Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1645: focus

After the trials were continued, there were casualties and the situation was very fierce. Even if the winner is a serious victim, the losing party will not have to say it, that is, the death is very miserable.

They all broke out in the solution, and even the awakening crystals were used. The awakening of crystallization is not very rare here. Generally, there will be one or two levels above the level of Tianzun, and it will be able to completely erupt its own power.

Some have just played, and immediately awakened their blood power, it really is to get rid of everything.

"When they wake up, they must rely on this awakening to crystallize..." Yi Tianyun looked at them all using awakening crystals, it seems that the power is really good.

"In fact, it is awakening and crystallization. It should be said that it is resisting crystallization. They do not belong to this world. Therefore, when they come in, the power is suppressed and cannot be easily erupted. This requires awakening to form a resistance on the surface. "Doom God said next to it.

"It turned out to be such a thing..." Yi Tianyun did not know the information in this regard, it should be that they have not discovered it for a long time.

It was the turn of Yi Tianyun to be on the scene soon. He had just played, and the opponent, like other evil spirits, immediately provoked the power of awakening. Even if it is repaired to be a level higher than Yi Tianyun, it does not hesitate to stimulate the awakening force.

Ten arms were immediately displayed on the body, and the wings appeared. It looked very evil. Especially the terrible face of the handsome, let Yi Tianyun look more like a beat.

It’s not as awake before, or it’s very ugly. After awakening, it’s completely different.

"Kill!" The opponent did not say a few more words to him, and immediately killed him. One of the pieces of Tianzun Lingbao was sacrificed, and strived to achieve the effect of one shot.

Yi Tianyun can't wake up, and he doesn't wake up to crystallize, so he can't wake up his strength like his opponent.

However, this does not matter. The **** of good luck immediately releases the invisible power of doom. This kind of energy is hard to detect, so it is not afraid to be discovered by the evil emperor.

After the doom energy is released, immediately wrap the opponent. When the opponent slammed over, suddenly the weapon that came over, surrounded by a circle in the air, actually cut his own arm!

Because they are exhausted, this weapon directly cuts his arm to a brain, and all the evil spirits are dumbfounded.

How do you cut yourself? This is too strange. How can you miss yourself if you miss your hand? But now is the case, this heavenly respect is cut to yourself, and the mistakes made are too stupid.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yi Tianyun immediately turned into a black light and stormed the other side.

"Swallow the world!"

One of the sorcerers of the evil spirits was exhibited by Yi Tianyun, and the volume was directly rolled over, and the head of Tianzun was easily swallowed up.

"Hey, successfully killing the evil spirits (the late Tianzun later), gaining 20,000 points of compression experience, 5,000 points to compress the madness value, 5,000 points to compress the evil value, get the blood of evil spirits, the soul of evil spirits, the evil spirits bone……"

A pile of experience pops up, and more importantly, it still gets a lot of evil spirits materials, so that you can continue to upgrade the evil spirits.


Yi Tianyun laughed, everything was so easy, just smashing the past while holding the opponent's gap, and then easily harvesting this life.

"Your strength of doom is really strong enough, it can easily affect this day." Yi Tianyun could not help but praise.

"Isn't that sure? If I can't even influence this, then I will become a god." Doom God smiled: "And don't say Tianzun, the gods can affect!"

"In this way, you can easily kill it." Yi Tianyun is very satisfied with this, what is necessary is this effect.

It seems to be the opponent's own mistake, not the ghost he made. Even if he knows that he is a ghost, it is his own strength and will not be judged as cheating.

"What is it, so it's over? That guy is too stupid. As a god, the control is still so bad?"

"Take him, this guy is really lucky. When he meets such a stupid opponent, he can easily solve it. Why I didn't meet it."

"It is estimated that the idiot has just eaten more, which leads to such stupid mistakes."

One by one, I feel very despised by Yi Tianyun's opponents. If it is a weak one, I will not say it. It is too stupid to make such a mistake when it is so strong.

Gokye God is very satisfied with this, no matter what the situation, as long as Yi Tianyun can win, it is beneficial to him.

Follow the battle and continue to do so, because they can only be one time at a time, so they can still give them rest time. It’s just that the next time they turn to them, they’re going to play, and they can’t continue to recover below.

Until the end, the first place will not end. It means that if you are seriously injured, you can either admit defeat or climb up to continue playing.

The speed of recovery is especially important, they are quickly taking a variety of medicinal herbs, or consuming all kinds of blood to restore their body.

Yi Tianyun does not matter, pretending to be a little restored, but also able to carry out the next test.

The next match is still the same, with the slightest error in the opponent's interference. But such a subtle mistake, the result is death!

Once again, mistakes were made and Yi Tianyun succeeded. Many evil spirits felt that Yi Tianyun was so lucky. How did he encounter such an idiot?

The rest of the elders of the gods began to suspicion, and felt that Yi Tianyun did not use any strange moves to make the opponent become like this.

"This kid, is there any hidden move?" Gokye God is suspicious.

But soon, Yi Tianyun used violence to break their minds. In the next game, he did not use the power of the **** of doom, but directly attacked and went on a mammoth.

The result is that Yi Tianyun won, after all, he has a lot of Tianzun Lingbao, a mammoth, can not give up the other party? Moreover, his body, but stronger than the other side, really fight, it is definitely Yi Tianyun predominance.

This time, the winners of many evil spirits face each other. They thought that this time they were still stupid. Who knows that Yi Tianyun won with his own strength and let them look at each other.

"There is still a bit of strength, that is, the sacred Tianzun Lingbao is a bit more... It seems that he killed the Tianzun, but it is quite a lot."

"I have never seen him before, I don't know where it came from..."

Although Yi Tianyun did not use the power of doom, he still became the focus!

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