Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1630: Details

After helping to identify this, Yi Tianyun saw the lucky **** standing next to him, not thinking about something, but walking and laughing.

"Lucky God, are you coming over?"

Lucky God gave him a white glance and said, "I am not saying that I want to take you to the celestial gods. This is not halfway, and I will definitely continue to take you around."

"It turned out to be like this, then I am tired of being lucky." Yi Tianyun smiled and didn't quit anything. It would be better if someone could lead the way.

Immediately, under the leadership of Lucky God, I will go shopping in other areas and check the current situation of Tianzhu Shenyu.

The Scorpio oracle is very different from other sacred fields. The planets are basically connected together, all surrounded and connected to each other.

This is somewhat similar to the dragon **** domain, but it is closer to the dragon **** domain, especially between the planet and the planet, or connected by various mechanical means to form a channel.

In this way, even if it is not high, it can walk through different channels in this planet. Connected in one piece, mainly can play the strongest effect, can attack and defend, is definitely the most basic ability of the Tianzhu domain.

In addition, Yi Tianyun can also see a lot of mechanical guards, here to patrol back and forth, even if there is a strong big array here, or it is difficult to kill someone, there is no slack.

"These mechanical guards are really strict enough. You are so safe here, are you not willing to relax?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"Safe? There is no absolute security, especially in this special case, everything is possible." Lucky God shook his head.

"What special circumstances?" Yi Tianyun wondered.

"You are the guardian, I will not hide anything. Recently, the evil spirits have been active and have been trying to find out the gods. So every entrance, there will be strong guards, which is why I will stay there. Fortunately, "Lucky God said: "The evil spirits are pervasive, and even control the practitioners, and then quietly infiltrate them. For example, pollute the blood, then control, become undercover!"

Yi Tianyun was surprised: "It seems that your news in this regard is still very clear."

"Of course we know that some of our disciples are under control. Fortunately, we know in time that we have not exposed the situation here." Lucky God sneered: "Our security measures here are absolutely the highest." Level, if you want to avoid exploration, it is impossible. No matter what minor changes, we will immediately notice it."

"This is amazing..." Yi Tianyun once again made a great difference to the Tianzhu Divine. I did not expect to have such amazing ability. I remembered that the Dragon God domain was largely unknown.

He swam around here, not only to see the situation of the Scorpio, but also to see if it was controlled. After he circled around, he found that there was no problem. It turned out that there was a test method here.

"It's amazing, but it still needs to be guarded." Lucky Tianshen said: "In short, everything must be vigilant. The power of the evil spirits is not weak. It is obviously weakened, but it is getting stronger. They must be In what way, from the barrier to shuttle to support."

Scorpio Gods knows that the barriers are not unexpected. The things that Goddess of God knows are gone. If you don't even know this, then it is not the Scorpio.

"Have you checked it out?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"Yes, I have checked it. There are no barriers at all. They are constantly strengthening. It is definitely a special way to let the evil spirits keep coming. According to the previous battle record, the evil spirits are repelled. Going back, only a small part is still alive, but now it is getting stronger and stronger, even if it has a strong ability to survive, it should not be so arrogant."

They don't understand this, unless it is deep into the enemy, it is different.

"Do you know their position?" Yi Tianyun's eyes brightened, he had a bad spirit, and he could explore it in the past.

"Yes." Lucky God does not suspect him, Yi Tianyun as the guardian, knowing these things is no problem, follow her to take out a chart, slightly mark the above orientation: "This is the area, but only one of them Point, the rest is really not clear. The other party's strength is amazing, can't be explored at will, otherwise it will be noticed."

"Good!" Yi Tianyun took the star plate and remembered this position, so that he can go directly to find it next time. "Here is the five-character domain?"

"Yes, they stay in the five-character area, where nature is the closest to the barrier. In fact, the Tianzhu Divine is in the five-character domain." Lucky God explained.

"It turned out to be like this..." Yi Tianyun nodded. "Which domain is good in the five-character domain?"

"Of course, there are some. It should be said that most of them are good. They are all guardians of the barriers. There are also a few that are not very gregarious. They are the accomplices of the battle of the gods..." Lucky God said.

"The forces left by the battle of the gods, do you not intend to join hands?" Yi Tianyun wondered.

"They are all bewildered, and they really have to fight. There must be a lot of deaths and injuries. Without absolute certainty, we really don't dare to mess around. If the evil spirits take the opportunity to enter, then it will be troublesome." God explained.

"makes sense……"

Following the lucky gods, I explained a lot of detailed things to Yi Tianyun. After listening to Yi Tianyun, I understood a lot about the general situation. Compared with the records obtained in the Three Realms, there are too many details.

The records obtained by the Three Realms are also more detailed, but that is a long time ago, and he needs the latest situation.

"How do you not understand? You are not a guardian, you should know a lot, especially the gods as a backing." Lucky gods quickly, even the gods have said it.

"The gods have fallen, and only a small part of the rest is weaker than you are. It is not a level." Yi Tianyun shook his head. "So there are still many people who don't know. Thank you. Explained."

He was not surprised that the other party knew about the situation of the gods.

"It turned out to be like this..." Lucky God said indifferently: "That doesn't matter, we will unite and fight against evil spirits!"

Her eyes are full of justice, and this lucky **** is still full of righteousness.

"Yeah, fight against evil spirits together!" Yi Tianyun has a heavy nod, as long as the evil spirits do not get rid of one day, then they will never be peaceful!

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