Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1647: Awakening

"it is good!"

Gokye God is a glimpse first, then clap your hands! No matter what Yi Tianyun used to win, this is his strength.

He thought that Yi Tianyun would lose, who knows that he actually won this game! This means getting into the top five, and whether you win or lose, you won't have any problems with the top five.

"What do you do, this is a problem? Is this Suo Zhanzun eating the wrong thing, or is there a problem with the control of power, how can it suddenly explode?"

"That is, it is estimated that the power of awakening is used too little, so that it is not controlled!"

"I really envy the kid, so I won the next game. I thought it would be a dangerous one. Now it is easy to win. It’s funny!"

They are envious of Yi Tianyun's envy, easily enter the top five, can you not feel envious? In exchange for other opponents, it is estimated that Suzuki Tianzun is crushed.

In the face of the envy of many evil spirits, Yi Tianyun ignored them and went straight down to return to Gokye.

"Wait, let's admit defeat, understand!" Gokye said immediately.

"Hurry to admit defeat?" Yi Tianyun stunned, and immediately knew the meaning of Gokye.

Gokye God is afraid that he will be killed and will let him admit defeat. If it is dead, even the second place is useless. People are dead, what are you talking about?

"Yes, you will have more dangers if you continue! If you can enter a higher ranking, I am of course very happy, but for your safety, I will quickly admit defeat." Gokye persuaded: "Even if not The first place, the current ranking, is enough to get a reward."

"Gay Kay, I don't agree with this. I want to do the best, I don't want to be the bottom of the bottom!" Yi Tianyun retorted.

"But if you are dead, you have nothing!" Gokye gods gnash their teeth, really want to slap a shot and die, I don't want to listen, this is the place that makes him the most headache.

In exchange for other men, even if it is a Tianzun level, I want to shoot him flat. Now Yi Tianyun is the key existence, which determines his reputation, and dare to do it freely.

"You are so sure, will I die?" Yi Tianyun said indifferently.

"This is not afraid of 10,000, just afraid of it. There are several strong people in the back, and even they are going to step into the gods level. For this challenge, they also put the death to death in the upper level. If they are not for this contest, they have already broken through the gods!"

"You are doing this, and in the face of the gods, what do you think is the best chance?"

Gokye God is going to be blown up. If he doesn't listen to his own words, can he not be bombarded?

"There is still this situation?" Yi Tianyun looked up at the remaining contestants, those who are indeed very strong, compared to most of the superior Tianzun late strong, must be strong.

He is also very strong in the original, originally to participate in this test, deliberately put the repair to death at this level. After the end of this matter, it is estimated that each one has broken through.

This is too sinister, basically equal to facing a god.

"Yes, I am here for you, but also for me, understand!" Gokye God felt that he was very suffocating. If he had signed a slave contract with Yi Tianyun before, there would not be so many things happening.

Now, instead, he is asking for Yi Tianyun. Naturally, he will not say that he wants to establish a slave contract.

"Well, I will look at it." Yi Tianyun said faintly.

Yi Tianyun will not pay attention to the words of Gokye, and he must do things according to his own ideas.

Gokye God saw Yi Tianyun’s attitude so that his forehead could rise, but he could only endure it. So many people look at it, he wants to start, it is not easy to do.

If you are not obedient, he will not stay!

"It's damn, hopefully don't let me down!" Gokye bitten his teeth.

The results were soon compared to the test, and the remaining rankings appeared one after another. In the end, it was the turn of Yi Tianyun to test again. He faced one of the strongest people who wanted to break through the power of the gods. He stood in front of Yi Tianyun with a blank expression.

"I don't know what kind of tricks you use, but all the intrigues are in vain struggles in front of me!"

Zuo Long Tianzun’s palms clenched, and the power of darkness condensed in the palm of his hand. The next moment, he took the initiative to attack the Yi Tianyun.

"Doom God, as usual!" Yi Tianyun lazy to pay attention to this Zuolong Tianzun, anyway, no matter what, directly smashing the power of a bunch of doom.

The doomsday gods immediately exerted the power of doom. After they went out, they were actually bounced off by Zuolong Tianzun, and there was no use at all.

"Useless?" Doom Tianshen was shocked: "The situation of this Zuolong Tianzun is very unusual. It seems to have a physique that resists the power of doom..."

Everyone's situation is different, some have a resistance to some bad luck, and Zuolong Tianzun is one of them.

"Useless?" Yi Tianyun sighed, thought that as before, can easily deal with, it seems not simple now.

Immediately, he smiled and said: "If it is useless, then rely on the fist to deal with it!"

Followed by Yi Tianyun is directly arrogant, and Zuo Long Tianzun is hard to squat, and wants to be strong and sturdy with Zuo Long Tian Zun.


Under the first impact collision, Yi Tianyun flew out, and the powerful body was sag. In contrast, Zuolong Tianzun had nothing at all, and completely crushed Yi Tianyun.

"You have this strength? Then I am too disappointed!" Zuo Longtianzun looked at him with disdainful eyes. He thought that Yi Tianyun could play with himself. Now it seems that he can't take a few strokes. .

"The gap in power is really too big. It depends on this body. It is really difficult to fill it back." Yi Tianyun shook his head and continued to do so. He must have lost.

The strength of the other side is so strong, if you can't rely on the power of doom, it is really difficult to fill.

There are only two ways to fill this gap. The first is to use the evil spirits orbs, and the second is to use the awakening spar!

If you use the evil spirits orbs now, it will expose your strength too soon, so he wants to mobilize the awakening spar.


Yi Tianyun took out the awakening spar, and put it into his mouth, and began to madly release it with the blood of the body.


Behind the scenes quickly emerged with wings, ten large arms, and the momentum surged up. It seems that even if it is a bad spirit, it can still be awakened.

The evil spirits are basically the integration of the evil blood of the evil spirits, and it is not unexpected that they can successfully awaken.

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