Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1632: prediction

The behavior of the scorpio master of this scorpion, so that the lucky **** is anxious, did not expect the Tianzhu domain owner to be so irresponsible. But think about it, she can only choose to recognize it.

All along, the Scorpio domain owners are like this, all focused on studying various things. It should be said that other elders are like this. There are many things that manage the internal affairs, and they are all given to other elders.

To put it bluntly, they are not very keen on this aspect of power, and can even say that they are too lazy to pay attention. But because they cultivated a relationship with prestige, let them directly sit in this position.

Therefore, this situation often occurs. If there are other elders next to them, the Scorpio domain owners will do so. It is directly to the next elder to let them do these trivial things.

"The Scorpio Lord has always been like this. Let me sign an alliance with you..."

Fortunately, God is helpless. It seems that even if she directly becomes a guest elder, or becomes an elder, the Scorpio domain owner is lazy to say something. As long as you can manage the things here, the rest can be allowed to play.

"it is good……"

Yi Tianyun looked at the situation of the Tianzhu domain master and continued to study. He couldn’t help but shake his head. No wonder the place is so prosperous. They have always strived for perfection. They are constantly studying various things. How can they not let the gods Become stronger?

Follow them to sign the alliance regulations, and the Scorpio Gods will not be dispatched until the critical period. This is all about not doing the exposure to the Scorpio domain.

Yi Tianyun did not feel that anything was wrong. Anyway, it was only necessary to sign a covenant, so that at least the future would not be an enemy, but a companion who was firmly tied together.

After signing, Lucky God looked at him and said: "Now there is something here, I can't leave now, I can't go to your power."

"Nothing, these things will be said later, now I don't have to worry about it for a while." Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "If there is nothing, I should probably leave."

"Wait a minute." Lucky God took out a token and handed it to him: "This is a unique token to go to the Scorpio domain. Without this token, it is impossible to come in. Remember, don't lose it, this is Quite a serious matter."

"Do not worry, I will not lose it unless I die." Yi Tianyun took the token, which is equal to the incoming key, how could he lose it.

In this way, if you come in later, you will not be afraid to make a detour, not to go through the cumbersome passage.

"Your luck is better than me, how could you die?" Lucky God took a sip of his face, but his face was gradually serious: "Next, I will ask you. In fact, I really want to go there."

"There will be a chance to talk about it later." Yi Tianyun still refused to travel with the lucky gods. These things are still acting alone.

After leaving the Tianzhuo domain, Yi Tianyun immediately flew to the distribution point of the evil spirits. If you want to go to the distribution point of the evil spirits, you must first go to the five-character domain. In fact, this is not difficult. There is no special barrier between the two. For example, what special shields are there, and there is no way to pass them. of.

Here only need to fly, to fly for a long time, before you can enter the five-character domain.

The road he came back to is also the lucky temple of the gods, so he has to fly directly from the Wanshen domain to the five-character domain, and the distance is still far.

On the way to flight, Yi Tianyun began to study the Tianshen **** fan on the spirit ship. This is the treasure of the Tianzhu domain master. Now it has become a broken iron and iron, can not see the original glory.

"Scorpio God fan, rumors can be used to promote the future, but also have a strong lethality, the fan can also set off a horrible tearing wind, sweeping everything."

Yi Tianyun is still interested in this stuff, and immediately began to repair it.

Bring up the fusion system mode, immediately throw in the fan of the gods, and then throw the heavens and treasures into the brain.

All this is to repair the Tianzhu Shen fan, how much can be repaired.

After the fusion, the Scorpio fan began to repair a little bit, and the speed was quite slow. This is all related to the Tianzun Lingbao that has been thrown in. The grade is too low. It is the lower heavenly spirit, but the highest is the median Tianzun Lingbao. The effect will definitely not be good.

If you want the best results, you must be thrown directly into the gods. But where did he come from the gods and treasures, killing so many gods, he did not explode a **** spirit treasure.

The main reason is that they have not been refining, and it is extremely difficult to explode. As a god, but there is no way to refine the gods and spirits, it is really embarrassing.

But this is the case, too much material is needed. Putting it all together, it actually means one thing - poor!

Therefore, it is possible to refine the spirit of the gods, either just to get together, or to get rich. In short, seeing the gods with the gods and spirits, it is definitely a very powerful level, very difficult to deal with.

Although the grade is a bit low, but still a little repaired, the Tianzhu Shen fan soon began to restore the original appearance, the original skeleton above the **** fan, there are many broken.

It has been fixed a little bit now, and the same is true of the face, which has been quickly fixed, and the grade is gradually and steadily improved.

In the end, when the successful restoration to the next **** of the gods, the appearance of the basic repair is successful, with some of the original effect. It was originally the upper **** of the gods, and now it is only the lower **** of the gods, certainly has most of the functions, and has not been repaired.

Fortunately, it seems that it has been repaired by almost half, and the overall effect is quite good.

"Almost all the lower Tianling Lingbao and the median Tianzun Lingbao have entered, and they barely recovered to the next Tianling Lingbao. It is really hard enough..." Yi Tianyun shook his head and smiled, and continued to squat, it was really poor. .

It is no wonder that those gods can't refine. This requires too much material. If it weren't for him to kill a lot of Tianzun, it would be impossible to fill the gap.

When clinging to the fan of the Scorpio, there is a feeling of warmth and jade, which is obviously a fan, but gives him the feeling of a piece of jade.

He lightly, the gods on the top began to flash, and a ray of light ran down his palms and headed over his head.

He flashed a flash of light and immediately saw a picture. Followed by quickly reaching out and summing up the fan of the Scorpio, and then flew out from the spirit ship and continued to fly forward.

In less than a moment, he saw a spirit ship flying to this side, and a careful look, it was actually a group of evil spirits!

"Sure enough, they met them..."

Yi Tianyun just met the evil spirits in advance from the Tianzhu Shenfan. When they saw Yi Tianyun, they immediately succumbed. Now it is really re-presented in front of his eyes, representing the **** of heaven, and can really predict the situation in the next stage!

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