some practitioners have a strong sense in some respects. This is like those martial arts geniuses. After a few tricks with you, take your moves. I learned it."

Elder Saitama shook his head and felt very sorry. Since they can't teach, they can only give up.

"In this case, during this period, I hope that the Taoist friends can help, and this aspect is more urgent recently..."

"No problem, just a little thing." Yi Tianyun laughed with a chest.

"Good!" Sui Yu’s elders laughed and said: "I like the Taoist friends so refreshingly, what is the matter, even if you come to us, we can help, definitely help!"

The lucky elders are watching the side, and it is so difficult to identify them. They have been identified by Yi Tianyun. It seems that I have chosen to dig a big pit for myself.

"I thought that other people couldn't see it. In the world, the singularity is really a lot..." She thought, she has excellent luck, isn't it one of the abilities?

However, she was very frustrated when she compared Yi Tianyun.

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