Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1633: hide

Legend has it that the Tianshen Shen fan can predict in advance, and now Yi Tianyun immediately perceives it, and can predict the time around the semi-column incense in advance.

However, you can only show what you can encounter after you have a half-column, and you can't speculate about what other people can do. Unless the Scorpio fan is used by them, it can't be guessed.

This is already quite against the sky, which means that when you play against others, you can always push the other party's attack method. Isn't it against the sky?

The answer is indeed against the sky. Every attack, it must be predicted once. After all, as Yi Tianyun breaks the attack mode of the other party, the other party will definitely change the mode immediately, which means that the situation of predicting the semi-column incense in advance is considered invalid.

The future is ok, but under the interference of Yi Tianyun, it will be changed immediately.

No matter what, this fan of the **** of heaven, is really a **** fan for Yi Tianyun!

"It is a strong human race, swallow him!"

There are a lot of evil spirits above the spirit ship, among which there are several Tianzun levels, and there is one in the **** level. They shuttled unscrupulously here, and the activities were more mundane.

This makes Yi Tianyun always feel that something is going to happen. The previous activities have not been so frequent. Recently, it has become more and more frequent, which means that the battle of the gods is really coming.

Even if the evil spirits did not resurrect, they began to act madly. Either it is to carry out a rescue plan, or there is another existence of a very strong evil spirit level!

Following this group of evil spirits quickly rushed to the scene, two of them evil spirits Tianzun, flew over here, left and right siege, have opened their mouths, and want to **** Yi Tianyun.

Both of them are superior to the heavenly level, and it is more than enough to deal with Yi Tianyun’s median level of respect.

Yi Tianyun was a smile. When they attacked, they disappeared into the same place and suddenly let them vacate.

"What is the situation, what about people?" After they rushed to the air, they looked at each other and didn't know what was going on. So the big living person disappeared in front of him.

The key is that they have not felt the slightest sense, and people just disappeared!

At the time of their confusion, an evil spirit rushed over from a distance, and they looked at it and locked it here. When the discovery was the strongest of the same family, the vigilance in the eyes quickly disappeared.

"I just chased the individual and came over. Did you find him?" The evil spirits who flew over hurriedly asked: "He is very surprised, often disappears, and he can't catch up!"

"We just saw it, and suddenly it disappeared. It was a bit like moving, but this kind of move was very strange. We didn't even have any sense!" They shook their heads, and now they completely lose their clues and don't know how to chase them. "Forget it, let's go back and ask the adults. What are you doing?"

"I? I have already completed the task long ago. I originally wanted to go back to life. Who knows that I just saw the individual boy and wants to chase it, but it slipped away in front of my eyes." This evil spirit Tianzun shook his head.

"Since the task is completed, let's take action with us. Anyway, if you go back, you will have to act now." The opposite evil spirit said: "The current task is mainly to perform this task, who is the same, especially Repaired to a higher one."

"That, I will go with you to perform the task." said the evil spirit Tianzun.

After the last evil spirit Tianzun finished speaking, a strange smile was drawn from the corner of his mouth. He is not a real evil spirit, but Yi Tianyun!

Yi Tianyun did not kill them all. It was very easy to kill them, but it was meaningless. He wants to know the evil spirits, which areas they want to go to, and what tasks they want to do.

Therefore, after attracting their attention, they quickly disappeared, and then pretend to be the evil spirits who rushed to chase after them, as a perfect cover.

Follow them back to the spirit ship, the former evil spirited family said: "Yu Yuan adults, the human race boy suddenly disappeared, we can not capture his whereabouts, should be used to leave something. This It’s the same family that just passed by, saying that we will perform the task with us.”

They are respectful, and Yi Tianyun is also pretending to be such a respectful appearance. The evil spirits are extremely strict on the level, and can even be said to be harsh. The lower level must have absolute obedience to the superior, so it must be respectful.

When Yuan Yuan Tian Shen glanced at them with a faint look, he nodded: "But, there are not many practitioners who rely on treasures, and they don't need to pay attention to them. Anyway, it doesn't take too long, they have to be our slaves!" ”

He clenched his fists, his eyes filled with scarlet light, as if everything was under his control.

Yi Tianyun blinked in the side and did not say anything more.

As they continued to fly, Yi Tianyun was on the side of the news and soon knew what their mission was. Before he said that he had just completed his mission and was ready to return to the headquarters, which would be a good cover.

Before you go back, you naturally don't know what the current task is.

Their current task is very simple, that is, the distribution of the distribution array, the layout of the area is very much. If you encounter any practitioners on the way, of course, kill them at will.

"What about the layout of the transmission array..."

Yi Tianyun immediately knew what they wanted to do. They arranged the various transmission arrays first, so that the evil spirits could be sent at once and played the assault effect.

The area they arranged this time is exactly the area near the Tiantian domain. There is no doubt that after they have been arranged, the area that they want to overthrow is the one.

In addition, he also learned that most of the evil spirits nowadays are going to the major regions to arrange transmissions.

The key area is on the side of the Shutian Shenyu and the Dragon God. The rest of the area is also arranged, basically it is to lock the entire four-character gods, I am afraid that I want to have a comprehensive encirclement!

What is the purpose, they do not know, just know that the layout is large. Knowing the insider's details is the **** of the gods.

You can see the look of the 敖天天神, and if you want to ask something, it is impossible. It is estimated that when he goes to ask, it must be a slap in the face, saying that the implementation will do, and say so much nonsense.

"I hope that they will arrange the transmission array, then they will go back..." Yi Tianyun wants to go back to the distribution point directly with them, and it is no doubt easier to go back with them. No need for him to find something special. Can find the hidden distribution point.

The information given by the Scorpio domain is more general, and it is said that this area, but the details, I really don't know.

They want to go deeper, they can't infiltrate. After all, they don't have the evil spirits of Yi Tianyun.

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