Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1634: That cold light

Yi Tianyun followed them in action, and soon they came to the area near the Shutian domain, and in the ridiculous areas, began to arrange the transmission array.

They first took out a piece of black crystal, and then set it on the ground, followed by this special black crystal, and began to penetrate into the planet. In less than a moment, this area became incomparably dark and surrounded by grass.

This is not the crystallization of awakening, but the special energy of the transmission array. After the spread, they quickly engraved the gods on it.

It doesn't take long, a special transmission array is so easy to portray.

On the surface, it is like being polluted. However, in this case, basically no one will pay attention to it. Anyway, it is at most dark. Who can think that this will be a transmission array.

"Yes, change to the next place." Aiyuan, who stared at the side, nodded and continued to fly with his men to other planets.

Yi Tianyun glanced at it silently. He was moving between the upper spirit ships and gently moving his feet. A special energy was infiltrated into the depths of the ground and destroyed the transmission.

He has been staring at them to portray the transmission array, and immediately knows what the flaws are. Just a little bit is enough to destroy the transmission array.

He won't let these guys succeed, so how many transfer arrays they have, he will destroy how many transmissions. Everything is so hidden that they are not aware of it at all.

Originally, these transmission arrays will not know if there is any problem as long as they do not attempt to transmit. Or a detailed inspection, they are now on the spirit ship, and certainly do not know that the transmission array has been destroyed.

Follow them and continue to fly to other areas, one by one, and Yi Tianyun is destroying the past one by one. If they know that they have arranged the transmission array, there is no use at all. It must be vomiting blood.

"There is a big man in front of you. There is a planet in front of it. There are many practitioners inside. Do you want to devour the past?" one of the gods asked.

"This is still used to say, give them all to me! This is one of the important areas, no matter who stays on it, give me all the way!"

"no problem!"

Their eyes were beaming, and this time they were able to eat a big meal. In the front planet, there was a bunch of scattered repairs. The repairs are high and low, and the highest repairs are only the lower ones, which means that they are about to face an absolute crush.

The scattered repairs in the room, I don’t know what my end is, I’m practicing in my own, or discussing something.

Yi Tianyun was sitting on the edge, so he looked at them quietly, without saying a word.

When they were close, they were flying out of the sky and quickly broke out their strongest strength. After releasing a powerful force, form a dark shield to cover this huge planet!

What they need is all to swallow, not the emergence of fish with a net.

In the planet, if there is less than a billion lives, it will be terrible if it is completely swallowed up. But they are not satisfied with this, but it is a bit uncomfortable.

"The repairs are so low, it seems that the blood is still weak, and the taste is definitely not very good."

"Isn't that sure? It's about the same as it was swallowed before. It tastes too bad, but it can still be stuffed."

"Oh, the requirements are not so high. After a while, there will be more delicious ones to swallow."

“Yes, there are a lot of geniuses in those powerful forces, and the taste will definitely be even better!”

They all swallowed their mouths and thought that they could swallow up the cultivators who were more talented, and they wanted to make a difference. There is not much interest in the hundreds of millions of lives in front of us, but it is no problem to devour it at will.

This is the difference in race. In their opinion, this is a pile of food!

"What, what?!"

At this time, the practitioners in the planet below saw this strange scene, the dark curtain of horror, and the powerful swallowing power, sucking them up. They can't struggle at all, like being shackled, except that they can only continually twist their bodies, and the rest of the struggle can't be done.

"Oh ah..."

Some were inhaled into the black mist and immediately swallowed in, and at the same time flew to the evil spirits, ready to be swallowed into their mouths.

It is said that there are more than a dozen Tianzun hosts here, and it is too easy to deal with them. Even if there is a scattered Tianzun in the face, facing the powerful blood power of the evil spirits, it can only be a futile resistance.

They can't be sucked up for a while, but other people are swallowed up, and they can't run.

"Evil spirits, it seems to be evil spirits!"

"What happens, the evil spirits will appear here!"

"Ah, run away..."

"Where did you escape? It was blocked here, and there were shields everywhere, and there was no way to escape..."

They looked terrified and couldn't escape if they wanted to escape. They could only be sucked up a little. Some forced themselves to the ground, but soon the houses were sucked up, and their practitioners could not escape the fate of being sucked up.

"This group of idiots, I thought I could break away from it? It’s ridiculous!"

They laughed at these struggling distractions, but the more they saw the struggles, the more they felt happy. They like to see these scattered, constantly struggling, watching their desperate expression, swallowing up to feel.


At this time, a cold light flashed over, and their Tianzeng smiles were stiff, and suddenly they became several paragraphs. In the blink of an eye, several Tianzuns were in different positions, and their heads were all shot!

After killing several Tianzuns in succession, their big-bang effect was immediately weakened by half. The ones that were originally sucked up have now fallen back to the ground.

This is not over yet, a cold light is getting faster and faster, and the life of these evil spirits is madly harvested. They couldn't stop it, they only saw a chill of light, and they lost consciousness forever.

In less than a moment, the big battle almost collapsed! In the many scattered repairs below, you can only see a cold light flashing.

"This, what is going on here, is this cold light saved us?"

They looked at the cold light with a dull look, accompanied by this cold light to outline a silver moon in the void, and finally settled in the void.

At this time, they finally saw the appearance of this person, actually a handsome young people!

"It is he who saved us, he saved us..."

The savior that appears in front of everyone is not someone else, but Yi Tianyun!

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