Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1637: Blacklist top five

The temper of Gokye’s **** is so hot that this is not unexpected. It should be said that evil spirits are like this. Dealing with your men is extremely hot.

It’s light now to give them a meal. If it weren’t for the value they could use, Gokthe’s gods had already slapped them.

"Hey, your body is not bad, new?" Gokye looked at Yi Tianyun, and the rest of the Tianzun was slap by him to shoot, only Yi Tianyun, one palm up It is suffering from skin trauma.

"Yes, adults..." Yi Tianyun stood up in a difficult way, and the body was slapshot, and the situation was not so good, especially if there was no defense.

If he defends, the situation will definitely be much better, at least not so embarrassing. But if it is defense, it will only die even worse. Didn't see the rest of the Tianzun, are they directly bearing this palm?

Whoever wants to block a palm, then it will shoot ten palms! Therefore, I am still being beaten honestly, no one dares to resist half a point.

"The countdown is a material that can be made..." Gokye God said coldly: "Just this mission fails, you must be severely punished!"

"Gekai adults, I, we have failed the mission, and that is no way. The sudden disappearance of a Terran is really amazing, and the great people have been killed!" Climb up, the injury began to recover quickly, and then kneel in front of Gokye.

"Task failure is failure, no matter what the reason!" Gokye God cold voice.

This evil spirit can be described as a grievance to the extreme, so powerful opponents, how can they deal with it?

"Our mission is not a failure, or a lot of transmission arrays are arranged. Only one or two areas are left unresolved. The strong people of the human race are really amazing. The comprehensive level has at least the level of the middle god, otherwise God will not be killed by the second when he wakes up..."

He said that he also directly showed the situation at that time. In fact, it was released from the memory in the brain and formed a picture for them to watch.

Gokthe gods, after they saw it, the expression was dignified. Yi Tianyun's fighting posture is presented in front of their eyes.

After reading it, Gokye Shen Shen said: "I didn't expect it to be him... How could his strength be so strong?"

"Adult, do you know his existence?" The evil spirits are wondering, and he does not know the news at all.

"He is the blacklist of my family, and it is still an absolute blacklist. The killing target can rank in the top five... I didn't expect that he will appear here, it is really weird!" Gokye Shen Shen said: "He not only puts The forces of our domain have given us the power, and the forces of the outer gods have also been leveled up, resulting in the inability of the forces to rise. Recently, the Jinyun gods have been forced to retreat, and the plan of the gods of the clouds has been broken."

Gokye God thought it was a human race, and did not expect it to be such a blacklist.

Yi Tianyun, who was next to him, almost laughed and didn’t expect to be so famous. He could influence it so deeply. It’s even more funny to make yourself the top five blacklist.

However, this made him more curious, and he was ranked in the top five, making him very curious about who else would be.

"Weird, we have not received this kind of information..." The evil spirit smiled bitterly.

"This is the news that has only recently been received. It is going to be announced. You don't know it is normal." Gokye Shen Shen said: "Since it is met with him, it is normal for you to be completely destroyed. I just didn't expect him. It will be a strange thing to let go of both of you."

Gokthe’s eyes looked back and forth between them and wanted to see something from them.

"Just he went to chase other people, we ran faster. It should be said that our hidden work is good, and we managed to escape. In fact, the main thing is to come back and report this matter..." I found a few excuses for myself, timid and afraid of death is timid and afraid of death, but also concealed that I want to come back to report.

Gokye God waved his hand and said indifferently: "Okay, don't have to say more, this time you will not pursue your business. Go on a good rest and prepare for the next mission!"

"Yes, it's an adult!" This evil spirit is as great as a monk, and after quickly getting up, he turns and leaves.

Yi Tianyun quickly left with a piece and did not stay too much here. Although Gokye is here, it is not good.

It’s too conspicuous here, and if it’s so windy, it’s extremely easy to find. So everything must be prepared to do things well.

After going out, this evil spirit Tiandeng bite his teeth: "Let us go to rest. If it is not his palm, can we get hurt? It is just a little rest, we can carry out the next task. Now it is good, really is to Have a good rest."

This just came out and I began to complain immediately.

"Nothing, let's find a place to rest." Yi Tianyun suggested next to it.

"Okay, let's rest and talk. We have to say that we are really big. I didn't expect the other party to be in the top five of the blacklist. It is estimated that the effort we ran away was really good..." This evil spirit smiled.

"The top five in the blacklist, who else is there in front?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"You don't know?" The evil spirits doubted.

"This I have been retiring and practicing, I don't know much about the outside." Yi Tianyun smiled.

The evil spirits have no doubt about him, and directly explain: "Before the change, the first four are the dragon dragon domain masters, the Tianzhu domain masters, the cloud domain masters and the sword front domain masters, they are extremely difficult to exist. Basically, it is a blacklist that I can’t wait to get rid of, but it’s too difficult to get rid of, so it will become a blacklist...”

"The guy can still be in the fifth, the level seems to be only Tianzun, but it is terrible to burst out. It is terrible. However, we still escaped from the kid's hand, and it doesn't feel so good."

Yi Tianyun was silent at the side, and soon the evil spirit Tianzun took Yi Tianyun to one of the retreat rooms.

"We will rest here, next time we set off to do the task." This evil spirit Tianzun did not think too much, he took Yi Tianyun to the secret room.

After the closure, the evil spirit Tianzun just wanted to meditate, accompanied by a flash of light, a terrible force, nailed him to the ground.

"Yes, I feel that I am not good?" Yi Tianyun's face appeared in front of him.

When he reacted, everything was already late.

"You, you..." This evil spirit Tianzun turned to look at the evil spirits beside him, and then look at Yi Tianyun, who seems to know what is going on.

But everything is too late, Yi Tianyun next move, is to shatter him, completely die into slag!

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