Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1636: meet

Yi Tianyun followed the evil spirit Tianzun back, and along the way, the evil spirit Tianzun sneaked, and did not dare to fly directly. When I met other practitioners, I immediately hid with Yi Tianyun, obviously afraid.

He did not expect that this evil spirit Tianzun would be so timid and afraid of things. The previous arrogance, completely absent, became a shocked look.

"Everything must be done with care and can't be discovered anymore. Otherwise, there is no way to bring it back." The evil spirit Tianzun seems to feel Yi Tianyun's gaze, but he feels embarrassed, but still hides himself. One sentence, so that you are not so embarrassed.

"It is said that we still have to be careful to act." Yi Tianyun can only nod and adjoin at the side, how the other side thinks, how to do it, he has no way, can only let the chaos come.

Anyway, as long as he can take him to the evil spirits division, there is no problem.

In fact, as long as he is next to him, no matter who comes, he can escape with the evil spirits. How to escape with him, or how easy to enter the evil spirits division.

Followed by this evil spirit, Tian Zun took him all the way, and when he returned to a safer area, he began to accelerate back. After several weeks of continuous travel, I finally reached the area.

"I finally have to come back. There is no high-grade spirit ship. The speed of coming back is really too slow." The evil spirit Tianzun shook his head. If he relied on flying, the speed was really slow enough.

Yi Tianyun sighed in his heart, if it wasn’t for him to hide in Tibet, it is estimated that he has already returned here.

"Well, you can come back safely." Yi Tianyun said next to him.

"Right right, if you come back, you can report the situation there." The evil spirit Tiandun nodded and pointed to the front and said: "We are finally going back, hurry up!"

Yi Tianyun looked ahead, there is nothing in front of it, that is, there are scattered planets, and there is no doubt that it is something like a transmission array.

It seems that this evil spirit is now more cautious, not easy to show people, not as arrogant as Fan Tian, ​​and not as arrogant as the outer domain.

Here are all hiding in Tibet, but recent actions have been frequent.

Immediately they landed on one of the planets. There is also a dark place here, and there is no doubt that the black crystal is buried underneath.

This evil spirit Tianzun took him to the area, and began to transfer energy to the earth under his feet. After a while, the black light began to shone and shrouded them.

Yi Tianyun clearly felt that this is a special kind of energy, which is the dark spiritual power unique to the evil spirits. After infiltrating it, they dragged them in.

If it is not evil spirits, there is no way to use this transmission array, so it can achieve absolute safety.

However, they do not know that there is a sinful thing, it can be said that it is impossible to prevent.

After the transfer, Yi Tianyun felt that he had entered a strange space, surrounded by darkness and nothing. Fortunately, you can still see the evil spirits next to you, which means there is no problem.

The evil spirits Tianzug lifted his foot and went to the front. Yi Tianyun followed one piece and went out to the outside space after passing through the black film on the front.

The first thing that caught your eye was the dark and disgusting space. The surroundings were still dark, and the sky was like a greasy substance filling the sky.

Whether it is the sky or the ground, it is filled with a thick layer of material, which is quite disgusting. There is no sunshine here, no fresh air, and only a disgusting smell smells in the air.

Convenient in front of you is a myriad of grotesque buildings, with many evil spirits living here. Other than that, no other races have been seen, only the evil spirits are here.

"The evil spirits are really a lot..."

Yi Tianyun swept away, and many evil spirits lived here. They are generally not low-low. At first glance, the lowest level of the monk has the level of the level of the monarch, and the height reaches the level of the heavenly level.

As for the level of the gods, it is estimated that they live in comparison. At least in the distance, there is a strange tower, which should be the evil spirits living in the gods level.

The evil spirits of the gods level are the highest level of existence, and naturally they will live in different areas.

Evil spirit Tianzun took Yi Tianyun directly to the center of the tower, the guard at the door, did not intercept them. As a wicked family of the Tianzun class, the status is still relatively high, and naturally it is impossible to intercept.

In the continuous up to the third floor, the body of this evil spirit is trembling, and the eyes are full of fear.

"Ready is coming, I don't know if God of Gokye God will punish us..." This evil spirit trembled.

"Gokai gods..." Yi Tianyun looked cold, but did not expect to encounter lucky gods so quickly, the gods to be chased, now found so quickly, it is really easy enough.

The evil spirit Tianzun came to the hall with Yi Tianyun, and came to the guard in a very nervous way and said: "Help me to tell the old Goka, and say that we have something to see!"

"Let's wait." The guard nodded and immediately went in to inform, and soon they came out and said, "You can go in."

Followed by the two of them, they just walked in, and they saw that Gokye’s **** was sitting on the forefront of the throne, frowning in front of him, and there were several Tianzuns in front of him. I didn’t know what to tell, and made Gokai’s gods quite unhappy.

In addition, there are several Tianzun on the side, being beaten half-residual, soft on the ground, and the dark blood flows to the ground. It’s not dead, it’s a bit worse.

No wonder there will be such a fear of Gokye God, such a violent character, plus the current task failure, can not be punished?

"Report, report that Gekai adults, we, our mission failed, and the Yuan Yuan adults are dead..."

After they entered, they followed a squat, the difference in grades, and they must be talking.

The evil spirit Tianzun said the detailed things to the original book, while still paying attention to the expression of Gokye.

"About the content is like this, the Terran does not know what to come, it is too strong, I have never seen such a strong human race..."


Gokye’s **** slaps and greets him. The power of the void, the evil spirits and the evil spirits are all shot out. Like other sacred gods, the body is split by a palm, and there is no power to fight!

The evil spirits were almost smashed by the waist, but the strength of the body was amazing, otherwise it was really smashed by a palm. To know his body, there is a sacred **** orb.

Of course, even if it is taken off, it will not reveal the evil spirits. The evil spirits are hidden in the head, unless the head is smashed, otherwise it will be fine.

"This guy, the temper is really hot enough..." Yi Tianyun immediately saw the temper of this guy.

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