Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1646: More stupid

Yi Tianyun won three games in a row and immediately became the focus of many evil spirits. Yi Tianyun wanted this effect. He is not afraid of high-profile, but more and more high-profile is better, in order to attract the attention of the evil emperor, but also to attract the attention of the magic moon.

However, the most fascinating month is a faint look at this side, and there is not much interest. However, if you think about it carefully, there are so many differences, and the magical moon is the real genius. He just came up to help.

Even if you get the first, at most, it is said that the potential is good, but if you want to sneak into the moon, it is impossible. Therefore, Yi Tianyun's intention at the beginning is to let the evil emperor optimistic about himself. It is best to let himself join the guard team or something, so that he can approach the magical moon.

At the same time, you can go deep into the enemy and explore more information.

Although he won three games in a row, he was not the most dazzling in the audience. The audience was the most dazzling, and there were still many people. There are several evil spirits who are extremely powerful. From the very beginning, they have crushed each other's existence, and even the awakening is useless!

Yi Tianyun can only say that there are bright spots, and it is the most dazzling. If you try more than one game at a time, he can only pay attention to a small number of people here, and not as much as the evil spirits concerned.

So after the end of the test, I will continue to the next game soon. The rest of the guards of Gokye’s gods either died or failed, and the rest was only Yi Tianyun.

"Yes, you are ready to get into the top 20, continue to work harder, give me the top five!" Gokye God began to get excited, even the previous anger was forgotten.

He just wants Yi Tianyun to win this game and reach the top five! In this way, you can get rewards to win glory for him.

"Adult, I will work harder. But now I have a little less resources on hand, such as awakening crystallize something, these are basically gone." Yi Tianyun looked at him.

"Is there any waking crystals?" Gokye didn't think about it. He put a few pieces in it. "You can hold these crystals. If you need them, you can use them. If you use them at will, you will not be able to play in the next game." !"

After the awakening, the overdraft was very powerful. Before a lot of evil spirits won, the situation has become very bad, the next battle can be played, the chances of losing are great.

"I will pay attention." Yi Tianyun took the things given by Gokye God. Anyway, these things should not be white. He still doesn't know the awakening crystal, and has no effect on the evil spirits.

With more and more trials, Yi Tianyun gradually entered the top ten, and soon came to decide the top five battle.

The more you reach the back, the stronger your opponents face. Now he is faced with a very powerful evil spirit. The upper level of the upper level of the heavens, the cultivation of the strong, the blood is strong, the key is the ability is equally powerful.

This battle is determined to be the top five, which is an important one.


The other party did not hesitate to wake up. Before that, they did not wake up. When they faced Yi Tianyun, they awakened without hesitation. Eleven arms emerged, and one more arm than the upper apocalypse.

It means that his strength is about to enter the level of the gods. The arrogant breath is released from his body, and the black body is wrapped around a black snake, which looks extremely evil.

"You are qualified to let me wake up to fight... you also wake up, or don't say I didn't give you a chance." Suo Tian Tianz stared at Yi Tianyun coldly.

"To deal with you, I don't need any awakening." Yi Tianyun shook his head.

Such a arrogant move made the evil spirits under the audience shake their heads and felt that Yi Tianyun was really big. This is the top five, which means that the opponents are extremely strong.

The opponent who was already strong was awakened, and he still didn't wake up, that is too big. Originally, Yi Tianyun’s cultivation was weaker than his opponent. Now he still plays this one. Isn’t that looking for death?

"Is this guy thinking that the opponent will be so stupid, an accident?"

"That is, if there is a problem with Suo Tian Tian Zun, the rest of the Tian Zun has a problem!"

"Nothing, we just watched him being beaten into patties. The weak is this kind of end, especially stupid, this is the end!"

They couldn't help but laugh, no sympathy, only endless ridicule.

"Idiot, what are you doing, hurry to awaken me! Your opponent is very strong, if you don't wake up, you will lose!" Gokye quickly sent a voice to Yi Tianyun, wanting him to wake up with him.

In his opinion, it is enough to not be the first, or the top three, to reach the top five. Moreover, he felt that the limit of Yi Tianyun is the top five, and the top three is impossible.

Therefore, he has to break out with all his strength. It is enough to go in and not to go deeper.

Yi Tianyun turned a deaf ear to his voice, and still did his own thing, simply ignored it.

"Ready to let him face to face!" Yi Tianyun said to the **** of doom.

"No problem!" Doom God made a snap, which was a piece of cake for her.

"It seems that you are quite confident about your strength." Suo Tiantian's tone is cold and cold: "However, you will soon pay for your stupidity!"


Suo Tian Tian Zun directly attacked, and like other evil spirits, they all burst into various treasures. When preparing to attack here, a special amount of energy is passed.

Suddenly, the Tianzun Lingbao, which is condensing strength, bursts directly next to him!


Along with a loud noise, the power of Suo Tian Tian Zun suddenly became confused, but he quickly stabilized his figure, stepped on the ground, and suddenly slipped under his feet, it was actually falling down!

At the moment he fell, a shadow had flashed to him, waving a hard fist and slamming it on his head.


Another loud noise, Suo Tiantian's head was directly slammed on the ground, giving a boiled meat sauce!

This way of death, once again appeared in front of many evil spirits. First, I lost control, causing energy to dissipate and explode myself.

Fortunately, his foundation is good, he can immediately stabilize the impact of this power, but it is slipped under his feet. If you look carefully, you still step on the top of the gods who are bombed!

This will explode, so that he can no longer hold his body, and he was succeeded by Yi Tianyun. One stroke spike, no slightest drag, as if everything is expected.

All the evil spirits are looking dumbfounded. I thought that Suo Shen Tian Zun would not be stupid. I didn't expect to be stupid. I was as stupid as the evil spirits.

Before saying that Suo Tiantian would not make such a mistake, he is now being beaten. Don't say stupid, it's even more stupid than the previous one!

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