Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1644: Happy cooperation

After Goka’s gods took all the credit, they came back with great satisfaction. After returning, he turned his head and said Yi Tianyun: "Remember, these are all for me, I don't understand!"

"Understood, adults..."

Yi Tianyun shrugged his shoulders, and the evil spirits were all robbing their subordinates. This is really shameless. But he is too lazy to say, who makes his position so low here?

As other evil spirits began to offer, no matter what treasures are offered, the magical moon is full of expressions, without too much expression, obviously not interested in these.

It seems that it is very cold, and now it seems that there is no emotion in it. No one cares about this. After all, as a queen, it is impossible to open eyes to everyone.

After basically finishing the tribute, one of the elders in front stood up and smiled: "The gift has already been finished, then the event that continues to be feasted now - the battle of the martial arts!"

"Our evil spirits have always carried out trials with blood to select better geniuses. To have a strong genius, we must go through the baptism of blood!"

"So now start sending your own guards and prove your ability!"

It’s finally time to start this kind of competition, and it’s still a life and death duel. It means that as long as you play, you may die.

"In this game, all three of you will give me up and try to get good performance! If the performance is too bad, even if the top 20 can't get in, then you should not go down!" Gokye screamed with them. Said.

"Yes, Master Gekai!" They all focused on the head, including Yi Tianyun, and nodded on the side.

Sure enough, as Yi Tianyun thought, suddenly let him join in, for this time is the fight. It’s just that Gokthe’s **** did not expect that there would be a crowning ceremony for the emperor.

One thing is fixed, that is, this kind of competition. This feast is not the first time, so the general order is known, especially since this contest is fixed.

"Your body is very strong, I am very optimistic about you, if you can reach the top five, the mistakes you made before, I will not pursue, and will be rewarded, and will train you!" God said to Yi Tianyun.

"After the top five, Gokai is too much to see me?" Yi Tianyun smiled.

Gokthe’s **** looked at Yi Tianyun’s rude attitude, which made him angry again, but did not start: “In any case, you must use all your strength to fight for me, understand no!”

"Isn't that sure? If I don't have to do my best, I still don't die on the martial arts stage?" Yi Tianyun laughed.

"You are more and more arrogant!" Gokye God's forehead on the forehead, did not know what Yi Tianyun did, from the beginning, has been refuting himself.

"No, I am only stating the facts." Yi Tianyun smiled, he is arbitrarily angering Gokye, now different from before.

Now that he has become the focus, it is impossible to do it yourself. Before the change, Gokye God had dragged him down and solved him.

Now what he wants is this effect, and when things are over, they will be alone. Gokye God definitely wants to abuse him or kill him.

This just happened to create a separate space, when the two men hit together and took this guy! Although Gokye God did not kill the **** of doom, but always grasped the **** of doom, if she was a little capable, she would really suffer.

At the same time, he also wants to give an explanation to the lucky god, and take him back so that the lucky **** can join himself.

"Okay, good, good! I hope you don't let me down..." Gokye pressed the anger.

Soon they were selected to send out the strong, are the Tianzun level, the gods level will not participate in this contest.

In general, there are nearly a hundred of Tianzun on the stage. This is a relatively large camp. If you send out a fight, you can suppress most of the four-character gods.

This is only part of the evil spirits. Not all of them are gathered together. If they are gathered together, the number must be at least several times.

"It seems that everyone has already selected the contestants. This life-and-death match, unless it is shot out of the venue, otherwise it will be invalid!" The elder standing on the edge of the contest, said with a smile: "If you can get before Five, then you will get the reward of the evil emperor! This is the same as before, but the reward will be different."

Many evil spirits entrants have their eyes wide open, and the goal is basically the top five. If they can kill, they will be rewarded by the evil emperor.

"Well, this time the reward, after the end, I will announce what it is, the reward aspect, will not let you down." The evil emperor sat on the throne, holding his chin in his hand, looking at this evilly side.

The evil emperor will definitely not be bad, the reward will only be good, not bad.

From their expressions, Yi Tianyun knew that the reward was absolutely amazing.

Soon they all played, the battle was in full swing, and it was in a state of heat. For the top five, they really put everything together. The various moves are all deadly. They are even fatal. They are not like the same family. They are like aliens or enemies.

"It's really a life-and-death battle. The evil spirits really admire this model..." Yi Tianyun frowned. He didn't like this life-and-death fight.

Although they can be tempered, they have better results than normal ones, but the loser may die. The amount of such wasted talent has increased dramatically, but the evil spirits are different. What they need is the baptism of this blood.

"You, are you going to reach the top five?" asked the doomsday **** next to him.

"No, not to get into the top five, but to win the first!" Yi Tianyun looked at the top with a burning look. "And one will not let go, can kill, will never let go!"

"Get the first?" The fate of God, "Is this difficulty a bit big? You look so good, but the difficulty is not small?"

The cultivation of evil spirits is only a pre-repair of the upper-level Tianzun, and there is still a big gap compared with the level of other superior Tianzun peaks.

"I don't have this for you? A little bit of bad luck is released. Then they are not a little bit unlucky?" Yi Tianyun looked at the fate of God.

"I almost forgot..." The fate of God is beautiful: "The cooperation is happy."

"It must be a pleasant cooperation."

The two of them smiled and seemed to be very tacit.

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