Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1639: lay bare

Yi Tianyun's eyes continually glanced around them, trying to write them down and see how many strong people there are. In particular, look at who has a higher status, such as the existence of a level with the 滔天天神, and how many.

"If I can clear this place in one breath, I am afraid that I have to break through to the middle and late stages of the gods?"

There are so many strong people here, if they are all destroyed, the experience is definitely an explosion, and the upgrade is a continuous sprint. But if it really wants to break out, then the first to die will definitely be him, not the evil spirits around him.

Among them, the upper gods are no less than ten, each one is very powerful, can be comparable to the clouds and gods, even more powerful than the clouds.

In this case, if it breaks out at will, the first thing that will die will undoubtedly be yourself.

"Will follow me, don't run around! If you come in chaos, be careful to die here!" Gokye God warned: "Let me follow you and see you at the feast here, it is good for you." ”

"Yes, Master Gekai." Yi Tianyun nodded, and there was more doubt in his heart.

He didn't know why Gokye God brought himself over. Isn't it just physical and strong, and feels good about himself, so he brought himself over?

When he followed Goka, he went on, and immediately knew what was going on. At the center of this feast, there is a martial arts platform, which is undoubtedly used for comparison. As for who will go up, there is no need to guess, it must be the guard level.

This allowed Yi Tianyun to immediately understand why Gokai’s gods would bring him up, and he wanted to be a beater before he came up.

"Sure enough, these guys are selfish, and if they don't bring them benefits, how can they let them come up?" Yi Tianyun snorted.

Gokye took him to a long table on the side. He talked with other gods, talking about various things, and having nothing to do with the task.

The things they discuss are trivial things, such as which princess, or which one has a genius, or what treasure to find, or what kind of race to catch.

As for the work, basically no discussion of half points. Come here to enjoy, there is no need to find things for yourself.

Yi Tianyun stood by, not to mention eating, drinking, and even having no soup, just standing next to him.

But really let him eat and drink, do not want to eat these disgusting things, just want to put these things on their faces.

In fact, not only him, but also other guards, all standing and watching, can not say more. Their duty is to stand here and guard, and the rest can't be done.

Yi Tianyun stood on the edge and stood by his own task. However, he did not stand stupidly, but continued to look at the surrounding situation, especially the side of Jinyun Tianshen, he was more concerned about it.

"Yunyun Tianshen, I did not expect that you have been lurking for so many years in the field of repairing the gods, even the evil gods and pearls have not been found back, it is really enough to fail." A wicked **** next to it sneered.


The wine glass in the hands of Jinyun Tianshen was crushed and crushed. He looked at him coldly and said: "If you feel that you are powerful, you can grab it yourself! Xiu Tian's ancestors are still lying there. If you continue to wake up, it is estimated that you can slap. Shoot you!"

Satire of his evil spirits is almost the same, if you face the same experience, you will definitely be beaten back.

"If you change me, you just sink into the air, but you don't dare to expose it so quickly." The other party sneered, and now he hasn't tried it. He naturally feels like a horse, how to say it.

"Hey, when you meet that weird kid, you know what it is!" Jinyun Tianshen said more.

"Oh, are you talking about the human race practitioners who are on the blacklist fifth?" The other party sneered: "I am not talking about you, even the individual cultivators are doing nothing, it really hurts our evil spirits." How surprised I am, if I don’t solve it, I haven’t solved it. I’m sure I’m doing better than you!”

"Yes, then you have the ability to go!"

After that, they stopped paying attention to them and continued to sip their drinks. No matter how they failed. Then naturally, the parties will be left out, and they will be excluded, not a big hero.

Yi Tianyun shook his head. It seems that every region is like this. If meritorious deeds are tens of thousands of people, if it fails, then it is crowded.

As he continued to pay attention, a female evil spirit passed through her own side, letting Yi Tianyun stare at her. She was carrying a new wine, and all kinds of food came up. After I placed it, I noticed Yi Tianyun’s gaze. I looked at Yi Tianyun with a smile and didn’t say anything more.

Yi Tianyun is still staring at her, trying to see something from her.

The other party seemed to feel the hot eyes of Yi Tianyun, turned to look at him, smiled, and hooked his finger to signal him to come over.

Yi Tianyun turned to look at the side of Gokye God, it seems that they are too lazy to pay attention to this side, generally as long as they do not participate in eating and drinking, there is nothing to move around here.

After thinking about it, Yi Tianyun quickly followed up. The female evil spirit took him to the aisle outside and looked at him with a smile: "What, interested in me?"

She also poses a strange posture, wants to make herself a little more beautiful, so as to achieve the purpose of attracting more Tianyun.

"Of course I am very interested in you." Yi Tianyun laughed.

"I am also very interested in you, come over..." The female evil spirit smiled sweetly and took him to a room.

After closing the door, the female evil spirits quickly entangled them, clinging to Yi Tianyun, and spit aroma in the mouth, full of temptation.

Seemingly tempting, in fact, the palm of her hand, the claws, ready to stab to the head of Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun grabbed her arms and pushed her away. She smiled and said, "What do you want to do?"

Such a claw, it seems chilling, if it is scratched, it will not be torn into several pieces.

"What can I have? I like this person. If you can leave a few marks on you, it will be more exciting..." She is as sweet as she looks, and everything looks so attractive.

"Okay, don't have to install it. You are the lucky god's sister, even hidden to this point, it is worthy of the people of the gods." Yi Tianyun saw her true identity.

In front of him, it is not a female evil spirit, but a lucky god's sister! If it is a normal female evil spirit, he will not care, just feel sick!

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