Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1635: Life size

Yi Tianyun frantically harvests the lives of many evil spirits. For him, as long as it exists at the same level, it can basically be described by harvesting. No one can stop his attack.

As long as it is Tianzun, whether it is the superior Tianzun or the super superior Tianzun, there is no point in meaning. Or the super-heavy heavenly blood, and so on, he was suppressed.

After all, in the powerful crazy injury mode, plus the suppression of the title, all the heavens in front of him, can only be a part!

In a blink of an eye, there are five or six Tianzun evil spirits being killed. The speed is extremely amazing, and the gods and gods are invisible. After a whistling, they evaded and did not dare to touch their edge.

Yi Tianyun will certainly not let them succeed, so many lives, he can not watch the harvest. Although he has to go back with one piece, there is absolutely no need to look at countless lives and die in front of himself.

He only needs to eliminate most of it, and then let go of a part, including his evil spirits.

"The ants are arrogant, take your life!"

The gods of the Yuanyuan screamed, and ten arms were unfolded behind them. The two wings came out behind them. It was directly the strongest force of awakening, and they stormed over Yi Tianyun.

He didn't want to see his men and died one by one. If he is dead, then his mission will fail, and he will never allow the failure of the mission.

Therefore, the power of awakening is directly erupted, and it is necessary to quickly kill Yi Tianyun.

"It seems that the level of the gods level can be awakened and crystallized to awaken?" Yi Tianyun looked at this 敖天天神, he also took out the awakening crystal to awaken, directly bursting out the strongest force.

Originally, it was only the lower level of the gods. After the awakening, the fighting power went up straight and reached the level of the almost middle god.

The power of such a strong, let the numerous scattered repairs below, the heart is a tight.

"This evil spirit is so strong, I hope he won't lose..."

"If he loses, we will be finished..."

"Yeah, don't lose... If I win, I am willing to make a horse for him..."

They prayed one by one and they prayed below. They didn't want to die in the hands of the evil spirits. It was too shackled. But their strengths are very different, they can only choose to accept their fate.

Now that there is a savior out, can they not be excited?

When they thought that Yi Tianyun would fall into a bitter battle, the five dragons roared and swallowed the gods of the Yuanyuan, and easily smashed into slag!

This makes them all dumbfounded. No one knows what happened, so why is the **** of the gods so killed? Not only does it kill the gods of the Yuan, but the rest of the power is constantly rushing to other evil spirits, and they are all smashed into pieces!

"Dead, dead?" They are stupid, such a powerful god, but also awaken their own strength, but under the hands of Yi Tianyun, can not go a trick?

Not to mention them, even other evil spirits can not help but chill. Their bosses have been spiked. They are not as good as these, and they are naturally cannon fodder.

"Escape, escape!" The rest of Tianzun did not say anything, turned and ran away.

These include the evil spirits pretending to attack, all running away. Yi Tianyun will certainly not let them all run away, and then immediately catch up, all the way to harvest, the evil spirits of the escaped ones to kill one by one, only the remaining two evil spirits Tianzun, did not continue to chase.

One of them is naturally a wicked one, and the other is a true evil spirit.

Without any difficulty, these strong players were harvested and made Yi Tianyun feel very happy. The experience I earned was too much, and he felt very good.

However, I feel that I am going to stroll around the headquarters of the evil spirits, and I feel even better.

"The superior god, I am coming..."

Yi Tianyun smiled and flew to the evil spirits to chase the past, did not continue to stay here.

Everything came suddenly, and it went suddenly. In the many scattered repairs below, I was stunned by the situation above.

"The hero is gone?"

"Yes, we haven't thanked him for saving us!"

"But nothing. I have already remembered his appearance. I will repay him if he sees him in the future."

One of them has a record crystal in hand, and there is a picture of battle on it. Among them, the appearance of Yi Tianyun is clearly recorded, and it is difficult to see it.

"You still recorded it? Copy it to me, I will give you money!"

"I want one more! The way of fighting is really too crisp, and I can't say more, I can break through!"

"I want one more!"

One by one, I want to copy this record crystal. They not only have to remember their own savior, but also want to see the war.

So crazy to spread the situation of Yi Tianyun, this is what Yi Tianyun did not think of.

At the same time, the evil spirits continued to escape with one of the evil spirits, and they quickly hid in one of the planets.

"It’s terrible. I have never seen such a strong human race. Has the Terran been a minimum level of existence? How can it cultivate such a strong force?" The evil spirit is breathless and constantly pays attention to the outside of the planet. The situation, I am afraid that Yi Tianyun will catch up.

"This is not clear, it is really too strong, we seem to be able to go back and report this matter." The evil spirits are also pretending to be panting, and there are still many injuries on the body, in order to be realistic, It must be hurt.

"Yes, yes... I can only go back and report this thing. But now we have to see the situation clearly. If we are found, we can't live!" This evil spirit is really afraid, so it is here to hide.

Yi Tianyun can only hide alongside, but I don't know that Yi Tianyun has already entered the body of evil spirits. Before entering the void through the power of the void, he has quietly returned.

After escaping for a period of time, there are roughly a few weeks, and this wicked **** will dare to take the lead. Yi Tianyun, who is next to him, feels that he is too cautious.

If the other party really chased it, don't need to hide for so long, it will be finished. The longer you hide here, the more dangerous it is.

"It should not be catching up, let's go now!"

"Well, go!"

The evil spirit Tianzun immediately flew away with Yi Tianyun. After staying away from it, he smiled and said: "It seems that we are really big, or that our escape skills are more sophisticated, otherwise it is really dead."

"Yeah, it’s a big life..." Yi Tianyun sneered aside, if not let him go, this guy still lives?

When you return to the evil spirits division, you will let this evil spirit know what is going on.

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