Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1638: feast

When the evil spirit Tianzun knew everything was going on, everything was too late, and it was immediately smashed by Yi Tianyun. At least he could know what the truth was before he died, but it was a death.

After killing the evil spirits, Yi Tianyun meditated and restored the evil spirits. If you want to act well, you will naturally restore the body of the evil spirits first, otherwise it will not be very good.

When he recovered almost here, he got up and went outside. After opening the practice room, you will close it again. No one will know that there is a evil spirit and death here.

All of Yi Tianyun are very skilled and will not leave any horses.

After he came out, he went directly to the central area of ​​the area. He wanted to collect all kinds of information here and wonder what their mission was.

However, after looking for something, I really found an area similar to the main hall of the mission. After he entered, he saw a lot of evil spirits and took over the task here.

This is no different from other gods. It is all done by taking the task, but the above task is to switch to other types of tasks.

"Capture a talented genius, regardless of race."

"Capture a talented female trainer and qualify the Snow Fox family."

"Clean up all life on a planet..."

These tasks are all tasks of hunting or catching, and they all look extremely cruel. For the evil spirits, they are no different from the monsters, so hunting them will naturally not have a little compassion.

On the side of the practitioners, they will indeed kill the monsters, and the treatment is almost the same. Just a practitioner, or will be companionship with the monster, but will become a companion.

The evil spirits are apart from this, the rest are enemies! Even if you are your own, you are absolutely slaves. If you want to sacrifice, you can sacrifice at any time.

Yi Tianyun's gaze quickly noticed the most important task above - arranging the transmission array!

This arrangement of the transmission array is the highest priority task. Although it is not particularly strong, it must be done, but the task is relatively simple and the rewards are relatively good. Therefore, most of the evil spirits choose to do this first.

However, the requirements are stricter, and the repair is at least above the level of Tianzun. Below this level, this task cannot be accepted for the time being.

Going out to the enemy area to arrange the transmission array is undoubtedly a very difficult thing, so its own strength can not be too bad, otherwise it will not be long before it is gone, it is found by the practitioners to destroy, it is a waste of time, but also a waste of resources.

"Sure enough, the priority now is this task..."

Yi Tianyun’s eyes were cold. When he looked all the way, a guard came over here.

"Adult, Gokye summoned you." The guard is very respectful. His repair is lower than Yi Tianyun, and he must be respectful.

"Gekay adults summoned me?" Yi Tianyun, he did not expect Gokye God, will come to summon himself, but he did not think much, immediately nodded: "That line, take me now."

First of all, he can't refuse it. If he is higher than himself, he can't deny it. In addition, he also wants to see, this Gokye God wants to say something. It’s just that the goal of one of his coming here is to catch this guy.

Soon they came to the third floor of the tower in front of Gokye, who was still sitting on the throne and looking down from him.

In the main hall, there are no other heavenly lords, only Gokye gods.

"Gokai Goddess adults..." Yi Tianyun shouted respectfully.

"Well, your strength looks good, and as my guard in the future, it will work for me." Gokye God said indifferently.

"This is my honor." Yi Tianyun flashed a bright light in his eyes. I didn't expect this Goky **** to be so stupid that he would solicit himself.

Originally, I wanted to find a way to get close to Gokye, and then God did not know how to solve him. Now it's good, no need to find a way, Gokye God directly sent to the door.

"Well, it looks like you have recovered almost. Now go with me to a place." Gokye got up and took him outside.

Yi Tianyun did not ask much, just go out with Gokye.

Under the leadership of Gokye God, they walked over the top of the tower and finally reached the summit of the tower after a long walk.

"Gokai adults..." The guards at the door guarded and bowed to the side.

Gokye nodded and walked with Yi Tianyun inside. After entering, Yi Tianyun found that there were a lot of evil spirits inside, they all dressed up, the appearance is extremely beautiful, it looks very evil.

The more evolved into the back, the more beautiful they look, and it doesn't look so disgusting. But still can be distinguished, they are disgusting evil spirits.

In it, there is still a variety of music, completely a grand dance.

Many gods and gods are tasting a variety of **** wines, fearing that they are made of blood of any race. In addition to this, there are a variety of foods.

What the evil spirits seem to be food, what Yi Tianyun saw, is a pile of disgusting meat, and even eyeballs. These are undoubtedly the feasts of some of the cultivators who have been arrested.

They laughed and talked about the “food” here. Everything looks happy and quite cheerful.

Yi Tianyun swept away, but his heart was sinking to the bottom. I did not expect that there will be so many strong people here. It is the level of the gods, and there are nearly a hundred good ones. Not to mention the level of the gods, the number is even more.

However, the level of Tianzun belongs to the guard level. It is said that the ugly point is the follow-up class. However, they are not qualified to enjoy the food here, just behind their own master.

This is the gap in status. Others can eat and drink, and the level of Tianzun can only stand behind. Of course, there are also many Tianzun who eat and drink at will. They are not guards, but they also have the status of status.

As for some guards, I can still eat and drink. In the case of a lot of credit, the owner will naturally be more tolerant.

"The difference is really big enough. If you are repairing a low point, you have to complete the task. If you have a high status, you can enjoy the feast here..." Yi Tianyun swept his eyes and saw an acquaintance - Jinyun Tianshen.

I didn't expect Jinyun Tianshen to be here. I had a red wine glass in my hand and slowly poured it into my mouth. It looked like I was not happy at all, but it was a bad mood.

"What old acquaintances..." Yi Tianyun squinted and smiled: "It seems that this time it is mixed in, it is a mismatch!"

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